CH 52

Chapter 52

No one knew of Shi Nian’s decision.

After a good night’s sleep, Adjutant Xue frowned when he woke up and saw the remarks on Starnet. But when he found out that Shi Nian had not replied to the messages, or even ignored them, he immediately put his mind at ease.

Mr. Shi Nian has matured!

So he went off Starnet and started to wash up and get ready for work.

On the other hand, Mrs. Bai was not so happy.

She contacted the person from yesterday and asked if she could raise the stakes, make things hotter and force Shi Nian to come out. However, the latter said, “No, Madam Bai, you said not to be too obvious. It’s already easy to see, and if we go any further, we’ll be investigated. “

Madame Bai gritted her teeth and thought, ” You’ve always been so daring. Why are you being so weak this time?

Shi Nian wasn’t being a coward. He had just recently experienced the joys of human sleep. So he woke up late and is just waking up now.

The sun was shining through the window at the right time, and it was warm and comfortable. So he managed to laze in bed for another half hour.

Only when the remaining sleep was gone did he get up, wash up, eat, and finally go to the laboratory.

As he left the house, he took his phoenix with him, a few packs of freshly made potions from the lab, and called for the “Little star”, the household robot.

The robot that helped him carry the umbrella and chair when he was angry with Bai Bingyan.

The name “Little Star” was given by Shi Nian. It originally had a very long name, something like “Austadiranga Little Te Wang Gushen Star 308 Droid.”

Shi Nian picked two words from the middle and changed them to Little Star.

Little Star got into the back seat of the craft, and Shi Nian drove his aircraft all the way out, not forgetting to live broadcast his position on the star network, “Already out the door, now let’s go and see how many people are at the office today and how long it will take me to finish.”

“You’re really going… you’re being impulsive!”

“Yeah, I thought you saw through those people’s evil intentions when you ignored them yesterday. Why bother with them? A bunch of selfish people and a bunch of people who don’t want to see what’s going on. Why do you have to do this annoying thing yourself when you could use the time to study something else? Preferably something that will give one long eyelashes. Not one meter, of course, that’s no good. “

“Yeah, what’s the point of going by people who make a fuss?”

“If you really have nothing to do, come and play the game. I’m not used to not seeing you in the game for a long time. We can talk about this kind of thing in a few days when Adjutant Xue is done, or you can hire another person to help. It’s not like you don’t have money, right?

Basically, there were many people who gave their thoughts, and they have been helping to talk since yesterday. There were a few who were so active that Shi Nian was familiar with them and thought that next time he would give them an extra place in the welfare program.

Mrs. Bai’s side immediately saw this and was delighted, but she was afraid that Shi Nian would be persuaded to go back, so she immediately asked someone to start bringing the tempo.

“The people upstairs, Shi Nian, has already left the house. He can‘t go back.

“I don’t believe you don’t want to use the long hair potion as soon as possible.

” Research can’t be done every day. You should give yourself a holiday, let your mind be free, and then you can better find inspiration.“

Shi Nian clicked on a few names and looked through their blogs. There was nothing wrong with them.

But it’s normal. Nowadays, star blogs are all about real names. But if there is a policy at the top, and then there is a countermeasure at the bottom, and some water army companies will use this to find their way in. Although the cost has gone up quite a bit, it’s much less obvious when you really want to get it right. Especially when these words were what was running through the minds of some people, the water army mixed in, and they were even less conspicuous.

Shi Nia turned off his light brain, yawned, and got out of the craft.

Having been here with Xue Chi once before, not only did he know his way around, but he had also memorised the process perfectly.

Today, he only came here to prepare the case and bring over the potions and other things for testing. Only when the testing is done can he actually get the certificate and then sell it.

Shi Nian finished doing this, and there was still a lot of arguing on the star network.

He posted a star blog, “The preliminary work has been done temporarily. The staff said that I could go home and wait. I’m going to go to a restaurant not far away to eat a braised lion’s head first. I heard that the lion’s head in that store is quite well done. It’s delicious.“

“You mean that shop on Xizhi Road? I’ve tried it before, and it’s really delicious! “

“I like it too, but it’s too expensive to go there often.”

“Do you think I’ll run into you now if I go there too?”

There were a lot of people recommending the food in that restaurant, so when Shi Nian went there, he planned to just have a lion’s head, but ended up ordering a huge table of dishes.

Fortunately, he can finish it and won’t waste it.

While he was enjoying his meal here, he didn’t know that the other side had just come out of the conference room, and when he saw the news, Adjutant Xue was going crazy.

” Marshal, Mr. Shi has gone out.”

And it has become widely known.

To think that in the morning, he had thought that the other side was finally quite stable this time. Bullshit! Some people’s steadiness should not be called steadiness, it was clearly preparing for chaos.

Xue Chi immediately reported the matter to Lu Bo Ting, “I’ll have someone check if there’s any movement in the Wu family.”

Lu Bo Ting nodded, and then wondered, “But he clearly knew about the recent situation, so why did he still go out alone?”

