CH 112

Chapter 112

This slap in the face successfully made Father Yan’s face turn green.

In addition to the mockery of the netizens, the Lu family even explicitly stated that non-imperialists should not worry about the future of the empire, and that they should instead spend their time cultivating their own talents.

This was a clear statement that Father Yan was meddling in the affairs of another country, and in the process, stepping on the military strength of the Federation.

Of course, the Wu family looked no better.

“Shi Nian! It’s Shi Nian again! Why is it always him? ”

Councilor Wu was so angry that he was about to smash the house down.

The Bai family, of course, had seen all this through the starnet.

Bai Bingyan was so regretful; he should have known better. Why should he have cheated on his wife?

If he had had a son like that, how could the Bai family not have been his in the future?

Even if it wasn’t his, it would still be his son’s, and he could even follow the example of the Wu family and control the Lu family.

Pity, it’s a pity.

Bai Bingyan drank his wine and regretted the glory and power that he could have had in his hands. His elder brother, who was dissatisfied with him, came to find fault again.

The two brothers soon came to blows again.

They were used to the good life, and were not satisfied with the status quo, even if it seemed okau now.

The group of people who had never made money with their own hands went into making an investment and ended up losing a lot of money.

Now the family still lives together, but in a smaller house.

Even though ex-senator Bai had left a lot of money on the table, his children and grandchildren couldn’t live up to expectations.

The family situation was getting worse by the day.

The netizens on Starnet had come to the point where they could no longer remember them.

Some would suddenly mention Ji Yiqing, but no one mentioned the Bai family.

The reason for this is that one person had a sudden thought.

“Do you think it was Shi Nian that increased Ji Yiqing’s spiritual power at that time? So he thought he could be with Bai Zihan, and kept stepping on Shi Nian after he broke up with him. Later, after they broke up completely, this guy’s mental power really changed back, and he even lost his mental power afterwards.”

It was only natural that they would think of this, as they didn’t know that the Zerg were involved.

When this topic came up, it was immediately echoed by many.

Ji Yiqing instantly became a foolish man who had been taken advantage of.

It became a synonym for a scumbag.

There was even the phrase, “A scumbag doesn’t deserve a good end.”

Many people have even made him synonymous with scumbags, when speaking of other scum, “This guy is just a Ji Yiqing.”

Of course, the students who wanted to pick up Lu legion had no more worries.

The generals of the Lu family were even more relieved.

At the same time, they could not help but look at Admiral Liu, “You knew about this?”

Admiral Liu coughed dryly, “A coincidence… by coincidence.”

“Coincidence my ass. You just knew and didn’t tell us. ” Everyone gathered around the man, “Come on, let’ cut the crap. I really want to beat you up today. ”

“Don’t…don’t do that, I didn’t want to ……”

The group of admirals squabbled, and came out just in time to meet Lu Bo Ting, who was off duty.

They all came up together and asked.

“Marshal, when are you getting married?”

“Yes, Marshal, Mr. Shi is such a good catch. Don’t you know how many people want to dig your corner, you have to hurry up.”

“That’s right, hold on tight. You won’t be at ease until you guys get married. ”

Have you decided when you’re going to get married? On what date? ”

“Why don’t you get your license first? …”

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

The marshal managed to break through the siege, but he was not feeling well.

What marriage? Shi Nian had not even accepted a relationship yet.

When Xue Chi saw him like this, he thought something was wrong and asked, “Marshal, are you like this because do you not want to marry Mr. Shi?”

Lu Bo Ting looked up at him. Although he didn’t say anything, his meaning was very clear;

What the hell are you talking about?

“Then why are you unhappy?” Adjutant Xue didn’t understand.

They are urging you to get married, not stopping you from getting married. Your expression is wrong.

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

Marshal Lu said, “Shi Nian is….I can’t predict what he’s thinking.”

“What?” Adjutant Xue was dumbfounded, “It can’t be!”

Lu Bo Ting looked at him.

