CH 135

Chapter 135

Back on the warship again, everyone looked at them differently.

Were these two still human?

No, they had indeed turned into a dragon and a phoenix now.

Even Xue Chi was surprised. He had only known that Lu Bo Ting was showing signs of returning to his ancestors, but he had never thought that there was such a big phoenix in the mix.

In contrast, Lu Bo Ting was much more at ease.

After he had turned into a dragon, he could control whether his dragon horns appeared or not at will.

By now, the group of mercenaries had all entered the healing cabins, and the head of the mercenary group came over to thank him.

“No need, it’s only right.” Lu Bo Ting said.

Lu Bo Ting said, “We were the ones they wanted to come after, and you all suffered innocently.”

After finding out where they wanted to land, he had them sent back.

He also asked if there were any signs of other zergs on the various planets.

Even though the demon lord had said that only three of them could take on the form of humans, Lu Bo Ting could not rest assured unless he checked this kind of thing himself.

“There’s no news yet.” Xue Chi said.

“No news is good news. If there is still no news after ten days and a half months, or even a year and a half, then it is proof that there are really only three humanoid zergs.”

But this would take time to prove, and it was clear that the result could not be achieved in a hurry.

In any case, once the demon lord was dead, the danger from the zerg was over, and it was no longer as urgent as before.

As for wiping them all out, as Shi Nian had said earlier, that was simply impossible. For so many years, the interstellar has been fighting against the Zerg, and they already have a set of their own plans. As long as there is no one Demon lord, it is not a concern.

Their main objective, to save the passengers inside the ship, had already been accomplished, and they had exceeded their mission by killing the Demon Lord, who had been making a lot of noise.

The rest of the day was much more leisurely.

Shi Nian took out a large pile of food and set the table full of food.

Lu Bo Ting took a look at it.

Not a moment later, he looked at it again…

Shi Nian thought he wanted to eat, so he sorted the food on the table from favorite to delicious, and then picked two dishes from the delicious ones and pushed them to him.

“I won’t eat.” Lu Bo Ting smiled, “I just didn’t think that you’d bring so much in just a moment.”

“It’s Little star who is so capable.” Shi Nian said, “He made a lot.”

Of course, it had something to do with the fact that there was already plenty of food in the Marshal’s residence.

Shi Nian had taken all the reserves that day. Not only their own food, but also that of the others who were guarding the Marshal’s residence. Of course, he of course ordered another batch of ingredients, so there would be no delay in feeding those people when they got hungry.

“Little star? That was also the name of your servant boy in the formation, right? ”

Shi Nian nodded.

In fact, in those days, common names for servants went like Qiu Zhu, Mo Yan, or else it was a two-character name like Xiao X. It was rare to have a name like this with a stack of characters and Little star.”

I guess it’s just that my little star makes life so smooth, so my subconscious brought him!” Shi Nian said.

This name was definitely not from the demon lord. After all, he was someone who had been undercover in the cultivation world for hundreds of years. How could he know how to name it.

“That is the way of the formation. It looks through the hearts of people. It must not have thought that the name Little Star would be odd in that era. ”

Lu Bo Ting suddenly remembered, “I observed you often sitting in a daze in the courtyard. Were you…”

“Thinking about that King Ting.” Shi Nian finally talked about it, “I was in doubt. How can I like that kind of scum? The feeling became more profound after meeting him for the first time. Several times when they carefully inquired about whether I had really let go, I wanted to ask if I really liked him, or just wanted to be a queen because that’s a king. ”

“It’s good you’re no longer upset. Lu Bo Ting knew that all the emotions inside were real, and he was heartbroken watching from outside at that time.

“It’s not that it was sad.” Shi Nian analyzed, “The power of the formation was there; it kept telling me that I really liked him, but emotionally I didn’t think I did. So while suspecting that I’m just in it for the power, or that I’d been stabbed in the brain, I also thought maybe I had invested too much in the relationship, and letting go at this point is just too much of a loss…”

But none of this was supported by any evidence, not even in my own memory, and it could only be dismissed as a delusion.

“I even wondered if I had been hurt so badly that some mechanism in my head had triggered and made me unable to like this person anymore.”

Saying that, Shi Nian looked at Lu Bo Ting, tsking twice, “You obviously look the same, and the little actions are similar, but I don’t like him, I like you.”

“Boss, did you put some kind of compulsion on me?”

Lu Bo Ting’s heart moved, and he couldn’t help but reach out and touch his head.

“I only like you too.”

The person in the previous formation looked exactly like Shi Nian. But could Shi Nian remain docile, coquettish, and not make a squeak when bullied in any way?

The one he liked was the one who was reckless and arrogant, the one who would not stand for grievances.

Shi Nian wiped his mouth after eating, leaned back, and lowered his voice to call out, “Hey, boss!”

Seeing him like this, Lu Bo Ting instantly became alert. What was he going to do?

He heard Shi Nian say: “Many things inside the formation are fake, but there are also real ones. Like my character, Shi Shang Shu. He was said to always be pampered, but his family members were never around. This background alluded to the fact that I was pampered as a child, and was abducted by the demon cultivator after the helpless state of having no relatives. What about you? I saw you really enjoyed using that big cage, and before you even mentioned wanting to put my quantum beast in it. Boss, do you have any cage fetishes? ”

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

Lu Bo Ting:”…… there are three more shrimp. I’ll help you with the peeling.”

