Chapter 114: the interview

Chapter 114 Interview

After Lu Ning refused several times, he thought that this matter would really pass this time.

She didn't do anything, she didn't get paid for nothing, she couldn't really accept it.

But the more she wanted things to pass quickly, the more people began to pay attention.

For example, the school has begun to pay attention to this matter.

Lu Ning: "..."

When Lu Ning saw Shen Guang coming, he realized that something was wrong.

Shen Guang is an advanced door as the principal.

Maybe because he understood Lu Ning's temperament, he gave Lu Ning a helpless look when he entered the door to prepare her mentally, and then greeted Lu Ning's parents. Before the greeting was over, another group of people came in, and Take the camera.

? ? ?

Didn’t you say you won’t interview?

It turned out that the media had opened up the relationship with the school, and Lu Ning was a senior in high school. In order to show her concern and support, the teachers of the school also participated in this interview.

After they talked a lot, Lu Ning directly stated his request, and she accepted it only if she could do it.

The media also accepted it.

During the questioning period, most of the questions were from the school teachers. Lu Ning seldom said anything, and only answered a few words when she was really asked.

The reporter in charge of the interview at the end asked Lu Ning if he had anything to summarize.

Lu Ning was silent. He thought she didn't want to answer, but when it was about to end, Lu Ning suddenly spoke.

"Children are important members of the family. Their disappearance will make their family members feel miserable. This matter is very sad. I hope that such a topic will not become the target of some people who want to gossip. If everyone really Care about these, pay attention to these, please pay attention to the tiny clues around you, and provide clues and help for those parents who have not yet found their children.

The final result of this matter has nothing to do with me, it’s just that I was injured, so everyone focused on me and felt that I was the one who should be most grateful.

But in fact, all this is because of the decisiveness and bravery of the police uncles. They are the ones who catch the bad guys. They are the ones who should be interviewed and thanked. Everything is well deserved, and I still hope that everyone will look away from me and pay more attention to these victimized families, so as to help them reunite as soon as possible.

thanks. "

She said so many words so suddenly, these people were stunned.

Shen Guang looked at them: "Okay, let's stop here today, the child is also tired."

Those people said a few last polite words and left with their things.

The teachers at the school helped Lu Ning make some study plans, and some teachers would come to the hospital to give her tutoring.

Lu Ning wanted to shirk but was stopped by Shen Guang.

The school will finally publish this interview and event on the relevant campus platform.

Lu Ning's refusal was invalid, so he could only lie flat and accept it.

Lu Ning was always accompanied by someone, Shen Guang couldn't speak, so he didn't say much, and after a few words of advice, he took the people away.

When Lu Ning thought that he could finally calm down a bit, Huo Jinyan came that night.

When he came, there was only Lu Ning in the ward, Lu Zhi went to pick up Lu Jingzhi, Shen Yunci went home to get things, Lu Qing didn't know where to go.

Lu Ning didn't know it was Huo Jinyan. She was lying half-kneeling on two pillows. This position was a little more comfortable.

But half-kneeling looks like pouting buttocks, Huo Jinyan was stunned when he came in.

(end of this chapter)