CH 29

Chapter 29

When Lu Bo Ting agreed to Shi Nian’s request, he knew that this matter would not be too easy to handle. But Adjutant Xue really didn’t know.

Xue Chi still felt that they had taken advantage of Shi Nian, like the last time they checked the surveillance of Ji Yiqing “eating  fish” inside the pool, so he didn’t care that much about it.

He even laughed when he heard, “Just two guides?”

Then he checked by hand and was instantly shocked.

“Marshal.” He immediately dialled Lu Bo Ting and said, “I followed Mr. Shi’s location and time, and did find two guides, but those two guides were both killed in an accident last year, and they are dead.”

But what Shi Nian had asked him to check was only a few months old.

This was a real hell of a thing.

“I’ve checked.” Xue Chi said as he flipped through the information, “Neither of them had any twin brothers, they were only sons. There are no relatives on their parents’ side who look particularly alike, nor cousins who are easy to mistake… Most importantly, I didn’t find any records of their purchases at that shop.”

Nowadays, cash has not been used for centuries; only commemorative coins and the like are issued. Everyone in the Interstellar uses light brain swipe cards, so these coins can’t be used to buy things.

After the checkout, the shopkeeper keeps simple records of each customer’s purchase history, which they can’t check themselves, but the supervisory authorities have no problem checking.

These two people, however, did not check out.

“I’m now having people pull up the nearby surveillance, as well as asking the real attendant inside the shop. The robot attendant’s records are also being checked. Marshal, this thing is not quite right, ah. Why did Mr. Shi suddenly want to check them out? Is it because he knew something? “

Lu Bo Ting: “You check first, and then we’ll talk afterwards.”

Xue Chi immediately responded.

Then he hung up the cmommunication link and went to investigate as soon as possible.

Although he had been ridiculed by Lu Bo Ting and Shi Nian for his low sensitivity, when it came to this kind of ‘ghost’, even a fool would know that there must be a big problem.

Even if Shi Nian stopped chasing the issue, he would still want to find out what was going on. Something like this happens on the Main star: a sudden appearance of a “dead’ person, and then a sudden disappearance.

What is the other party’s purpose and what does he want to do? These must be figured out, otherwise who knows when this thunder will explode.

On the other hand, after hanging up the communication, Lu Bo Ting didn’t ask him why he suddenly remembered to investigate these two people. Instead, he said, “You don’t seem to be surprised.”

“You mean the resurrection of the dead?” Shi Nian said, “I’m not surprised by the results of any investigation into this matter.”

Not to mention the dead, even if Xue Chi said that the two positions above the surveillance were not occupied at that time, he was afraid that he would not be surprised.

After all, if it was an ordinary person, it would be impossible to toss this kind of thing that even the Heavenly Dao didn’t expect.

But whenever an accident comes, it’s not a simple one.

When Shi Nian came to this world, casual as he was, a lot of small details were ignored. Some of them were only checked after he encountered something, and he didn’t even rush to adapt to the weapons in this world, but this matter had always been on his mind.

“I’m going to sleep first.” Shi Nian waved his hand while walking up the stairs and said: “Instructor Lu was very dedicated today. Five stars!”

Lu Bo Ting:”…”

He also knew that no matter how fast Xue Chi worked, it was not something that could be understood in a short time. So Shi Nian didn’t delay much further and went straight upstairs to rest.

In the meantime, since the Phoenix had to accompany Lu Bo Ting, he went to put away the potions himself, to make room for the Qianbai flowers that were supposed to arrive tomorrow.

However, as they were surprised by the ‘resurrection of the dead’, another group of people were also in shock.


“How is it possible that Lu Bo Ting has not only worked overtime this month, he has been in a mecha more than once, but he doesn’t even need to measure his spiritual sea? Just by looking at him, I can tell he is in good spirits. “

“Has the medicine been delivered every month?” Someone asked.

Congressman Bai said, “Yes, as usual, our people over at the institute gave him potions mixed with that kind of stuff, but now look at this…”

“He’s clearly not using it.” Another man said, “How can he hold up without using his mental power?” Another person wondered, “Could it be that he has developed a substitute inside that little research institute of his? Are you kidding, that Zheng whatever simply can’t refine juice of more than ninety-five percent from the Qinbai Flowers.”

“I just got word that Lu Bo Ting’s side, went through the Yan family’s route to buy Qianbai Flowers.”


They thought of everything possible, but they didn’t know what to guess.


Shi Nian slept beautifully and got up a little early. Xue Chi happened to come in when he came downstairs.

“Checked it out?” he asked.

Adjutant Xue nodded and shook his head again, “I’ve checked everything I can, but it’s still not exactly clear.”

Lu Bo Ting also came downstairs and walked to the living room and asked, “What’s going on?”

