CH 91

Chapter 91

The next day, Shi Nian went to school and got a lot of attention. The students were relieved to see that he was really okay.

“That’s too scary. Thank God you’re okay. ”

“Yeah, yeah, I was dumbfounded when I saw it on Starnet. I can’t believe this happened on the main star… ”

There, a notification came from the light brain, saying that the principal had asked him to come to his office.

The first time he guessed, he knew it was about the incident at the hotel.

Although school was not the place where the incident took place, the principal was always very concerned about the students’ affairs. It would be surprising if the school didn’t react, especially when it was linked to personal safety.

Seeing that it was almost time for class, the principal was very understanding and asked him to go after class.

Shi Nian: “……”

In fact, for students like them, they would prefer you to grant a leave of absence for half a lesson. You don’t have to be understanding.

After two classes, he had a long recess, so he used that time and went to the principal’s office.

It wasn’t the first time he had done this, so he was familiar with the place.

After knocking twice, he pushed the door open.

The principal was sitting inside and let him in when he saw him.

“You know why you were called here, right?”

Shi Nian nodded.

“I think you should consider living at the school.”

Shi Nian had guessed this before he arrived.

After all, there was no one who could make a scene in the school.

No matter who it was, there was no way they could find someone to break into the school. That would be absolutely insane.”

If Marshal Lu’s side has a problem with it.” Principal Wu said, “I can go and communicate with him. No matter how big it is, it’s not as important as the safety of my students. ”

Shi Nian scanned around, found a chair, and sat down with his foot hooked to the side, “Principal!”

Principal Wu looked at him. This monkey has no rules. Which student is like him?

“Sit up straight.”

Shi Nian said, “Oh,” sitting slightly straighter, but far from a satisfying posture for an old soldier like Principal Wu.

But there was no time to correct his sitting posture again, because this man opened his mouth for business. “Actually, we signed a contract… forget it. This breaking of confidentiality is not good, but my movements are absolutely free. Whether I want to live in school or not, my boss does not care. At most, he can only send a few people to follow me for my protection. ”

Principal Wu remembered today when he heard the guard report that a team of people had sent Shi Nian in and squatted by the gate. It looks like they have to wait for Shi Nian to go out and then pick him back up.

“You might as well just…

“Principal, when there is a war, the demand for soothing agents will increase. If it weren’t for the fact that Qianbai flowers were not available to buy recently, I might have asked for leave. ” Shi Nian said. After a pause, he continued: “And this time, after the failure, they won’t try again for the time being, but Adjutant Xue was so frightened that he hurriedly dispatched a few more people. If you ask me, it was not necessary at all. ”

The first part of the sentence sounded somewhat decent, but the second part was…… ”

“What do you mean by unnecessary? You youngsters just don’t know what’s important. ” Principal Wu immediately said, “You don’t know anything, you only think you are the best! How do you know what spirits and demons are in the shadows? ”

“Just back then, there was an extremely outstanding student in the mech building department, the same, surnamed Zhou ……”

Shi Nian realized that this was probably going to be a story about old Mr. Zhou.

And as expected, Principal Wu was talking about that, “What a brilliant and proud person back then, incredibly talented! He made a lot of noise, not much less than yours, and then what happened? ”

“He was calculated by the Wu family.” Shi Nian said.

“Yes, that’s right…” Principal Wu was stunned, “You knew?”

It was many years ago, and it had nothing to do with the pharmacy that Shi Nian studied, so Principal Wu really didn’t expect him to know about it.

Years have passed, but he is now very familiar with Mr. Zhou.

But since the other party didn’t want to be too high profile, Shi Nian couldn’t say anything more.

He could only say, “Don’t worry, Principal. It’s fine. You can be rest assured.”

Perhaps it’s because all elders in the world can’t afford to see their juniors not take things seriously. Principal Wu looked like he was going to blow his beard off as soon as he heard the words “rest reassured.”

“I think it’s about time. The next class will start soon, I’ll go back to class!”

Then, Shi Nian slipped away faster than a rabbit.

Principal Wu: “……”


When he returned to the classroom, it was obvious that the class bell had not yet rung. His desk-mate, Yan Huaxin, was chatting animatedly on his light brain. After he sat down, he asked casually, “What kind of fun gossip did the socialite see?”

Yan Huaxin looked at him and said, “What gossip can there be these days that is more interesting than yours?”

He had entered a new group, and the only people in it besides him were those who were there at the scene of the incident. Oh, and excluding the main character, Shi Nian.

The people in the group were: Yan Huaxin, Zhang Jingkai, Wang Haosheng, Lu Chengze, and Zhou Xinyun.

The focus of the discussion was on the events of that day, and the follow-up and the previous situation.

And why did no one notice that Shi Nian was so powerful?

Lu Chengze was the slowest to react and didn’t react at the time, only reacting when he got home later.

So he pulled a group together in a hurry and started talking about it.

