Chapter 339

Her main goal is still on Yu Wenjin. At present, the suspicion on him is too big, but if you directly find Yu Wenjin, he will not admit it, so the breakthrough is still to find from the group of American agents!

As for Li Zhe can no longer tube, he is already his task to complete, find the matter to yuwenyan to do it.

Although Li Zhe wanted to give up and walk away, she was so kind.

Looking at Yu Wenyan with an expectant look in front of him, Li Zhe is also helpless to say:

"I don't know how to judge criminals. What do you want me to do with you?"

"Mr. Li Zhe, please come with me"

in the end, Yu Wenyan had already used the voice of almost coquetry, but Li Zhe had to give up his arms and give up, and he had to eat it.

Yuwenyan see Li Zhe agreed is also jubilant, let Li Zhe accompany her to the interrogation of the group of American agents, yuwenyan naturally has its own abacus in it.

If you want to get the information of the secret agent from the U.S., Yu Wenyan estimates that you can only start from Lucas, who is the most powerful and the most important in the secret agent. After all, Lucas is a friar of Huajin. His younger generation will inevitably lack weight in front of him, and he won't sincerely bow to himself to confess the secret agent, so he wants Li Zhe to accompany her.

It's mainly a deterrent, giving him psychological pressure, and it's also a kind of psychological hint, which makes Lucas feel that it's not insulting to bow to a stronger man than him!

Because Lucas and other U.S. agents were detained at Sima's interrogation site, Yu Wenyan also said hello to Sima Zichao in advance. Now Sima's family knows Li Zhe's amazing strength, so they won't stop them. Although they have been captured by Sima's family according to the agreement, it's actually Yuwen's family, When Li Zhe and Yu Wenyan see Lucas, it is obvious that he has already received some simple treatment, and he has not coughed up blood, so he will not die of serious injury. However, it can still be seen that Lucas is in a very weak state, and Li Zhe's power of hitting him with all his strength makes him still unable to slow down Come on.

However, Sima's family is still in strict preparation. Sima Zichao, with a few worshippers of dark strength, is here to guard Lucas, and there is no place five meters away from Lucas' solitary prison. After all, Lucas is not only a friar of Huajin, but also a master of using poison.

Seeing Yu Wenyan and Li Zhe coming, especially Li Zhe, Sima Zi was relieved when he met him.

Seeing that the Sima family was so nervous, Li Zhe patted the Sima Zichao on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"don't be so nervous. He won't have any fighting power in a short time after I hit him with all my strength. Even if he doesn't have a month to recover, I'm afraid it won't work!"

Li Zhe is very confident in his strength which is tempered by forging.

Sima Zichao was relieved when he heard Li Zhe say that, but he was also shocked by Li Zhe's strength again. The other side was a Hua Jin friar, and Li Zhe understated that the other side couldn't recover from his full attack for a month?

Sima Zichao retreated after Li Zhe and Yu Wenyan entered the interrogation room, leaving them a separate interrogation Environmental Science.

When Lucas saw Li Zhe, his eyes were in a frenzy, and he immediately yelled at Li Zhe regardless of his injury:

"how did you do it? You were obviously poisoned by me, and the spirit power was blocked. How could you defeat me? Is my poison really useless to you? "

The lunatic Lucas startles Yu Wenyan. He can't help but step back two steps. Li Zhe grabs her slender waist, which stops her.

Li Zhe felt the slender waist that he could hold in his hands. He was also in a state of depression. It's hard to imagine that the strength of the dark power peak was also contained in the suburban body.

Yuwenyan is hugged by Li Zhe, naturally, but Lucas doesn't have half a point of what's so-called embarrassed, for he just a moment will provide his own informant to give out the behavior.

However, Lucas is now very sober. Yuwenjin, as a secret agent, has always only one-way contact with him. Now that he is caught, yuwenjin has no effect. Moreover, Lucas has no pressure to sell this kind of traitor. Besides, he wants to know why his poison is harmful to Li Zhe It doesn't work.

"Now you can tell me why my poison has no effect on you?"

"Don't worry, you'll tell me all about the traitor first!"

Li Zhe also knows that Lucas can't sit down just by reporting a person's name. The traitor is Yu Wenjin, so he continues to say, let Lucas tell us all about the contact time and contact information.

Lucas naturally won't have any reservation. Anyway, all the words have been said, and all of them have been explained. Now he only thinks about why his poison is useless to Li Zhe. It's clear that Li Zhe has been poisoned, but then it seems that he has suddenly detoxified. Moreover, he said that he has detoxified Yu Wenyan's poison before.Yuwenyan recorded all the evidence that Lucas gave, only nodded to Li Zhe, indicating that it was enough.

Looking at Lucas with a crazy face, Li Zhe would not deceive him. When he came to Lucas's ear, he said:

"in fact, your poison is useful. I'm also poisoned. My spiritual power is indeed blocked, and I can't mobilize it at all!"

When Lucas heard Li Zhe's words, he was relieved that his poison was effective. Even friar Huajin couldn't escape the poison he had carefully developed. But then he was puzzled again, but Li Zhe defeated him after all.

Soon Li Zhe answered his doubts:

"don't you understand? I don't have any power at all

With that, Li zhebian and Yu Wenyan walk out of the interrogation room, leaving a crazy looking Lucas talking about it:

"no power... No power... No power!"

Lucas inside is completely crazy. He can't imagine that Li Zhe has defeated himself with no spiritual power. How is that possible?

Lucas was shocked when he calmed down a little. He recalled the scene at that time. He really didn't feel any spiritual fluctuation from Li Zhe. Moreover, Li Zhe didn't have any spiritual fluctuation when he dealt with his subordinates. He was immersed in his poison all the time. Why did he treat Li Zhe Invalid emotion, so I didn't pay attention.

In retrospect, Lucas's back suddenly broke out in a cold sweat!

"Is this man really horrible? Only by physical strength, I was defeated "

and Yu Wenyan, who was walking beside Li Zhe, was also surprised. She had just heard what Li Zhe said to Lucas in the interrogation room, even more shocked than she had confirmed that Yu Wenjin was the traitor of Yu Wen's family.

Li Zhe, you can defeat a monk of Huajin without spiritual power! This has subverted Yu Wenyan's cognition of the cultivation of ancient martial arts!

Before, she had never heard of anyone who could defeat a monk without spiritual power, just like ordinary people who did not have spiritual power and did not know how to practice could not defeat an ancient warrior. This is almost a common sense.

However, Li Zhe directly broke this common sense, and he was still facing a Hua Jin friar at the top of the cultivation world, which was just a fabulous existence.

Yuwenyan also remembers the scene at that time, when it suddenly changed, she didn't react at all, but after careful reflection, what she can be sure is that Li Zhe didn't use her spiritual power, because she didn't feel the fluctuation of spiritual power coming from Li Zhe.

You should know that although the fluctuation of spiritual power of friar Huajin is in a state of no waves in the ancient well, once the battle starts, the fluctuation of spiritual power in the body can be said to be as amazing as a landslide tsunami. If Li Zhe uses the spiritual power, she must be able to sense it!

In this era, ancient martial arts are just some last-class skills inherited from the ancient times, and the art of forging is totally lost, so Lucas and Yu Wenyan are so shocked when they hear Li Zhe's words, and feel that they have broken their cognition ·