Chapter 1426

In my mind, I flashed across the hot spring pool, leaving my back covered with wounds in the black Ganoderma lucidum water.

So similar, should not be wrong.

What's more, after two days of observation in the killing area, the wind and wings are also consistent with what she thinks. It should be eight or nine.

Yun Li is so horrible that he created such a powerful killing environment through his own media.

It is because he doesn't want to lose himself too fast that he suffers so much pain, so he needs to use the pain of the wound to keep his mind clear all the time.

Gazing at the contemplative and beautiful face, the eyes of nightmare are a little deep. After a moment, the lips of the demon are slightly raised.

"Even if you know that the medium of killing territory is Yun Li himself, you are also in killing territory now, what can you do?"

Moon night a Leng, slightly hesitated for a while, then his hands together ten, knot a print out, close his eyes, a moment later, but frown opened his eyes.

"Haha, in the killing environment, you can't contact the outside world in any way." Said Yan with a smile.

Indeed, even through the boundless beasts, we cannot connect with the outside world.

Seeing her frown, Feng Lianyi smiled and said, "it doesn't matter. Find a place to sit down and think slowly."

No matter how dangerous he is, he is always so calm.

There is less than a day left. If we can't get out of here, he and nightmare will die.

On the night of the moon, I sipped my lips and said nothing. However, there was a kind of anxiety in my heart.

The three men sat down on the edge of the cliff, facing the strong wind, and silently watched the growing cracks in the sky.

"Yun is cruel enough to leave that guy. There is no medium. He is more powerful than himself. So such a killing situation is foolproof."

Listening to Yan's smile, moon night not only asks, "what did you use as a medium to create a killing environment?"

"The one who killed jin'er." Yan said without hesitation.

Moon night slightly a Zheng, as if thinking to see him.

With a charming smile and a sudden reversal of all living beings, "it's your grandfather."

I knew that xuanyuanjin's death was involved. At the beginning, Yan said that a strong man like xuanyuanjin was invincible, but he died in childbirth. You can imagine how much he hated that man.

If it wasn't for him, xuanyuanjin would not die so early. If she succeeded in refining the seven broken pills, she could keep her soul forever. If she didn't die, she would not let the nightmare fall into the devil.

After her success in reshaping the spirit, she found that Xuanyuan was painstakingly studying the seven broken pills, in fact, because she knew the anti phagocytic power of the boundless beasts, in order to break the curse.

Unfortunately, she died too early, otherwise, how could there be the tragedy of nightmare and Yun Li?

"He has nothing to do with me." Said coldly on the night of the moon, that was the grandfather of the princess of the North moon. It had nothing to do with her.

As soon as nightmare thought about it, he nodded, relaxed, and half jokingly said, "that guy's body is too weak. No matter how many panacea I use to keep his body healthy, it's useless. If not, I would have killed Xuanyuan and asked Heaven. How could I be sealed by him?"

I thought of the first World War and was still angry.

On the night of the moon, I lost my smile, and I was still haunted by some things in the past.

"A small bellied man." Said the moon, shaking its head.