CH 120

Chapter 120

Neither Bai Zihan nor Yan Yan were intelligent people, let alone difficult to interrogate.

So when Shi Nian came, he thought that the interrogation would almost be over.


“One of them is crying for her father, and the other is crying to see you two.”

It was impossible to bring her father just to satisfy her, so Lu Bo Ting said, “Keep interrogating her and tell her that Mr. Yan is implicated and there is no way he can come to see her now, nor can he save her.”

“This is the Empire, not the Federation, so tell her to recognize the reality and give an honest account.”

As for Bai Zihan, they could go and see him to hear what this fool was up to.

When Bai Zihan saw Shi Nian, he was so resentful and angry. “Why? Why are you so lucky that you didn’t die? ”

Shi Nian: “……”

“Is there something wrong with his brain?” He turned back to Lu Bo Ting asking.

“Was I lucky? I was too strong, okay? Is it really so hard to admit that others are good? What’s blinding your eyes? Is it jealousy or your inferiority complex? ”

“My inferiority complex? What do I have to feel inferior about? I am the dignified young master of the Bai family. How can I not be better than you, a poor bum from a marginal star? ” Bai Zihan immediately shouted.

Shi Nian didn’t say anything back to him. He had so much money on his own light brain, and he was buying buildings one by one on the main star. Can he still be considered poor? Then what do the rich look like to this fool?

He just said, sympathetically, “The family can only give you a good starting point, but it can’t give you your suspicions.””

“If you don’t feel inferior to me and that I  am no match for you, why do you always bring up my background as someone from the Edge star and emphasise your ‘proper’ status? Is it because you yourself know that your origins are disgraceful and that the only thing you are better than me in…..or rather, better than me in your eyes is that I have spent time on the Edge star and you have not.”

“Alright, what else do you have to say? If there is nothing else, We’ll leave first. There are people outside waiting to come in and continue your interrogation. ”

Bai Zihan: “……”

“You’re talking nonsense. You’re talking……” He shook his head and looked at Lu Bo Ting, “I’m better than him, really! Why didn’t you choose me? Why was it Shi Nian? I could obviously steal with his old boyfriend……”

Lu Bo Ting had already pulled open the door and let Shi Nian go out first, and walked out with him.

As if he hadn’t heard the words, there wasn’t even a response. This kind of indifference was far more devastating to Bai Zihan than rejecting him outright or saying he was not better than Shi Nian.

Because it meant that the other party had never even bothered putting him in his eyes.”

“On what grounds? Why?! Simply because I am related to the Wu family? That family treated me so badly, we’ve already had a clean break… ”

It was the first time Shi Nian remembered that Bai Zihan, this stupid person, actually liked Lu Bo Ting.

“Your cousin is really a prophecy of God.” He couldn’t help but say.

Lu Bo Ting: “Huh?”

“He said last time that Bai Zihan liked you… Oh, of course it was because what I said caused him to misunderstand, but he turned out to be right! ”

Shi Nian said as he looked at Lu Bo Ting and said, “You attract disasters.”

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

But in that case, the two culprits in this incident, surprisingly, both did it because they liked him……

“Those five should have some relationship with Yan Nuo, or at least know her.” Shi Nian suddenly mentioned, “When they were all caught, those five people looked at Yan Nuo with disbelief. It was as if they couldn’t believe that she was there, and they didn’t expect her to come out and do such a thing. ”

It was inaccurate to say that they hated what she had done. Because their eyes were not reprimanding. Secondly, it was something clearly done by the two, Yan Nuo and Bai Zihan, but Bai Zihan was ignored in general, and they did not even glance at him.

When the matter was brought up, Lu Bo Ting immediately said, “I’m having them interrogated, but I suspect that it might have something to do with Mr. Yan.”

This suspicion was not just his, everyone had it. Even the ordinary people on Starnet were saying things that were biased towards this suspicion.

After all, the people who were arrested together included Yan Nuo, and those who didn’t know the specifics were still treating them as a group.

But even if they weren’t in cahoots, they were probably still somewhat related, and it didn’t count as wronging them.

They just didn’t know what the hell was going on.

A good date turned out like this; it was simply unexpected.

Mrs. Lu was afraid of disturbing Lu Bo Ting, and she did not call as they were busy outside. So she could only scold her son at home with the old Marshal Lu.

How can you be so unreliable? Can’t you find a quiet place? A cafe, a music hall, or a movie theater are good options. Do you have to go on such an exciting….

Of course, Lu Bo Ting didn’t know that he was being spat at. At the moment, he and Shi Nian were waiting for the transcript to come out.

The five people were resisting and did not say anything. They pretended to be Shi Nian’s black fans.

The whole thing made Shi Nian turn on his light brain and speak to a black fan who was yelling around:

Shi Nian replied below, “Speak well. Do you know that because of your harsh words on the Star Network, some people are now being arrested claiming to be members of your team. And because of their radical blackness, they formed a group to hack me with knives.”