Xue Chi immediately straightened his expression and said, ” Haven’t you always predicted how Shi Nian will react before he even does? Like the time he brought out all the Qianbai Flower Juice from his lab in advance, you knew that he…… ”

Lu Bo Ting looked at Xue Chi and knew he was no better than him in these regards.

Also, “I did not ask you for your thoughts. What good idea can you have? ”

Xue Chi: “……”

“……” Adjutant Xue couldn’t help but say, “Marshal, you don’t have to look down on people like that! Two heads are better than one, I think… ”

“Okay.” Lu Bo Ting said, “What should I do about the contract? The contract states that both parties cannot lay hands on each other or have any intentions…”

“Alas, now that you are in love with each other, who cares about the contract.”

As soon as he said this, Lu Bo Ting’s face turned black. Then the next thing he heard was, “Or you can just pay the liquidated damages according to the contract. It’s not a big deal.”

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

“What’s wrong, Marshal? Didn’t you teach me how to solve problems? ” Xue Chi said, “It doesn’t seem a bad idea at all!”


Lu Bo Ting no longer wanted to talk to him.

At that moment, Yan Hualin’s call came through.

As soon as he connected, the other side said, “So you were asking me about the contract with Shi Nian the other day. Why didn’t you tell me earlier? If you had told me earlier, I would have told you how to go about it.”

It was rare for a domineering president to say so much in one breath.

It is clear that even the president was not immune to enjoying the jokes of his cousin.

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

He knew it would be hard to keep this under wraps, and was afraid that the whole family knew about it now.

When he realized that the call was not serious, he made a move to hang up without saying a word.

Yan Haulin said, “Don’t hang up! I have a solution. I really have a solution. ”

Only then did Lu Bo Ting reluctantly accept to keep the call.

“Say it.”

However, despite his words, Yan Hualin sat there in his suit and looked at Lu Bo Ting for a long time.

He knew his cousin and could understand why he had chosen to pay the liquidation fee. After all, if he had breached the contract, he would not have gotten away with it.


“Cousin, when it comes to relationship matters, sometimes it is not necessary to be so… um, forget it. I will not teach you these fancy things; I’ll just say one thing. ”

“I heard from my aunt that you two are in love with each other….”

Lu Bo Ting: ” Shi Nian has not made a clear statement on his position.”


Yan Hualin couldn’t help but take a deep breath. What was wrong with his cousin? He hadn’t been this stupid before!

It is said that he always found out that others were interested in him quite quickly!

How could it be that this time he couldn’t …..even his aunt could see it! This implies that Shi Nian must not be hiding it that much.

Yan Hualin was worthy of being a well-informed boss. He quickly realized that this is because his cousin likes the boy so much, so he wanted to get a conclusive statement from the other party,  otherwise he would never feel at ease with taking the next step.

“So did you ask him? Have you confessed? Like in those romances….oh! He probably doesn’t like romance. So what if you make some exciting scenes so that the atmosphere is just right for the two of you to talk about it? ”

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

“Then, cousin, when you’re done with your work, you should make arrangements! If you don’t ask, you can’t expect someone to run to you and confess their love to you first. ”

Yan Hualin remembered, “I heard that during the time of your accident, the quantum beast was pestering him every day, so it’s okay, you don’t have to worry about saving face. You need to be shameless when chasing after him. I heard from my aunt that Shi Nian liked petting the dragon, so you should let him pet it more. If he is embarrassed, you can ask for his quantum beast to play with his quantum beast! ”

This was a set of things that Yan Hualin thought Lu Bo Ting would understand.

But he still had to ask, “Do you understand, cousin…”

His cousin said, “mmm,” and then asked him, “Cousin, you are so good at this. How come you still don’t have a partner? ”

Yan Hualin: “……”

Then he saw his cousin, who had never forgotten to stab him twice in the heart, hang up his call.

Young Master Yang was so angry.

“I don’t have a partner? You think everyone is like you! I just haven’t met anyone I like. ”

On the other hand, Lu Bo Ting was determined, and he soon had a rough plan that needed to be perfected.

But before that could happen, the Wu family had to be settled.

