Chapter 3815

Shoulders completely I can't work out!

He Zixin fell to the ground and breathed hard. He didn't know whether the bone of his shoulder had been broken.

The pain was so severe that she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

And even if she can stand up now, with her shoulders like this, she doesn't have the strength to push the door open.

It seems that she really wants to die here as song Yue said!

But fortunately, modesty didn't come. In this case, she will die!

At least she won't drag others down!

Think about it, maybe she should be glad that she and he have broken up. If they haven't broken up yet, he will come to save her anyway if he knows she is in danger.

Now, after breaking up, he has no feelings for her, and naturally he won't come!

Obviously, it's a good thing, but in my heart, I still can't help feeling a sense of loss.

She thought That's because she still loves him, so she's lost.

Slowly closed her eyes. She hoped she could have a dream and dream of him before she died. In that case, even if it was death, the pain would be less.

Suddenly, there was a sound mixed with the sound of falling gravel. It was The sound of pushing the door.

Is she hearing hallucinations? He Zixin thought to himself.

Then he Zixin said, "are you still alive, he Zixin?"

Is auditory hallucination still going on? She continued to think that it was the voice of Yi Qian's words. Unexpectedly, the voice of Yi Qian's words would be heard in her ear.

Is this God's kindness to her?

Suddenly, she felt someone holding her body.

The heavy gasp sounded in her ear.

Is this also an illusion? He Zixin suddenly opened his eyes and saw the familiar face - it was Yi Qianci!

Just now, his face and body are full of dust, his clothes are even scratched in many places, and there is a blood stain on his forehead, which is mixed with the dust on his face.

"If you still have strength, hold me tight and I'll take you out!" The hoarse voice sounded again.

Is it really him? He Zixin stared at the person in front of him, "you... Leave me alone, get out of here... Want to explode... Put me down... Get out of here..."

She said intermittently, but the dust around her raised fiercely. Every time she said a word, she felt that her mouth was full of dust, choking her almost unable to speak.

Yi Qianci didn't have time to pay attention to what he Zixin said. He picked her up and rushed out of the auditorium. The explosion would happen at any time.

He once glanced at the explosion schedule before. If the sequence and time of the explosion are really as shown in the figure, the next fourth blasting building is the auditorium.

The most important thing now is to get away from the auditorium!

He Zixin only felt that the whole person was like flying. Yi Qianci held her and rushed out of the auditorium at a very fast speed. However, the ground outside was full of gravel, large and small, and the ground was uneven. Even the waste materials of the bombed buildings nearby were pouring in like an avalanche.

If he put her down, his speed would be faster, but

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