That black fan: “……”


In recent times, Shi Nian had become more and more powerful, and the tone of his voice was getting weaker and weaker. So why is someone still throwing dirt on them as black fans?

“Slandering is slandering! We black fans also have professional ethics. We only use our mouths but not our hands. And even if we did, no one would pick you. We would be the ones to die in self-defence. ”

“Although I hate black fans, I don’t think they did this.”

A sensible fan spoke up.

“And didn’t they catch Bai Zihan and Yan Nuo? These two obviously had a feud, and they’re still pretending to be black fans. Do they have the face? ”

Stupid is always stupid. Even if you say you’ve suddenly become brain-damaged in a dream, there could be better excuses to give than that!

Since there was so little information out there, not many people knew that there was more than one group of culprits, so these people just put all the blame on Bai Zihan and Yan Nuo.

The other three people that were caught were already identified as members of the Wu family.

Needless to say, anyone would understand what they were doing it for.

The main question now was how did they know that Shi Nian and Lu Bo Ting would go to this amusement park.

Although the equipment was damaged on the spot, the owner of the amusement park immediately closed the park and carefully checked all the equipment after this incident.

It was originally a public relations tactic for the current situation, but who would have thought that a problem would be found?

All dangerous amusement park equipment had been tampered with in advance. It didn’t matter if it was used normally, but if the people behind the scenes wanted something to happen, it was a matter of minutes.

Whichever game they would have chosen would have had the same ending.

The people in charge of the amusement park were shocked and hurriedly had evidence preserved and informed Lu Bo Ting’s side.

The three men kept their mouths shut when this was mentioned, and it was Lu Bo Ting who finally said, “I think it was Bai Zihan who told them our plans. If it wasn’t him, there was no need to let him know about it. ”

After all, it was too stupid to bring him along for such a scheme when it made no difference whether he came or not.

If it was Wu Chao Yi out there, no one would believe him if he said that he didn’t know what the people underneath him were doing.

And Lu Bo Ting knew that he was hanging out with Yan Nuo.

Add to that the fact that those five were most likely people sent by senator Yan, it was already obvious that the news was first known to Mr. Yan.

Yan Nuo might have followed it when she coincidentally saw or heard something.

She had no one on her side, so she joined forces with Bai Zihan. And Bai Zihan told the Wu family.

And how did the two of them become acquainted? As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

“Now the question arises: how did Mr. Yan know about this? ” Shi Nian suddenly said.

He looked at Lu Bo Ting and said, “How did you pick the places to go to?”

Lu Bo Ting said, “Apart from the ice skating rink, which Jian Xi likes to play in and had once sneaked out of the palace to go there, the restaurant and amusement park we visited were already listed as the most popular places on the main star, according to the Star Network.”

Shi Nian sniffed, “That’s a problem.”

Lu Bo Ting: “Hmm?”

“Contact Zhou Xinxian, or someone underneath you who has something to do with this aspect of light brains.”

Shi Nian said, “The search results you got are very problematic.”

Although he didn’t completely understand this, he had a vague idea.

There was nothing wrong with the search results for the restaurant; after all, it was indeed a famous restaurant, and the taste was really good. Almost 99% of the ratings were high, and everyone who had been there said it was good.

The focus is on the high traffic and the recent popularity it has gained. Everyone will think of it first when you mention good restaurants.

Shi Nian said, ” It is a normal search result, but if you look at it from another angle, is the food at the biggest hotel on the planet really inferior to this restaurant? First of all, their ingredients are definitely better, and the food is made by human chefs……”

So it is more expensive.

But in the eyes of the general public, it’s the value for money that counts. They can go to a normal restaurant for the same menu as the big hotels. And in the world, it’s always ordinary people who make up the majority.

So that restaurant had a lot of talk and a lot of traffic. Making it the first one Lu Bo Ting saw when he searched.

Similarly, the same should be true for the amusement park.

The amusement park they went to had never had a good reputation. It was known as a place for people who are stupid or  have a lot of money to spend, and it was also often trolled as a money dumpster.

The only good thing about it was that it was less crowded and there were no queues.

But that benefit is worth nothing in the face of their sky-high prices.

“So you weren’t supposed to see it as a recommendation.” Shi Nian said.

Yet Lu Bo Ting saw it.

“It was right at the top, first on the first page, and very prominent.”

He searched again at that moment, but the result had changed again.

Zhou Xinxian and the others soon came over, each of them very serious as they now suspected that Lu Bo Ting’s light brain had been tampered with.

As for the interrogation there, it was naturally easier to try again once most of the truth had been surmised.

The eight trained people were holding on, but the likes of Bai Zihan and Yan Nuo couldn’t hold it together at all.

Once they opened their mouths, there was no difference between telling the whole story and telling it cleanly.

