Chapter 294: animals have temper

Chapter 294 Animals also have tempers

Lin Ci couldn't help laughing: "She was so stubborn when she was young."

Lu Jingzhi passed by on a pony, and retorted unwillingly: "My sister is not stubborn."

Lin Ci lowered his eyes and turned to look at him: "How long have you known your sister? She is so stubborn when she meets something she really cares about. You will know when you really meet her."

Lu Jingzhi pouted, and Lin Ci looked at him and smiled: "Don't believe me, believe me, don't mess with your sister, if she really encounters a minefield and she becomes stubborn, no one can persuade her, and then you will definitely not be able to persuade her." It doesn't matter."

Lu Jingzhi replied, "No way."

But I still remembered these words in my heart.

The horse trainer couldn't help laughing when he heard the two talking, and looked at Lu Jingzhi while laughing: "Little friend, you should trust this sister, your sister is really stubborn."

Hearing this, Lin Ci became interested. He lay on the horse and looked at the horse trainer: "Did she still have a lot of things when she was young? Tell me quickly."

Lu Jingzhi looked at Lin Ci seriously: "Miss Ci, you can't inquire about other people's affairs behind their backs."

Lin Ci clicked his tongue: "What do you know, I care about my friends."

The horse trainer couldn't help laughing when he saw the two of them: "It's quite a lot, but there is one thing that is very interesting, and we still find it funny when we think about it."

"What ah what!"

Lin Ci couldn't help asking, and Lu Jingzhi couldn't help pricking up his ears.

The two horse trainers looked at each other, and while pulling them for a stroll around the field, they said: "When Lin Lang first came here, she had a bad temper and often fought with other horses..."

"Horses also fight?"

"Yes, in fact, it is no different from humans, animals also have tempers."

"Hahaha, what happened later."

The horse trainer continued: "Lin Lang has a big temper and is aggressive. No horse can beat him, but then a more aggressive horse came. When the two of them went out for a walk together, they fought. The horse trainer was kicked twice and dared not go over.

In the end, Miss Lu came and cured Lin Lang, and the horse stopped, but Lin Lang was bleeding from the bitten body, which made Miss Lu feel bad, and angrily said that she was going to castrate the horse, but it turned out to be a Mare. "

Hearing this Lin Ci couldn't help laughing.

"and after?"

"Later, Ms. Lu thought that horse was not pleasing to the eye, and often wanted to trouble the horse, but the horse knew her and wouldn't let her get close. After trying a few times, Ms. Lu didn't do anything else. We thought she forgot about it, separated Lin Lang from the mare and never let them hang out together.

But after a long time, Ms. Lu told us that she came to see the horses today, and let us leave her alone, and we went to serve other customers, but it didn’t take long before we heard the horses’ barking, and many horses came together Call, we were startled and thought something was wrong and we all went to the stable, but we saw Miss Lu throwing things into the mare stable.

She didn't know it was firecrackers until she came, and she didn't know where she got them, so she threw a few into the mare's stable. disgusting.

She is very clean. Miss Lu's firecrackers made her covered in horse manure. Miss Lu did it on purpose. She didn't hurt the horse, but the horse was so angry that it rushed out of the stable and ran out to chase her. He ran while shouting, and scolded the mare.

Just remember Lin Lang's revenge for being bitten. "

(end of this chapter)