Chapter 266: Lu Qing saw it

Chapter 266 Lu Qing saw it

Finally, in his dream, the picture he saw of Zhao Lingling putting the necklace in Lu Ning's bag changed to Lu Yuean putting the necklace in Lu Ning's bag to frame her.

He was uneasy, but he didn't want Lu Ning and Lu Yue'an to be hurt because of this, neither of them wanted to.

So he gave Lu Ning a schoolbag and asked her to count things one by one. If she found the necklace, she would take it out. If she didn't find the necklace, it would stay in the old schoolbag. He would find a time to quietly send it back to Lu Yuean. There is still room for redemption.

Looking at Lu Ning did not mention it in the morning, he probably forgot to check the side pocket, the necklace is still in the old schoolbag.

He was relieved that she could change her schoolbag.

Necklaces are not what they want to do, so they probably can't do it.

He thought so, but he still felt faintly uneasy.

Looking at Lu Ning and the others defeating an opponent and continuing the match with another team, and finally winning the game about ten minutes later, Lu Qing thought, it's over, and nothing more should happen.

He has read the school's publicity page, and the last item is group rope skipping, which he knows.

Class 9 won the final competition, and everyone was cheering. People in Class 9 were still jumping and running and cheering despite their tired legs trembling.

Lin Ci was about to cry, hugged Lu Ning tightly and shouted: "I'm exhausted!"

Lu Ning smiled and hugged her.

Lu Jingzhi ran over excitedly, passed through the crowd and hugged Lu Ning's leg.

Guan Chiyue and Chen Xingqian ran in after him, and both gave Lu Ning a hug.

The happiness of teenagers and girls is always so simple.

Lu Ning bent over and hugged Lu Jingzhi, the two smiled and looked at each other, and Lu Qing who was not far away quietly took a picture of this scene with his mobile phone.

Immediately after the game, there will be an awards ceremony.

The final score is based on the points of each class, and each game has different points superimposed.

The people in Class Nine of Hesitation contributed a lot of bright moments, so the well-deserved first place is Class Nine of Senior Three.

This is the first time that Class Nine has won an honor in such a large-scale school competition, and it is such a high honor as the first place! It seemed as if he had scratched his last high school career, and he was extremely happy and excited.

The school even made a podium and made trophies.

The final award-giving session was originally announced by the principal, but a group of people couldn't find the principal, so the vice-principal had to replace it.

"Okay! Classmates, now we invite our third place in the total score of the sports meeting—Class One and One High School!"

People from class one and one in high school cheered and stood next to the third place on the podium. Only three people were sent to stand on the podium. Among them was the little white boy Li Yang. Li Yang was very happy. Smiling and holding up the trophy with the students.

Lu Ning smiled and looked back silently.

"The second place is - Class 6, Grade 2!"

People in Class 6 smiled happily at the camera holding the silver trophy.

"Okay! Next is our first place, they are - Class 9, Senior Three!"

The cheers of Class Nine were loud, and I don't know who started it. Standing behind the first place on the podium, someone suddenly grabbed Lu Ning's calf, and then a group of people lifted her to the top of the podium. in the position of one.

In their eyes, Lu Ning is the well-deserved MVP of this game.

Lu Ning changed from fright to surprise, smiled and took the gold trophy from the principal, and finally took a photo under the command of the photographer. Shot Bier's happy smiley face.

Lu Qing couldn't help but bent his lips and smiled, but turned around and saw Lu Yue'an who was trotting back anxiously...

I found that skipping booking is serious, crying, come to ask for a full subscription, can you give a full subscription~ (I didn’t force everyone to buy it~ everyone still subscribes on demand, it’s just about grades and I hope the babies who are economically allowed Can you give me a full subscription~ Babies who are not capable enough, let’s just subscribe according to your preferences~ Do you love you~)

(end of this chapter)