Yan Nuo and Bai Zihan quickly confessed how they had gotten together, and Yan Nuo even confessed that she had indeed gotten the tip from her father that Lu Bo Ting and Shi Nian were going to the amusement park.

“Get ready.” Lu Bo Ting said, “Let’s go and meet that senator Yan.”

Shi Nian was already on his feet.

They waited for Adjutant Xue to get the flying machine over and went all the way to meet Mr. Yan.

The latter was in an impotent rage, calling all over to the Federation while protesting the treatment he was receiving, and still looking furious until Shi Nian and the others entered the room.

“What is the Empire trying to do here? You want to go to war with the Federation? Restricting my personal freedom in the Empire for no reason ……”

“If we really wanted to start a war, instead of us coming here to see you now, we would have just arrested you to cooperate with the investigation.” Shi Nian spoke.

He was as casual as if he had entered his own home, then found a seat.

With his elbows resting on his knees and palms resting on his chin, he just looked at Mr. Yan and said, “There are indeed many benefits to killing me. I have listed one, two, three, four, and five on the way here. Maybe there are still some omissions. Can Senator Yan help fill in the blanks? ”

Senator Yan had always known that Shi Nian was arrogant and not a man who played by the rules, but he did not expect him to be this direct.

He opened his mouth before saying, “Mr. Shi, that’s slander.”

“Forget it, your daughter has already confessed.” Shi Nian said, “She got it from you that Lu Bo Ting and I will go to the playground today. But… this thing was only decided last night. Even I only got to know about it today, so how did you know in advance? ”

Lu Bo Ting walked in, and behind him, Xue Chi spoke.

“Spying on the whereabouts of the imperial marshal and instigating a plot to kill the future marshal’s partner. Senator Yan, this is not a good thing you did.”

“You should say, not so beautiful.” Shi Nian said, “After all, they are from the Federation. If it was a success, it would be called a good job, but… tsk, senator Yan, do you want to share your thoughts? ”

At this moment, Senator Yan has already sorted out his mood and also sat down steadily across the table.

“I know the buzz on Starnet is… against me right now, but there has to be evidence. I’ve never done such a thing, and just because I happen to know something, doesn’t mean it’s all my doing. Perhaps you should ask that Bai Zihan? ”

Xue Chi said, “Senator Yan, you’d better answer honestly, or else, even if you leave everything else out of it, it’s impossible to leave out what Miss Yan has done. Stay in the Empire and take your time. You knew our Marshal’s whereabouts… yet you are of the Federation. So how many spies do you have here? Who are they and how did they get to know about this? I’m afraid you have to stay in the empire and “talk” about it slowly.”

Senator Yan, “There is no proof, on what basis do you ……”

“If you don’t agree, we can just let the Federation fight. When they hit the main star, they can naturally rescue you back. ” Lu Bo Ting said.

This was the only thing he said since he entered the room, but it nailed Senator Yan in place.

This was a powerful bottom line.

No one would believe the Federation when they said that they didn’t have people planted in the Empire, but they really didn’t have the ability to get to Lu Bo Ting’s whereabouts.

Lu Bo Ting hadn’t told anyone, and neither Shi Nian nor Xue Chi knew for sure, let alone his people.

Senator Yan closed his eyes, but still stubbornly told a lie that everyone knew by heart.

“You should not be too petty. We in the Federation love our neighbours and would never do such schemes.” Then he said, “As for Marshal Lu’s whereabouts, someone actually sent it to me.”

With this statement, it was not difficult to ask the questions that followed.

It was last night that someone suddenly sent him such a message.

Semator Yan spread his hands and said, “Inexplicably, I found it unbelievable, and naturally, I did not believe it. I just didn’t expect that girl, Yan Nuo, to be so… she probably loves you to the point of madness, so she did something stupid. ”

“What about the tip?” Xue Chi immediately asked.

Senator Yan said, “That message appeared directly in my light brain, then disappeared not long after I read it.”

“As expected, “Shi Nian and Lu Bo Ting thought at the same time.

But that was all that could be believed, the rest of Senator Yan’s words…

He said he didn’t believe it, but he actually just didn’t fully believe it. So instead of preparing in advance like the Wu family, who believed Yan Nuo, he only sent five people over.

If Shi Nian and Lu Bo Ting hadn’t gone today, those five people were just going to the amusement park to have fun.

But as long as they did go, those five people would be waiting for an opportunity to make their move.

For this reason, he even sent Yan Nuo out, and then used it as an excuse to call Xue Chi’s side at the right opportunity, so that Lu Bo Ting would be separated from Shi Nian for a while.

After all, with the Imperial War God around, it was unlikely that they would succeed in doing so.

The same could not be said for Shi Nian. Even though he had already shown his strength at the tournament, he was still a guide, and Senator Yan reckoned that he could not be any stronger than five sentinels.

Shi Nian was angry.

Hmm, five people are enough?

Tsk, it’s like being taken as a soft persimmon again.