CH 131

Chapter 131

He did not hide this discomfort too well, at least Lu Bo Ting felt that the other party was far more natural when he was in danger than he really was now.

It was clear that he was really not familiar with this kind of thing and had little experience.

He shook his head and did not say anything.

After all, if he did, it wouldn’t be easy to get this kind of benefit in the future.

After a while, he noticed that a new amount of money had been received on his account.

The amount looked familiar.

The note looked familiar too: breach of contract.

On closer inspection, it seemed that today was the regular monthly payment date. It was the same day he had set for an automatic payment to Shi Nian of three million star coins, so it had already been paid.

Lu Bo Ting suddenly realised that it was possible that this was the liquidation damage Shi Nian had also paid him.

Seeing him look over, Shi Nian smiled and said, “Alas, who told me to slap my own face and really like you.”

Lu Bo Ting only felt his own face hurt.

It was he who had insisted on adding this clause in the first place.

It might seem like Shi Nian was talking about himself, but it was actually him who was getting slapped…

The light brain suddenly rang, and Lu Bo Ting picked up and asked, “What is it?”

His subordinate reported that there was a single mecha coming this way, and the logo on it was that of a certain mercenary group.

Mercenaries are also a profession that operates deep in space, but unlike star thieves, who don’t do good work and specialise in robbing people (robbing ships that come and go), mercenaries are people who are hired by private individuals to protect them. Some mercenaries will take orders to help find rare items and so on.

For example, the planet labeled “purple” mentioned earlier is often mined by mercenaries.

The mercenaries are the kind of people who can help others out when they meet them, as opposed to the star pirates who are feared by everyone.

At that moment, when they saw a single mercenary alone, Xue Chi had already contacted him and confirmed his identity.

“It is indeed a recorded mercenary, or a rather large mercenary group.” Xue Chi said, “This mercenary group is usually mining… marshal, he said that their people are in danger and need help.”

Lu Bo Ting: “For this kind of thing, just do as usual.”

Ask what the situation is and send a team to help.

“I asked.” Xue Chi said, “The man said that they were digging in the Ice and Fire planet, and ended up noticing that there was a team of people who weren’t right. They were still wondering when the other team struck. The one who came happened to have gone to do something on the side, which enabled him to rush away at the first opportunity.”

“The perpetrators were a team of people?” Lu Bo Ting frowned.

Shi Nian followed suit and pointed out, “Something is not right.”

The two men looked at each other, and across the light screen, Adjutant Xue also said, “We also thought something might be wrong. But whether it’s overthinking or not, Marshal, you could check… ”

“What about the man.” Shi Nian immediately said, “I will personally talk to him.”

Xue Chi’s side was ready to go, and it didn’t take long for the multiple lines to be linked together and for the member of that mercenary group to be linked in as well.

The other party was the deputy leader of that mercenary group and was in a very bad mood at the moment. But when they thought about what he said about all the other members of the group being attacked, it was quite expected.

“What’s going on? Tell me in detail what was wrong with those people. ” Lu Bo Ting asked.

The man said, “I don’t know, the told me to say those words before.”

At this statement, the crowd was stunned.

Xue Chi immediately asked, “What’s the situation?”

“……” The man closed his eyes, seemingly struggling fiercely in his mind, before continuing, “Something did happen to our mercenary group, and it was also another team who did it. But the process was not like what I said before. I was also captured, and the other side gave me the coordinates to come and say those words. Only then would they let the rest go. And what I said earlier about the other side being strange wasn’t a lie. I felt that something was not right with them, so… ”

So he chose to say the truth.

It was a painful decision. After all, it was his entire mercenary regiment over there, and there was even his own son in there.

But, “The other side must have prepared a lot of traps waiting for you. I…I can’t let all the Imperial Legion get into trouble because of our mercenary regiment.””

“I came over just to inform you guys about this matter. Also, everyone’s family and children are still alive, so, after we die, I hope the Lu family can help take care of them, so that they don’t lose their way and join us in the land of the dead.”

After saying that, the man turned his mecha around and looked like he was going back to that planet.

Xue Chi immediately asked, “What are you doing?”

“I have to go back, I can’t run away by myself.”

“Stop him. ” Shi Nian immediately said.

Xue Wan immediately complied and personally drove her mecha out to stop the man.

On Shi Nian’s side, he connected the call again and said, “Your child still needs to be raised by you yourself. How do you know whether others will do their best? Don’t try to dump the burden on us. Stay alive, and I will try to help save the others.”

The man was sobbing.

Who would want to watch their own people die if they had a choice.”

“But it’s really dangerous, and although they  told me to say what I said earlier, they did spend a long time on that planet. Who knows what other preparations they had made. That planet is already dangerous. No matter how many more people you bring and the most preparations you make, it’s all for nothing. ”

After going around in circles, he didn’t expect to be back on this purple danger level planet.

Shi Nian said, “Don’t worry, I’ve got it covered.”