“Those two people are indeed dead. The cause of death was a space ship accident last year. They were on the space ship and unfortunately died.” The bodies were pulled back to their parents and relatives to identify them. There is no way to make a mistake. “

Xue Chi said, “I also asked the waiter at the time to identify them, and they were indeed as seen on the surveillance, and there was no mistake in the human records of the machine in the shop.”

“But those two people did not drink coffee, nor did they eat the small dessert they ordered. Because of this, the clerk who came to clean up thought it was a bit strange, so he remembered it quite clearly and could be quite sure. “

Shi Nian: “What else?”

“There is also a…” Xue Chi rubbed his brow, “In addition to the surveillance inside the shop, I accessed all the surveillance within the surrounding five kilometers. None of the surveillance captured these two people anywhere else.”

Nowadays, with interstellar high technology running rampant, it could be said that there was hardly anywhere that had complete privacy, except for the restrooms and one’s own home.

Two people disappeared after leaving the shop. It was really a freaking ghost story.

Deputy Xue wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes.

“There’s no record of these two people in immigration either.” Xue Chi said.

Although it was a certainty, a dead man’s light brain couldn’t swipe or get on a ship. But he still checked for insurance, and the result was not unexpected.

This particular thing…

“Marshal, this thing is too evil…..”

“Give me the surveillance video.” Shi Nian said.

Xue Chi nodded and sent it to him.

Shi Nian opened it straight away, and with just one glance, he twitched at his mouth.

He said, “Show me the photos of the two people who died.”

These were all checked out, and Xue Chi immediately pulled them up, and when Shi Nian looked up, he immediately confirmed it: “Congratulations, they are not ghosts, but not people either.”

No matter how similar they looked on the outside, they could not hide from the eyes of a phoenix. These two, clearly, were two demons.

Xue Chi immediately pulled up the photos for comparison, and they were exactly the same!

The hairstyle, appearance, and even the clothes in the surveillance are all like in the ID photo.

“It’s too identical.” Lu Bo Ting suddenly said, “There are many requirements when taking ID photos, the same as many people don’t normally dress in the same exact attire, and here, it’s practically identical.”

Adjutant Xue nodded.

The average person, let alone after a while, might look different today or tomorrow, like having a pimple.

“And,” Lu Bo Ting said, “I always felt that there was a big difference in the feeling from these two.

This feeling is different from that of Shi Nian, who is different in person compared to his pictures, he didn’t feel incongruous. But these two looked too similar to the photos and Lu Bo Ting felt an evil, they were clearly not smiling, but also felt like they were smiling.

“Sure it’s not some new mask on the face that we don’t know about?”

“No way.” Xue Chi immediately said, “That shop has a counter-mask device and the real-life attendants have seen them, and they’re pretty sure that it’s the original faces”

“I haven’t heard of any new masks like this hitting the shelves over at the black market either …… By the way,” he suddenly looked at Shi Nian, “Mr. Shi Nian, why are you suddenly checking out these two people and how do you know they’re problematic. “

“Oh.” Shi Nian reached out to take the milk brought by the robot and drank it all in one gulp, casually said, “They want to kill me …… oh, no, I have no enmity with them, who they want to kill should be ……,” he raised his chin and pointed at Lu Bo Ting, “I am only cannon fodder.”

Xue Chi twitched at the beginning of his sentence, thinking that if someone wants to kill you, why check it out after a few months.

But he was very frightened by the last part of his sentence. He asked, “The purpose of those people is to make the Marshal’s spiritual sea unable to be relieved… is Senator Bai from their side?”

“No.” Shi Nian said immediately.

The people who want him dead: one side is human, one side is not. He looked up at Lu Bo Ting, “Boss, you attract quite a lot of haters ah!”

Even the demons have come out, He had never seen a demon even in the cultivation world. They were all on the other side of the seal, an existence that could not be seen or touched.

Xue Chi didn’t notice that the epithet in his earlier sentence but Lu Bo Ting did, and only thought that he despised the Bai family, so he wasn’t willing to call them human beings.

Indeed, many of the Bai family’s actions were indeed not very human. He didn’t say anything, but only agreed: “Indeed, if it were really them, many things wouldn’t make sense.”

First of all, even though Shi Nian’s mother had taken Shi Nian and changed his surname, brought himm back to the Edge star, and made arrangements to hide their identity. If they could find out about it, then the Bai family could naturally find out about him too.

If the Bai family really knew about this in advance, they would not choose to harm Shi Nian, but would try to enlist him. Just like they had bribed the people at the Institute to put their hands on his potions.

“Smart.” Shi Nian complimented as he ate his breakfast, and asked, “Do you want some, boss?”

The boss didn’t eat.

Lu Bo Ting gave him a look, “It happened a few months ago, why are you only starting to investigate now.”

“The timing was not right.” Shi Nian gave a show of hands.

After all, if he just crossed over and if he went to actively look for Ji Yiqing, he would easily be misunderstood as an old flame and still chasing after him.

Such a humiliating thing, he wouldn’t do it.