Lu Chengze: “What is this situation? I still can’t believe that  it was Shi Nian who beat us up the last two times?”

Lu Chengze: “No wonder, every time he comes out, he either comes out last or second to last. We laughed at him the first time for getting out last even though he was eliminated. But he didn’t react at all! Is he a movie star?”

Lu Chengze: “He just watched us look for him and then pretended that it wasn’t him we were looking for!”

Lu Chengze: “I should have known! I should have looked at his record in the first place. Once I saw it, I would have known it, I just trusted him too much. ”

Lu Chengze: “……”

Yan Huaxin couldn’t hold back, and replied, “Didn’t you always want to take him with you to show off your abilities?”

Lu Chengze: “……”

Lu Chengze: “Stop it! Don’t bring it up, it’s shameful!”

Lu Chengze: “Now that I think about the grandiose words I put out there, I think I can even draw three bedrooms and one living room with my toes on the ground.”

Lu Chengze: “I will not mention it. My brain has been slow. Wang Haosheng, you have always claimed to be smart. How could you not have seen it?”

Wang Haosheng: “……”

Is this a matter of being smart or not? Is it something that ordinary people can imagine?

If Nian had been a sentinel, he might have thought of it long ago. But he was a guide, or rather, a guide with only D mental power.

The fact that he had suspected it for a little while and tried it out was already the peak of his intelligence.

Wang Haosheng: “It’s so out of the ordinary, I’ve never seen such a powerful guide.”

It’s not that there are no guides who can fight, but the ability to fight is relative. For example, a stronger guide can beat those weak sentinels, but this kind of person who can beat geniuses like them, that’s unheard of.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed it.

Wang Haosheng: “It’s the same as telling you now that the one inside the game called “A Fan of Your Grandpa Shi Nian’, is not a fan but is Shi Nian himself. Would you believe it?”

One was a D-rank mental power, and one was most likely a double S-rank.

It’s impossible for it to be just one person!

Wang Haosheng: “The strength that Shi Nian is showing right now is so incredible. Or else why did no one ever think it was him when he obviously came out last in the game before? ”

Zhang Jingkai hadn’t said anything, but the shock he received was not ordinary.

When he saw this, he suddenly gave a start. He typed out a large paragraph and thought about deleting it all, but turned back to the private chat with Yan Huaxin before continuing.”

Huaxin, I suddenly have a very terrifying idea. Do you want to hear it?”

Yan Huaxin: “I have one too. Do you want to listen?”

The two seemed to ‘look at each other’ across the light brain for a moment, both understanding what the other had thought of.

At once, Yan Huaxin went to check when that “A fan of your grandpa Shi Nian” started to appear, and sure enough, it was right after he had given Shi Nian the game pod.

Not to mention that Shi Nian never played the game with them.

Zhang Jingkai, on the other hand, thought more about it. When Shi Nian first commented on the mecha matchups insight, and commented on his strengths and weaknesses, that was proof enough that he was really good at it.

The only improbable point is that the mental power…

Yan Huaxin couldn’t help but glance at Shi Nian, thinking that the way he looked now, there were many people who would believe him if he said he had double S mental power. But is it really possible, to go from D rank to double S?

Inside the group, Lu Chengze was still yelling, “It’s so awkward and embarrassing. How else are we going to meet in the future?”

Lu Chengze: “Zhang Jingkai, you are so lucky. When the competition starts, we are each bring two guides, but you guys are good. You are bringing one guide, the other guide… don’t let him take the lead in having a bigger kill!”

Lu Chengze:”By the way, why aren’t you talking, Zhou Xinyun?”

Zhou Xinyun: “I was thinking about the mecha that was repaired this morning, you said…” A series of professional terms followed, which left Lu Chengze bewildered.

Lu Chengze: “Class is in session, let’s stop talking first.”

Zhou Xinyun, the topic-ending machine, didn’t know anything about it, and when he saw that no one was talking, he immersed himself in the ocean of knowledge even more freely.

After class, the school finally opened up for team applications, and many people had picked their teammates early on and had already started filling out their lists on their lightbrains.

Of course, there were also those who were still looking for someone, and it was a buzz of activity.

Yan Huaxin did manage to get a leave of absence, while Shi Nian was in a group with Zhang Jingkai and Chu Fengzhu.

The other guide in the group was none other than Zhou Xinyun, from the mecha manufacturing department that day.

Aside from Zhou Xinyun and Zhang Jingkai, no one else knew the details of what happened that day, so naturally they couldn’t guess how powerful Shi Nian was.

But even so, Shi Nian’s performance that day was already very surprising to them.

They didn’t have to worry about him at all.

When Zhang Jingkai looked at the chat logs, he didn’t know what to say, so he could only turn off his light brain and pretend he didn’t see them.

This group of people, they didn’t know that the “worry-free” guide could beat several of them by himself.

The school was also discussing teaming up, and that Shi Nian’s group was the strongest, no matter what aspect.