The start of the investigation into the research institute was only the first step, but the progress would not be made public on Starnet right away.

After all, netizens can not make a decision in this case.

This was also the time when the Lu family and the Wu family were facing off against each other.

Councilor Wu was in no hurry. After all, he was sure that the Lu family had no evidence.

They had already prevented their involvement from being exposed and had deliberately created some conflict with the man who was working at the institute.

Usually, there was no need for defense. As long as they pretended that this had been dug up by ordinary netizens, they would quickly reverse the situation and whitewash themselves.

It would then look as if someone had a grudge against them and was deliberately framing them.

And this time, although they were caught off guard, as long as the evidence was not solid, the same reason could be used to counter it.

Wu Chao Yi then smiled and said, “Marshal Lu, I am sorry that you misunderstood the situation. It was just a groundless rumor.”

Inside, he was very pleased with himself.

But he didn’t expect Lu Bo Ting to remain unchanged. He simply raised his hand and asked Adjutant Xue Chi to hand in the new piece of evidence to the police.

They had looked into it before making a move so that the Wu family could not destroy evidence, and were naturally very thorough before the face-off.

The Wu family had thought the show was over, but they didn’t know that there was still evidence of their involvement.

Wu Chao Yi: “……”

Wu Chao Yi’s face changed, but he still said, “At most, this only proves that the person had a small connection to our side branch. Maybe you offended them sometime ago, Marshal Lu, and our main branch didn’t help them vent their anger, so they came up with this method of tampering with potions. ”

There it was again. The same old trick.

When they failed to whitewash themselves, they casually threw their side family under the bus.

But Wu Chao Yi did not lose his temper on the spot, and then blew up when he returned.

“How could he have left a lead?”

It didn’t look like this investigation was going to do anything to the Wu family, but with this kind of incident, their reputation had hit rock bottom and there would be less fresh blood coming to their legion.

A year may not seem like much, but what if it went on for two, three, or more years.

“Since when did the Lu family start playing such tricks?”  He asked, through clenched teeth.

Councilor Wu sighed, “From the beginning, they never intended to push us to the brink.”

After all, they had an army in their hands, and the Lu family was afraid that if they would be pushed to a dead end, ig would leave them with no option but to use the army to fight back. So they decided to start by cutting off their fresh blood.

On top of that, “He is also lowering our prestige on Starnet. It’s not just for the netizens; it might even affect the people in the army. If the army is in disarray, what will be left of us?”

In the end, the foundation of the Wu army was the Yue army, and although they had gone to great lengths to replace them with their own men over the past ten years, they were still not at ease as the Lu and Kang families.

Their army was far less stable and solid than theirs.

“This is a very ruthless move by the Lu family.” Councilor Wu said, “But the good thing is that it won’t be effective for a while. We just have to be able to hold on for the next year and do some charity work to restore our reputation. At the same time, we need to get the boosters out as soon as possible. If they come out, we’ll have no one to worry about. ”

While he was talking, he heard a knock at the door.

“What’s so urgent?” He asked.

The answer was, ” There is an assistant from the underground research institute who escaped and has not been caught.”

“What?!” Councilor Wu immediately stood up.

“Go and look for him. We have to find him. We have to get him alive, or dead! ”

Wu Chao Yi also stood up anxiously, “How can this be?”

He asked, “The defenses on that side are ironclad. How could something like this happen? ”

“No one knows. It was just a brief moment before we realized the man had run out. ” The subordinate said, “You also know, outside is a karaoke bar, and then beyond is a bustling market. Once he blended into the crowd, he was not be easy to find. ”

Councilor Wu said, “If he could do that, he must have started preparing for it a long time ago.”

“It’s a good thing the person we’re looking for is an island. He can’t get far without someone on the outside… Is there any evidence in his hands?”

“No.” The subordinate added, “We are very strict and watch very closely. But he has eyes to see and a mouth to speak with.”

“That’s fine. Without evidence, who will believe what he says?” Councilor Wu said but he felt a little panic in his heart.

He had a bad premonition.