Chapter 199

Old Tom's status in Europe and the world is just like Einstein's in physics. It's not easy for him to manage this business because of his terrible influence and deep network resources.

It's just because of old Tom's full help that this small team led by Meng Yu is not very efficient. Many of them need to work at least half a year or even a year in advance. In one or two days, they have finished the work ahead of time, and there is no delay to attend the flower show.

It is precisely because of this cooperation that Meng Yu has a new and deeper understanding of Tom's status and great influence in the flower industry.

Of course, Li Zhe was not aware of all this.

This time to Holland, for Mengyu, it is doomed to be a busy race against time if they want to finish the workload of the past six months or even a year in seven days.

But for Li Zhe, it's none of his business.

When he came to Holland this time, he was forced to be a strong man when he was very tired at the beginning, which was really a bit hard. In the remaining days, he was completely releasing himself and had a perfect public tour.

In recent days, accompanied by old Tom, Li Zhe wandered around the whole Netherlands, completely ignoring the sad eyes and pouting mouth of several beautiful women around him.

Seven days is very short. And in the Meng fish they so crazy busy, is like a fleeting, flash away.

Soon, it's time for the international flower show.

On this day, early in the morning, Li Zhe, who finally got his own independent room, was awakened by a crazy doorbell.

When lisuo gets up and opens the door, Li Zhe is surprised to see that Meng Yu and other beauties are all ready. He is standing outside the door, looking at him angrily.

These days, because Li Zhe completely let go of himself and refused to help them share the busy work, the impression of several beauties on him has plummeted.

If it wasn't for him, the cultivator and inventor of the seven color flower that even Einstein and old Tom of flower arts adore, I'm afraid Li Zhe would have been rushed back to Dahua by angry beauties who picked up all kinds of furniture in the hotel room.

Completely ignoring the eyes of several beauties who were about to burst into flames, Li Zhe said "just a moment" to them, and then closed the door with a bang.

By the time the door opened again two minutes later, he had finished washing and his whole body was completely new.

"Well, one minute and forty-five seconds. You're lucky this time."

It was not until Li Zhe reached out to take the door of the hotel behind him and stood in front of several beauties that he looked down at the stopwatch in his hand. Then he looked up at Li Zhe and said, "hurry up, the flower show is about to open."

As early as the day before yesterday, the flowers exhibited by Jiangcheng flower group had been transported to Holland by air, and had been put into the warehouse provided by the organizer of the flower exhibition.

In the early morning today, the staff of the group have already rushed to the exhibition site early to prepare for the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

Only Meng Yu, a senior leader, and these beautiful women who have been busy a few days ago and are now free, have the time to wait for Li Zhe to rush to the exhibition site.

There's no way. If you can, Mengyu really wants to kick this disgusting guy back to China.

Unfortunately, she can't.

Without Li Zhe, the inventor and cultivator of seven color flowers, it would be meaningless for Jiangcheng flower group to participate in this flower exhibition.

Sitting in the rental car, all the way fast, soon came to the scene of the flower show.

The next step is a lengthy process that is necessary for all large-scale activities around the world, such as the opening ceremony speech of leaders, literary and artistic performances, which the people may not like to see and hear, but must accept.

By the time all this was over and the exhibition was officially started, more than four hours had passed. At this time, impatient people, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately swarmed in. Visitors and businessmen also talked about business.

The huge exhibition site is full of people. In front of the exhibition booths, the staff are busy. They enthusiastically introduce all kinds of flowers to the visitors and strive to develop these potential customers.

Thanks to the help of old Tom, although Jiangcheng flower group came the latest, it got a very good position. At the moment, visitors are also swarming. The surging crowd is so large that people like Meng Yu have to put down their work and act as temporary commentators.

The staff of Jiangcheng flower group, including Mengyu, are in a crazy busy time, but Li Zhe seems bored.Originally, Meng Yu pulled him as the treasure of Jiangcheng flower group. Naturally, he would not be used so easily. What's more, Li Zhe is not familiar with other kinds of flowers of Jiangcheng flower group except for the seven color flowers he has cultivated. Even if he wants to be like Mengyu, he is also powerless to act as a temporary commentator.