Some people were still saying that Shi Nian and Zhou Xinyun had saved a lot of worries by joining that team, and that they would definitely be well protected. But then someone soon pointed out that these two were also the best in their departments, not to mention Shi Nian, who could also swing a sentinel with one hand.

For days on end, the teams continued to be formed.

There was still a lot of bonding to be done once the teams were formed, and this time the school had prepared a venue for them.

There was no need for the students to go outside to find a place.

Otherwise, Zhang Jingkai and the others would not have dared call Shi Nian to come over for training.

Everyone knew that what happened that day was aimed at him.

People like Principal Wu could even guess that it was definitely not the Star Pirates who did it, and they also vaguely knew it was the Wu family.

Why else would he have mentioned Old Mr. Zhou when no other example was cited?

At this time of year, the students are rather hyper, and this liveliness will not calm down until after the competition is over.

Holidays would also be reduced to one day a week.

In the past, this had little to do with the pharmacy department, but this year it was different. Everyone was working together.

Shi Nian went out occasionally during the week, and only did sso on his own. After all, even though he said conclusively that the Wu family should not make any more moves recently, there is no denying that the Wu family could suddenly have a brain fart.

So if he moves alone, he won’t be able to implicate friends just in case that happens.

Shi Nian checked out the more famous restaurants on the main star, and today he went to one that does fish particularly well.

They did all kinds of fish, boiled, braised, steamed, and fried, and they also have a creamy, delicious fish soup.

He ordered a large table and ate it with great pleasure.

Of course, the people in charge of protecting him were also given a table. But while others were eating a table as a bunch of people, he was eating a table by himself.

After eating, he was about to go to the washroom when he bumped into Yue Xingran and Bai Zihan in the corridor.

It looked like Bai Zihan had stopped Yue Xinran.

“Uncle, I really can’t stay in the Wu family any longer. It’s been hard for me to be away from my father’s people all these years. But… I can’t help it, I…… Shi Nian?”

The last two words, almost said through clenched teeth.

This was the first time that Shi Nian had seen Bai Zihan after he been stabbed. It looked like his mental state was much worse than when they first met. Bai Zihan was looking at him with so much resentfulness that his eyes were turning red.

Shi Nian turned his head and said to one of his bodyguards: “Look, I sent his mother in before and although he hated me, it is absolutely nothing compared to now. It can be seen that this person has a weak mind, it’s obviously more important that I made his life change drastically than send his mother to jail. ”

“Shi Nian, don’t be ridiculous.” Bai Zihan said immediately.”

How could he allow himself to be described as having a thin heart and not valuing his loved ones? How could he let Yue Xingran think of him that way.

He was about to retort, when he realised that this matter involved his mother. His mother had done the same to the Yue family, and Yue Xinran was bound to be more disgusted by the mere mention of the past, so he could only shut up.

He could only keep his mouth shut. For his part, Shi Nian stopped talking to him and just looked at Yue Xinran.

“Admiral Yue.”

Compared to the last time they met at the Yan family banquet, this time Yue Xingran’s attitude had changed a lot.

“Mr. Shu.” he said.

When Bai Zihan saw that no one was paying any attention to him anymore, he couldn’t help but be aggrieved, and his eyes reddened, “Little Uncle, you …you really want to watch me die!”

He didn’t know whether Yue Xing Ran was disgusted or not, but Shi Nian couldn’t stand it any longer. So he just skipped them and went to the bathroom first.

When he came out again, Bai Zihan was gone, and he didn’t know how Yue Xingran managed to send the person away.

But thinking about it, Bai Zihan had been pestering Yue Xing Ran for some time, “Admiral Yue, haven’t you had enough of the fun?”

Yue Xingran heard the words, and then said after a long while, “If I’m too ruthless, someone will guess ……”

It’s not hard to guess what will be guessed.

It occurred to Shi Nian that even though Yue Xing Ran had known about Bai Zihan’s real birth story and was not necessarily unaware of the Lu family’s scruples. He still didn’t reveal a single word.

Otherwise, he could have cleared the Lu family’s misgivings by telling them about Bai Zihan’s true birth. So it was clear that he still didn’t want to make his brother’s cuckoldry known.

Although, in Shi Nian’s opinion, the victim should never be worried about the word spreading out. But since Yue Xing Ran himself cared, he did not say anything.

If you can endure it, then you can endure it. It’s a good thing that… “you can still pretend to give in at the critical moment and send the Wu family some news that they want to hear.”

The two of them didn’t know each other very well, so it was enough to say a few words when they ran into each other.

When he said that he was ready to leave, and heard Yue Xinran suddenly ask, “You didn’t choose to go back to the Bai family to break it up from the inside because of your disgust for them?”

“Yes!” Shi Nian said, “It’s too much work to communicate with them, so I can’t justify this.”

Besides, “Isn’t it because the Bai family brought themselves to this stage? I didn’t do anything, I just protected my rights a little bit. “