Of course, he swallowed the words hard and said the conclusion that followed, and, “It’s not a big deal anyway, there’s no rush.”

It wasn’t that easy to get him killed. And even if it was really easy, there was always a word of caution from the side of Heavenly Dao when he came over.

“Alright, I’m done eating.” Shi Nian finished getting up, wiped his mouth and said, “Going to school.”

“I’ll be late if I don’t go.”

It took a long time for Adjutant Xue to say, “Is…is he crazy?”

Someone wants to kill you, and you call it not a big deal? Then what’s a big deal?!

“If he doesn’t care like this, does that mean he isn’t afraid of being killed?”

At this moment, Shi Nian sent him a message. Xue Chi hurriedly clicked on it, but saw that it read, “By the way, when the Qianbai flowers arrive, just leave them downstairs. It’s a bit messy upstairs, don’t go up there.”

Xue Chi: “……”

Over there, Shi Nian walked into the classroom. He usually got in at the right time, but today he was much earlier.

The rest of the class was chatting in twos and threes. When they saw him, they greeted him before going back to their own conversations.

“What’s wrong with you?” A female classmate laughed, “Look, I asked you to think back to how I looked in your mind, what the hell did you come up with, are my eyes that big, they’re almost staring into pairs of beady eyes.”

“It’s not that, I’m really face blind, the image I have of you my mind is of a girl with extra large eyes and an extra sweet smile. I can’t really be blamed for that.” The other female guide was also close to laughing, and was now lying on top of the table, but still did not forget to explain.

When Shi Nian took a look at the ‘photo’ suspended in the air, eyes that were cow big, a smile that can not called sweet, the corners of the mouth were almost grinning to the ears.

It was impossible for anyone to think it was the same person when compared to the real one.

“That’s too much of a draw!” Another student said, “Let me try, I’m not face blind and have a superb memory …… No, wait, let me look at you again, just once.”

“What’s up with this!” Shi Nian couldn’t help but ask.

Immediately a classmate said, “Our class president just bought that imaging software that is quite popular online, the one that claims to be able to extract data from the brain and restore a person’s face to the screen, everyone is trying to play it.”

“Is it accurate?” Shi Nian suddenly thought of something and immediately asked.

“You can tell at first glance, Brother Shi!” The female student from earlier slumped on the table with a helpless face, “It still depends on the person.”

However as if to smack her in the face, over there, the classmate who was experimenting really brought up her face. It wasn’t exactly the same, but it was similar enough that at first glance, one couldn’t tell the difference at all.

“I read that someone on the internet said that this also depends on the mental power, the higher the mental power, the more details are in place when you imagine it out.” A male guide said. Seeing someone asking him to try, he quickly waved his hand, “I won’t try, I’m not very good at remembering human faces, if it’s for me to restore medicine ingredients, then I can still give it a try.”

“Is Brother Shi going to try?” someone asked.

Shi Nian shook his head and asked, “Which software is it, I’ll buy one too.”

The class president immediately said, “I’ll send it to you.”

Shi Nian then bought one, found an excuse to go to the bathroom, and made the real faces of the two demons he had seen in the video, and drew them on. After seeing the finished image and thinking it was okay, he sent it to Xue Chi.

“Check out these two people by the way ……”

Adjutant Xue immediately asked, “Who are these two people?”

“They’re the ones you checked last night.” Shi Nian said, “You really think they look like that? These are their real faces.”

Xue Chi: “……”

From last night onwards, everything he encountered was bizarre. So he sent it to Lu Bo Ting, who took one look at it and paused ……

“Marshal, do you think, they are the same people?”  These are totally different faces!

The front photo can only be described as not ugly, kinda good looking, but nothing distinctive. But the latter photo was simply a stunner, although male, but beautiful to the point of being somewhat charming, and at first glance there is a bit of evil in it.

Deputy Xue reacted belatedly, “This point of evil, indeed …… the two people in the surveillance last night also had it, but not so obvious, as if it was forcibly disguised.”

“Then this …… is it really a new mask? But then how did Mr. Shi Nian know what they originally looked like?”

“Maybe he’s seen them before.” Lu Bo Ting said.

Adjutant Xue: “What?”

“Then how did he, how did he …… these people are trying to get him killed, how did he survive?!”

Lu Bo Ting remembered how Shi Nian had behaved when he was in the basement, “He’s not as weak as you think, he can single-handedly lift and carry a gun cannon.”

“Impossible!” Xue Chi immediately said, “Marshal, I think I’ve seen a few more guides than you, and they’re all quite weak. Not to mention Mr. Shi, with his thin arms and legs, if he could single handedly lift a gun cannon, I would drink porridge upside down.”

Lu Bo Ting: “I saw it with my own eyes.”

“In the game, right ……”

Lu Bo Ting: “…… I’ll show you later, I’ll wait for you to drink your porridge upside down.”

Xue Chi: “……”

Don’t, please don’t!