Chapter 1010

The silver Cambridge appeared in the eyes of all the people in the room. At the same time, there was the lingering shock and surprise in the eyes of all the people.

"Jian Xiu is really strong!"

This is the most real idea in everyone's heart at the moment. Li Zhe's 16 pieces of power can even cut off the mountain.

"Open it for me!"

with Li Zhe's outburst, the mountain was originally cut by Li Zhe's sword light, and the sword light cut it again. Finally, the mountain was connected by the silver Cambridge, revealing the hollow cave space inside!

Through the gap cut by the sword light, a group of disciples of the immortal sect outside also saw the huge hollowed out mountain inside. A group of monks of the demon sect were staring at the gap on the top of their heads. Obviously, they were also shocked by Li Zhe's sword.

Li Zhe hung in the middle of the sky, looking at the monks in the mountainside, his face was also very cold:

"the fearless rats only dare to do it in secret, now we should ask you to try my method!"

the sixteen sword lights didn't return after breaking through the mountainside, and they were still hanging in the middle of the sky. At this moment, Li Zhe's voice just fell, and the sixteen sword lights connected Cambridge again, There are seven or eight monks in the cave, but Li Zhe didn't choose to divide the sword light to attack many monks at the same time.

Under the condition of not knowing each other's actual situation, these monks are all the cultivation of Jindan realm. Li Zhe did not dare to underestimate them. At this time, he connected the sixteen sword lights to Cambridge again and concentrated his strength on attacking a monk of Jindan. The purpose was to kill each other first, so as to frustrate the spirit of the other generation of monks, so as to make his own side demoralized because of the extraterritorial demons We need to be more courageous.

Li Zhe's thought was very clear, and he made a decision in an instant. Cambridge, which was made up of 16 swords, immediately found a monk who sat in the same place and closed his eyes.

His face was haggard, and there was an extraordinary flush on his pale face. When Li Zhe broke the mountainside, the rest of the monks subconsciously looked up. Only this man was still practicing with his eyes closed, which was obviously hurt. So Li Zhe was also staring at this monk for the first time.

Cambridge, which is composed of 16 swords, adjusted its angle slightly and attacked the haggard monk.

In a moment, the sword light was very sharp, and with incomparable momentum, it appeared in the eyes of the monks. These monks were also able to solve the problem in a moment of surprise. The target of Cambridge was the Taoist in the dark, and someone immediately called out:

"be careful, Taoist in the dark!"

The haggard Taoist was the master of the former son and mother Lianchong, who was killed by Li Zhe. His mind was damaged and he was cultivating and recuperating, so that he didn't care when Li Zhe started the mountain. After all, it took Li Zhe too short time to break through the mountainside.

Now Jianguang Chengqiao is attacking him. Even in the state of cultivation, he can feel a strong sense of crisis. In addition to the reminder of the demon monk, Taoist mohuang forced himself to retreat from the state of cultivation. However, his state of mind damage has not been restored. On the contrary, it has deepened.

Just now, he was using a secret method in the sect to recover the mental damage caused by his mother and son being cut off. However, if he forced to quit in the process of applying the secret method, it would cause another damage to the mental. The situation in front of him made Taoist Minghuang have no other choice but to quit by force.

He could not resist the discomfort of his mind. When he opened his eyes, the Taoist priest saw the scene that made his mind scared. A little bit of silver was growing in his eyes. Finally, it turned into a silver dragon like sword light. He didn't know that it was the external sword repair method.

Li Zhejian's way of light extreme sword is to the extreme. This speed can't be reflected by the Taoist in the dark. It's too late even for the monks who want to rescue.

Not to mention the dark yellow Taoist who faces Li Zhe's sword light, he can only subconsciously take out something to block himself, but it's too late. The silver dragon Cambridge has been running through the dark yellow Taoist's chest and then coming out from his back. The sixteen sword lights have twisted his internal organs, and his vitality has been completely cut off in an instant.

So that the face of the Taoist priest in the dark yellow still kept the same look of horror as before, and he still held the thing that he pulled out to save his life. It was a huge insect corpse, which was one of the unique means of the insect corpse sect. When in danger, the insect corpse could be used to kill, so the people of the insect corpse sect were always recognized as the most difficult to kill by other friars.

Just before Li zheji's sword, he didn't even have time to show it. The dark yellow Taoist was dead.