As a result, he had to take a nap in a chair when others were busy.

"Li Zhe, Li Zhe!"

Just as Li Zhe was so bored that he was dozing off, he suddenly heard a familiar voice calling his name eagerly.

There was some doubt in his heart. Li Zhe looked up and saw old Tom, struggling through the dense crowd, coming to him. Looking at him, he said happily, "what are you doing? It looks like you're at leisure! "

"Yes, as you can see, I can't help at all here."

These days, old Tom has been taking him around all the time, so Li Zhe's liking for Einstein in the field of flower art is also the rise of miso.

Now hearing old Tom ask him, Li Zhe can't help but frown and say something melancholy.

I didn't expect to hear Li Zhe say that. Old Tom didn't look down on him. He was even overjoyed. He grabbed his arm and pulled him up and walked out. He said happily, "Oh, that's great. You get up quickly and follow me. I'll take you to meet some people."

Li Zhe also wants to ask who to meet. But then he reacted.

I'm kidding. If you want to see someone, just think about the identity of old Tom and where he is now, then you can understand completely?

In the flower exhibition, old Tom is an Einstein in Europe and even in the world. Who can he take him to? Aren't they the people in the flower art world?

Sure enough, Li Zhe was not wrong.

Old Tom took him, shuttling back and forth in the dense crowd, and soon came to a spacious and bright room with elegant decoration.

He asked Li Zhe to go in with him. Old Tom took Li Zhe into the room and said with a smile to some old men who were chatting in the room, "everyone, please stop. Please allow me to introduce Mr. Li Zhe, a talented young man from the Oriental flower art world."

Old Tom's voice was very excited, and after that, he also looked forward to the applause of the people in the room.

However, when he felt extremely embarrassed, after he had said this sentence for a long time, the applause he expected did not come as expected.

Several old men in the room looked at Li Zhe standing at the entrance of the room. After a long time, an old man with a pipe in his mouth and a tuft of goatee finally opened his mouth and said suspiciously: "Oriental? Old Tom, is that the young Oriental you introduced to us? "

The old man goat Hu's eyes were full of sarcasm when he looked at Li Zhe. After his words, the other old men in the room also roared with laughter.

Hearing their disdainful laughter, old Tom's face turned red, and he clenched his fist to argue with them.

Li Zhe, on the other hand, glanced at some old men around the room with cold eyes and said with a sneer in his heart, "Oh, why do you look down on us easterners? The dog's eyes look down on people. What's that

"Gentlemen, gentlemen, I think you have misunderstood that Mr. Li Zhe is a rare talented young man in the field of flower art. The new varieties of flowers cultivated by him, even if I am a bad old man who has been in the field of flower art for decades, I also feel sorry for myself."

When Li Zhe sneered in his heart, old Tom clenched his fists and rushed to some old men in the room. He yelled at them: "please don't wear colored glasses to see others, and judge race by color. This young Mr. Li Zhe has cultivated a new variety of flowers, which I have personally seen at the flower exhibition in Luoyang, China. It is indeed a very rare new variety, and it is very beautiful. "

Old Tom was kind-hearted and wanted to introduce Li Zhe to his colleagues in the flower industry. However, he didn't expect that his colleagues, the diehards, were still racists.

Born with the racial superiority of "white supremacy", they did not even see the seven color flowers cultivated by Li Zhe, so they arbitrarily believed that the Oriental people did not understand the flower art.

This made old Tom feel very hurt, and he felt that he had been seriously insulted. He couldn't help roaring angrily: "I think if you are lucky enough to see his works, you will be ashamed of your arrogance just now."

However, for old Tom's anger, a few old men in the room did not care at all.

Just now, the old man with a pipe in his mouth and a bunch of goatee said with a smile, "works? Or a new breed? Hahaha, old Tom, don't be kidding"You are also a person who has been in the flower art field for decades. You are not a young man. Do you believe this kind of thing? You should know how hard it is to cultivate a new variety. It will take 20 years, at least, at least, 20 years. "

"It will take at least 20 years to develop a new variety, but look at the little guy around you. How old is he?"