The man was brought on board the warship, and his entire spirit was bad. It was obvious that he had gone through a strong mental struggle, and contained concern for his son and his companions.

Xue Chi walked over and patted him on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, it will all be fine.”

“No, no, no, you guys haven’t been there and you don’t understand. That planet is far more dangerous than what’s been rumoured on the star network…..”

“And that planet has been haunted lately.”

Crowd: “……”

Adjutant Xue couldn’t help but say, “Dangerous… we know, but haunted…”

That’s a bit of a stretch!

“Really.” The man said, “I’ve seen them with my own eyes. The spirits float around, no real bodies, wearing white robes, no feet, hair draped in front, bullets go right through them. ”

Shi Nian had seen countless spirits, after all, and he couldn’t help but correct, “The white spirits are weak, the stronger ones are colored, and red is the most aggressive.”

When he said this, Xue Chi’s entire body was dumbfounded, “Really, there are really spirits?”

“Probably not.” Shi Nian said.

Except inside the infinite dungeon world, he hadn’t seen a spirit after coming out.

Adjutant Xue let out a sigh of relief, “Then you…”

“I saw them on TV.” Shi Nian gave a random excuse. Regardless of Xue Chi’s inexpressible face, he asked, “When did you have this hallucination and for how long?”

“It’s not a hallucination.” The man said, “It was a real spirit. After getting rid of it, I went back to look at the place where it was. There was a stone that broke when it was hit with my bullet and also weird cracks and some weird markings on it.”

He took a deep breath and said, “Mercenaries like us do a lot of work with our heads on our trouser belts. Being timid is not an option. I’m sure it really wasn’t a hallucination from me being so scared. ”

Shi Nian knew it wasn’t a hallucination; it was a magic formation that made him see spirits.

He narrowed his eyes.

These people …… really know how to step on thunder!

Lu Bo Ting keenly sensed the change in his mood and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“We’ll talk on the way.” He snorted, “I’ll go and meet these people.”

With that, he headed to where the armour was kept.

One would need to open the door from here to fly the mechs out of the warship.

Lu Bo Ting naturally followed, and Xue Chi and a few others also wanted to follow, but they were stopped.

“You guys can just stay on the periphery.  It’s useless to have more people for this kind of thing.”

Xue Wan couldn’t help but say, “But this is too dangerous.”

“It’s useless to have more people. The environment is the problem. When the time comes, are we all going to resist the harsh environment together?” Shi Nian knew what they meant, but there was really no need.

When the time comes, those who went to help will become those who dragged them down.

If he guessed correctly, it must have been a demon that set up the trap on that planet. So, going with more people would not only be unhelpful but would also be a drag.

“Let’s go.” He turned towards Lu Bo Ting and said.

The latter nodded and took out Ink Dragon before entering his mech.

Shi Nian followed him in.

Someone noticed that he had taken the co-pilot instead of going into the rescue pod at the back, and was stunned.

However, at that moment, the mech had already flown out of the warship and was heading straight for the purple threat level planet.

It was only then that Lu Bo Ting asked again, “You didn’t look right just now. Is there a problem?”

Shi Nian leaned back and sighed, “You know that I’m a phoenix, and you know I’m not the original Shi Nian, so you should have guessed that I probably wasn’t from here, right?”

Lu Bo Ting nodded. This guess was a bit outrageous, but there was no other theory as to what happened to Shi Nian.

So, in spite of the unthinkable, he did think so.

“I am here because I have been harmed before, and I could not take on human form.” When he saw Lu Bo Ting looking at him worriedly, he immediately said, “Don’t worry, I’m all healed now.”

Lu Bo Ting was smart and he immediately guessed, “Was it that time when the bathroom got set on fire that you fully healed?”

Shi Nian nodded.

“The boss is good. As expected of someone I like, very smart.”

Lu Bo Ting coughed with embarrassment, “Get down to business.”

“The person who harmed me was a demon cultivator. Oh, the Zerg race you have here is called the “demon race” where I was.”

Once Shi Nian said that, Lu Bo Ting now understood why Shi Nian didn’t know that it was the Zerg at first, yet he knew about them very well.

It turned out that at first, he thought that demons were something that didn’t exist in the interstellar, and it was not good to explain to them what was called the Demon Race.

“What does the demon race have to do with a demon cultivator?”

“They both just have the word “demon.” I’ve already mentioned the origin of the demon race, so I won’t talk about it again. But a demon cultivator is a practitioner who has taken the wrong path for the sake of greed or speed, though to some it is a coincidence. In fact, there are differences here, such as cultivation techniques, temperament… I won’t explain the specifics one by one. In short, they can’t ascend, which means they will die one day. And some people just don’t want to die. ”

Shi Nian explained how he was initially tricked out of the protective shield by a demon cultivator, and then how he was used.

“In the end, this man set up a large formation in a vain attempt to drag everyone within a radius of hundreds of kilometres to death, and he used me as the heart of the formation so that he could ascend.”