From the shadow of Taoist Li Zhe's sword light, a three inch yuan Ling came out, with unbelievable color on his face. But at this time, he didn't care so much. The yuan Ling turned his head and wanted to go to the insect corpse in his hand.

If he could occupy the body of the insect corpse, he would still have a chance to survive. Therefore, the yuan spirit of the dark yellow Taoist priest did not hesitate to float towards the insect corpse in his own hands.But how could Li Zhe give him a chance? The light of the sword suddenly turned around and twisted the yuan spirit together with the insect corpse in the hands of the Taoist priest in the dark yellow to pieces, turning into debris.

The golden elixir of the dark yellow Taoist also fell. He died completely, lost his soul and lost his chance of reincarnation.

"Dark yellow road friend!"

The other monks on one side witnessed all this with their own eyes, and they were also pathetic. They watched a monk of lingmen die in front of them, and they were all shocked.

Fortunately, there are still those sober people. Seeing that Li zhejianguang had not left, they immediately called out:

"you Taoist friends are not in the time of grief. Please stand up quickly, and don't miss the important event of our spiritual family!"

it was Sima Xin, the former Tianyin sect friar, and a group of demon sect Jindan friars, who responded and protected the spirit under themselves and others Acupoint is the most important thing. If something goes wrong, the loss is much greater than the death of a lingmen monk.

At that moment, someone said:

"Yangli Taoist friend, please use your means to stop this sword to repair it!"

the face of Yangli Taoist who was called out was also serious:

"it's the duty of the poor way!"

at that moment, Yangli Taoist was stirring up his whole body's mana with the color of sadness and indignation, and the white mist began to gush out from his sleeve robe again.

It's just that the fog is different from the previous fog that can lead people to fall into the dreamland. At the moment, the fog is very thick, and it can block the sight when it comes together, so we can't see the scene after the fog.

, the goat's demon, such as the master of the mirage monks, and so on, the myth that if this monk wants to cultivate all kinds of means in the door, he must first go to that extreme place to kill a thousand mirage, and take the best essence of a mirage to make it possible to use this mirage bead to spread all kinds of means.

Li Zhe originally wanted to pursue the victory and continue to kill a demon monk, but now his sight was blocked and he could not distinguish the direction. Even his spirit attached to the sixteen sword lights could not distinguish the direction in the thick fog.

Li Zhe tries to make Jianguang keep going back and forth in the thick fog, intending to expel these thick fog, but this can only disperse the thick fog near Jianguang for a while, unable to find out the whole picture. Li Zhe can only give up and call Jianguang back, turning it into a Jianguang hanging in front of Li Zhe.

He lowered his body from the cloud, and all the people below said with reverence:

"elder martial brother is powerful, and he will kill a demon monk with one hand, which is not comparable to us!"

Just now, everyone saw the scene of Li Zhejian beheading the Taoist in the dark. The magician, who was always treacherous and evil, didn't even return the mobile phone meeting. He was directly beheaded. Even the disciples of Pingmo Temple didn't have such ease in dealing with this kind of cultivation.

So at the moment, people's admiration for Li Zhe was sincere and full of admiration, especially the low morale just now began to rise again.

As for Li Zhe, he waved his hand and said:

"but a demon monk, what's the matter? There are many demon monks hiding in the mountainside, but now the fog called by the demon monk's means has blocked his sight. I have to ask younger martial sister Yu to expel him before I explore the internal situation!"

The way to deal with these monks is the best for the disciples of Pingmo temple. What's more, Yu Zhen has just broken the barrier outside the mountain. It's not difficult to dispel the fog.

When Yu Zhen heard Li Zhe's words, he immediately said:

"you're welcome, elder martial brother. If younger martial sister guesses well, this mist is the mirage spirit summoned by the mirage sect disciple. There's nothing special about it. It can only block the sight of ordinary people. I'll break it!"

after that, Yu Zhen sacrificed the magic mirror in the sky again, and the mirror turned and adjusted its direction It is to shine the mirror light on the gap that Li Zhe broke in the mountainside.

Sure enough, where Jin Zhanzhan's mirror light went, the mirage Qi barrier summoned by the Taoist priest immediately disintegrated, revealing the situation in the mountainside.

After the light of the Dharma mirror swept back and forth several times, the situation in the mountainside appeared again in front of the public, but the trace of the former monks had disappeared.

Instead, there is a big array standing in the middle of the mountain. The evil atmosphere outside is rolling and the wind is blowing. Everyone can't see the specific situation in the array, which is obviously covered up.