The answer to this question was not known to Lieutenant Xue, who had already gone to contact him.

Lu Bo Ting, on the other hand, dialled Shi Nian’s communication, “Where are you?”

Shi Nian had just had enough to eat and drink and was ready to go to the bathroom and leave the shop.

He gave an honest account of his current situation, and the latter immediately said, “Don’t move yet. I’ll send someone to pick you up.“

“No need.” Shi Nian smiled, “I’ve brought the little star out with me.”

The robot was dutifully following him at this point, and Lu Bo Ting was looking at the image, but at that point, he was speechless.


“The Ostar Diranga Little Te King Gushen Star 308 droid is a living droid, not a fighting droid.” As Lu Bo Ting pointed out, “He’s useless when something really happens.”

He stood in the bathroom with his hand in mid-air, “Boss, do you have to talk to me about what robots are good at at a time like this? I haven’t even zipped up yet.“

Lu Bo Ting: “……“

Marshal Lu gritted his teeth and said, “Then hurry up and zip it up.”

“I mean, I haven’t had time to pull down my zip to relieve myself…” Shi Nian was annoyed by his reaction, “OK, hang up. I’ll call you back.“

After all, the ambushers are probably going to be waiting.

Those people probably thought he was deaf and that he couldn’t hear or see when they communicated!

Unfortunately, once divine sense was released, he could see exactly where the two were crouching.

As expected, as soon as he hung up the communication on his side, the signal was immediately lost on the other side. Probably with some kind of signal blocker, the people immediately rushed out.

“Time is short. Take advantage of the fact that communication is off now.

“You go and beat the man straight to death.” One of them said, “I’ll fake the scene and….”

The words were not yet finished, over there, when Shi Nian already turned around, raised his hand, and threw a handful of drug powder over. The two of them did not even have time to react and instantly fell down.

” High-strength knockout medicine. Elephants can’t handle a sprinkle, let alone you poor humans. ” Shi Nian yawned, walked over, and picked up the shielding device that they had just used, studied it, and turned it off.

As soon as the signal was turned on here, Lu Bo Ting’s call came again.

As soon as he hung up the, Marshal Lu felt that something was not right. The reason is that when he was talking, Shi Nian seemed very concerned about his right side.

The signal was gone as soon as he called back, so it was obvious that something was wrong.

So he called as he walked out and contacted Xue Chi: “Have the men sent over there now, they may have…”

At that moment, the communication came through.

The person on the other side of the room was telling the little star, “Have you finished recording? Help me carry these two people inside my flying machine.“

The little star was very obedient. Although it was a household robot, its strength was not small. It immediately picked them up with one hand.

Only then did Shi Nian look at Lu Bo Ting and say, “Look, who said our little star was useless? It’s definitely useful for carrying things. “

Lu Bo Ting: “…”

There, Xue Chi said, “The people we sent are already at the door ……“

“In the bathroom.” Lu Bo Ting finished with Xue Chi, and then looked at Shi Nian: “You don’t move, someone is coming to meet you.”

For a while, the two of them did not have to move or have anything to say. Lu Bo Ting finally understood why Shi Nian had gone out alone when he had clearly mentioned that he should be accompanied by Adjutant Xue or someone else if he had to go out.

It was deliberate and clearly a fishing expedition.

The robot was standing there with the two people in its arms. Shi Nian felt bored with the stiffness. He gave it a command: “Little star, watch them. Oh, if any of them moves, use electric shock ……“

The group of Marshal Lu’s people who had just rushed in heard their Marshal’s helpless voice: “Austadiranga Little Te King Gushen Star 308 is a household robot. There is no electric shock function.“

“It does.” Shi Niam said, “I fixed it.”

“Little Star, come on. Show him one. “

The robot, Austadiranga Little Te King Gushen Star 308: “Okay.”

Following the robotic voice, there was a flash of electricity on the two people in it’s hands.One was almost awakened by electricity, but only for a moment, and the person was still dazed in a flash.

That shows how strong the drug was.

Lu Bo Ting: “….”

The others: “….”

The man at the head of the group was the one who rushed into the villa the last time to save the intruders. His memory of the two men’s miserable condition was still fresh. But in the blink of an eye, he saw two more “victims.”

Especially when they also saw a painting from inside the bathroom that appeared to be the logo of a certain group of Star Thieves.

“They were planning to capture me disguised as the Star Pirates. I resisted fiercely and accidentally got choked to death! ” Shi Nian said and asked Little Star to pull up what he had just filmed: “That idiot came out and even said something about specific arrangements. He didn’t even worry about me hearing it. I guess he never thought it would be easy for me to handle in seconds! “

Those who came to the rescue thought, “Yes, it was a breeze. They were all handled in seconds with ease.“

They didn’t know whether the two were really from the Star Pirates or not. So they tied them up and prepared to go back.

“Wait a minute.” He went into the compartment where they had hidden and destroyed the Star Pirates logo in a couple of seconds, signing it with his name.