Later on, it was Bai Xiaoya, who crushed the other party’s plot by mistake.

“Of course, he also saved me in the process.”

“Later, I used the infinite flow space in the dungeon game he had to break through and nourish my blood. After I came out, I even followed him around from time to time. ”

Lu Bo Ting then understood, “Last time you said I was addicted to being a father and mentioned that someone tried to be a father to you all day, was not a reference to Bai Bingyan, but this Bai Xiaoya?”

Shi Nian nodded, “Of course it was him!”

“The couple’s lashing was also from him and his other half.” Lu Bo Ting said.

Shi Nian nodded again.

Lu Bo Ting then thought it would not be surprising if Bai Bingyan would do such a thing as beat up a child. But Shi Nian’s mother was an intelligent and sensible person, and would not have beaten someone just because the child had barged in on them.

It was just that at the time, although it was strange and he vaguely felt that Shi Nian was not really the same Shi Nian, in the end, there was no confirmation and he could only assume it was these parents being mentioned.

“Then those seven days….was it because you were young that you made a mistake and barged in, or was it really…”

“That…who knows.” Shi Nian said, “I did not stay inside the house watching. I only know that when I went in, the two people were still passionately hugging. The face of the sword sect clan master turned black. ”

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

Even though there was danger ahead and this situation shouldn’t really be talked about as it was completely unrelated, he still couldn’t resist asking, “Is this how it is in the cultivation world? Locked up for seven days?”

“It’s not like I’ve ever tried.” Shi Nian replied righteously. “I’ve never seen anyone else do that, and I’ve never given it much thought before. I’ve read a few books here, but they’re all exaggerated, and there are a lot of interstellar stories that it goes on for an hour or so, seven times a night. Is that really true in reality? ”

“The only real record I have was of the Huanhuan Sect’s patriarch. He once took all his Taoist companions to a large bed retreat. This retreat lasted a full seventy years. What happened in the middle, no one knows. I only know that they came out of the retreat with a great increase in cultivation.”

Lu Bo Ting: “S-seventy years?”

“That’s right, but their sect has a double cultivation method. Those who rely on this practice should not be counted among ordinary people. ”

Lu Bo Ting no longer wanted to talk about this topic. With these seventy years, he suddenly felt that the seven days of that Sword Sect’s master were actually not too exaggerated.

It was possible that it was some kind of misunderstanding, but what if it were true?

However, Shi Nian suddenly reacted, “Boss, since you’re asking this, shouldn’t we be comparing your own time……”

“Shut up.” Lu Bo Ting immediately said.

How can Shi Nian be afraid of this fake fierce mode. He immediately laughed endlessly.

“Boss, hahaha, boss, you are too cute!”

Lu Bo Ting’s face turned red, but he still kept his face straight as he emphasized, “We are almost at the place. Don’t laugh so hard that you can’t get off the mech.”

Shi Nian laughed even harder at this.

Lu Bo Ting looked at him, very helpless.

Obviously, he was too shy when he was a little intimate, but as long as the two sat apart, this kid would always become king of the mouth, and doesn’t know what shyness is.

“We’re here.” Shi Nian did not continue to laugh, but corrected his expression, “There is a high probability there will be a magic formation below. Boss, you are not familiar with them. Maybe I should go down by myself!”

Lu Bo Ting glanced at him, “The formation with you as the centre should have been more powerful back then! If that Bai Xiaoya could easily enter, I would also… ”

“You can’t.” Shi Nian said.

Although Lu Bo Ting knew that he was incomparable a cultivator, he still…

He then listened to Shi Nian continue: “That guy is terrifyingly calm and rational. There was a time when a demon cultivator schemed for the destruction of the cultivation world. He had a large formation set up. “

“In it’s illusion, Bai Xiaoya could ignore that his Dao Companion had blocked a deadly shot for him in the battle, and continued to kill the enemy without blinking or wasting a second. You definitely can’t.  Even if you know for a fact that they have used a life-like replica of your daoist companion, you just can’t help but look back at it.”

“ He entered the formation to search for the heart of the formation. In it, he broke into his stepmother’s yard for this purpose. He even demolished people’s windows and doors and used them for firewood. Of course, he later found out that the heart of the formation looked exactly like his Daoist partner. He directly stabbed it without blinking an eye. Can you do that? ”

Lu Bo Ting: “Well, in case it’s true, I…”

“See? Even if you know it’s not real, you can’t help but hesitate. ” Shi Nian said, “And this kind of thinking, many times, will be used by the formation.”

The formations in the cultivation world could read people’s hearts and pinpoint the weaknesses of the heart best.

“And he was not afraid?”

“No!” Shi Nian said, “It could be that he was pretty sure that it was just an illusion.”

He may sound like a scumbag, but there was no one in the cultivation world who didn’t envy that young master of the Sword Sect.

He was a winner in life.

Shi Nian suddenly said, “I will also make people envy you in the future.”