None of the people were sure what to make of it, but none of them asked.

They had made a lot of noise, but if they hadn’t, no one would have noticed them in a nice restaurant.

But the good thing is that once they revealed their identities, no one there thought it was a kidnapping or tried to stop them, and the group easily took them away.

When Lu Bo Ting’s men tried to take over the two men, Shi Nian said, “Aren’t you tired? Let the robot carry them! “

The latter did not disagree. After all, this master’s quantum beast is a canary, but the real person cannot be a canary at all.

It is impossible for people to escape from his hands or from the hands of his robots.

A few of the men who had come were even thinking that if these two had really woken up and escaped, they might have ended up worse off than they were now.

They had to go all the way through the restaurant, and as they were only taking knocked-out people with them, there was no danger. So they didn’t evacuate the customers in advance.

So at that moment, everyone saw this scene: Shi Nian and the robot were surrounded by a group of people, and the robot was carrying two people.

Shi Nian was singing a happy song;

“I’m the brightest little star in the sky, flying up. That is called all the way spark with lightning ……“

When it came to the word lightning, the robot clattered and slammed two bursts of electricity, sending a shiver down the spine of those two men that had them twitching uncontrollably.

Shi Nian: “……”

The others looked at him, “This…”

“I accidentally triggered the keyword.” Shi Nian coughed dryly and took a look at the status of the two. “It’s fine. They can’t die. Didn’t they just get electrocuted before? This amount of electricity can’t kill them. “

Everyone: “….”

“Let’s go!” Shi Nian said, leading the group of people out the door and onto the flying machine.

Unlike when he had arrived, which was unprepossessing, at this moment, his aircraft was surrounded by numerous aircraft, with an additional driver/bodyguard inside.

“There’s no need.” Shi Nian smiled, “The group underestimated me and should have sent only these two over.”

Lu Bo Ting, who hadn’t hung up his comms:”….”

Marshal Lu rubbed his brow, “You already knew about this matter?”

“Not earlier, just last night I think!” Shi Nian said, “I know what kind of style is under my star blog. My fans have their own way of talking, the black powder also has the black powder method. Suddenly, such a group came, full of rhythm, pretending to be normal people, which they couldn’t be ah!“

“Besides, you said that they might attack me during this period of time. Their only wish is to force me to go out, right? Well, one didn’t even have to guess; a fool could see what was going on. “

Shi Nia sat lazily and opened his light brain to swipe through it.

The commotion they had just caused was not small, and someone had already filmed it and uploaded it to Starnet.

“The first thing I want to say is that I’m not a student, and I didn’t want to meet for an autograph. I just happened to be in the neighborhood and wanted to take a look from afar to see if the real person was really that good-looking. He does, by the way. But who would have thought that I would eat such a big melon? I finally understood why it would be Adjutant Xue who did the work for him. When he’s now out of the door, there are people who do this! [Pictures] [picture]

. “

“What is the situation? Is Shi Nian okay?

“I thought the main star had a good law and order system. With no crime in over ten years, what’s going on here? “

“Those two were the bad guys, but they were subdued, and they were carried by a robot and surrounded by people.”

“Is this a new development for home robots? I’ve never thought of using robots like this before. “

“It’s not a home robot, it must be just a skin, it has an electrical discharge function. Who has a home robot with this function? “


In the blink of an eye, there were numerous comments. Shi Nian tapped on the handrail and said nonchalantly, “If I knew it would be like this, then I should have let everyone see my heroics!”

Lu Bo Ting still had a fire in his belly from the fact that Shi Nian went out on an adventure without a word. As a marshal, he had always said one thing, and people did it. He had never encountered this kind of private thrill-seeking act.

Earlier, it had been one thing after another, and it was more important to ensure the safety of the boy. But at this moment, that fire he had kept at bay rose to his throat. But when he looked at the relaxed person in question, he couldn’t get it out.

So his voice was cold and hard: “I don’t know if I saw what you mean that they should have seen, but a lot of people who shouldn’t have seen it did.”

His mother, for example, had already called to ask for information. The emperor, too, and many others……

Shi Nian’s side certainly wouldn’t let up much, even though it was still class time, but the gropers were always going to be there.

This kind of thing, when one person knows, the whole class would be able to know quickly.

Yan Huaxin sent over a message early to ask if he was okay, and other students did the same.

Starnet was a mess, with speculation as to why those two people tried to harm Shi Nian, and people blamed those who had provoked Shi Nian to come out. It was a mess of noise and confusion.

Shi Nian briefly replied to some messages from the class. He kept refreshing the messages.

“They are reacting quite slowly.” He sneered, ready to turn off his brain, “Let’s keep an eye on it, they’re bound to show up.”

It was at this point that he saw a new post.

“The people who did it appear to be star thieves. [picture] [picture] [picture] From inside information, the logo left inside the bathroom at the time was of some infamous Star Pirate group. “

Shi Nian moved and looked at the clear logo of the Star Pirates group in the picture and smiled.

“It’s finally out.”