Shi Nian laughed out loud and was about to tease a few more times when Xue Chi came in.

He came to report that the group of mercenaries had been sent away and to ask about their next arrangements, whether they were going to go back to the main star directly or not.

“Let’s first go to the border. The demon lord died. See if there will be any movement on the side of the zerg. ” Lu Bo Ting said.

Xue Chi nodded and then went out to make arrangements.

This was meant to be a precautionary measure, but they hadn’t expected it to turn out to be true. They were still half an hour away from reaching the border when they heard the news that there was movement on the Zerg side.

By the time they arrived, the zerg had not yet attacked.

It was a battle that was simply not difficult to fight.

After all, there had been a battle before, and although Lu Bo Ting had been secretly sent back to the main star after the assassination attempt, the old Marshal had later taken command and beat the zerg back.

This time, the number of zerg that came back was naturally, not as many as before, and this side had prepared early. Lu Bo Ting was in unprecedented good condition, and there was also Shi Nian.

The fire phoenix rampaged through the swarm of zerg, wiping out large swathes of them at every turn, and it was amazing to watch.

He was not just good at fighting alone, he was also good at leading squads. He was smart, he knew all sorts of little tactics and tricks, and he was even more deadly when dealing with zergs that didn’t have much intelligence.

“Awesome, this is really awesome!”

The crowd couldn’t help but say excitedly, “Originally, we were sad that Mr. Shi couldn’t go into battle directly, but then he gave us such a big surprise.”

A few who sparred with Shi Nian a few days ago couldn’t help but think of the time they mentioned Shi Nian’s fan at that time. Who knew that the person was not far from them at that time and was Mr. Shi himself!

Xue Chi’s face was numb. Mr. Shi carefully concealed everything.

Leave alone the fact that the quantum beast is a phoenix or not, just talk about the vest. He remembered that in the beginning, they had made a bet that it was a guide.

He lost badly, and when Shi Nian later posted the words that someone had secretly sent to the vest account, he thought that they knew each other, so they had expected him to lose before even betting.

The result is that…

Shi Nian was the actual owner of the vest account.

Not to mention the matter of the other party’s mental power. He actually noticed it when the marshal was in a coma at the time. After all, he was able to control Ink Dragon and suppressed the two zerg. However, he didn’t mention it, or even dare to think about it carefully.

But now it’s fully exposed. Not only did he know about it, but almost everyone in the legion knew about it now as well.

There were too many people who knew about it, and it was impossible and unnecessary to hide it any longer.

The first topic to catch heat was actually Fire Phoenix.

After all, its power could not be ignored by anyone who had seen it, not to mention that there was no one on the battlefield who did not know about mecha.

Later on, there was even a small video where the insects were not filmed and only the fire phoenix flying about appeared on Starnet.

Of course, it was filmed by Xue Chi, and since they had to post it, they had to lead this rhythm themselves.

The fire phoenix went straight into the limelight.

Along with it, was Old Mr. Zhou.

Old Mr. Zhou was from the older generation, and not many young people of the new generation know about him. But some time ago, when the Wu family was on the path of destruction, a lot of things turned up, including his case.

There were quite a number of people lamenting that such a genius, with a future that should have been bright, had been so victimized that he had lost his voice.

“Who would have expected that, in the blink of an eye, he had researched such a powerful mech.”

“What do you call this? The world of geniuses is always more powerful than you can imagine?”

“Anyway, I was quite happy with the result. Although he was victimized into silence for many years, Mr. Zhou did not give up, and succeeded in developing a powerful mecha like the Fire Phoenix.”

“The mech manufacturing division has already said that the Fire Phoenix is indeed very powerful. It obviously looks like a light mech in terms of speed, but the light energy cannon emitted in that video is something that only heavy mechs can equip.”

“You guys are behind on information. Mr Zhou Lao has already come out and said that this mech is Super S grade and can be compared to Marshal Lu’s Ink Dragon. The weapons on it are far superior and many more than those of the Ink Dragon, as Shi Nian was also involved in its manufacture and was responsible for the spatial part.”

“I suddenly remembered that Shi Nian seemed to know a lot about mecha at the last competition. So he must have learned it when making the Fire Phoenix. ”

Principal Wu of the Sixth College was thinking, “When did he learn it?”

It couldn’t have been when he was caught memorizing mech manufacturing materials when he took a leave of absence!

He thought Shi Nian was just fooling around, and then he thought it was related to researching space technology, but it turned out that he was really involved in building mechs!

Or rather, a mech like the Fire Phoenix?

What else did he yell about then? Something about not doing proper work. Well, if everyone can be this strong without doing their proper work, then he hopes none of them will do their proper work.

What followed was a discussion about who the pilot of the Fire Phoenix was.

Who was lucky enough to pilot such a super S-class mecha.

It was at this time that the news broke that the pilot was Shi Nian, and that his quantum beast was a phoenix, not a canary.

In an instant, Starnet exploded once again.

“This, this, this….. Let me calm down. ”

“Some people… You know they are strong, but you don’t know how strong they can be. I’m sure one of my friends was right; you can’t go wrong with being Shi Nian’s fan; he never lets you down.”

“The game account (“a fan of your grandpa Shi Nian”) was in fact for Shi Nian himself! He is very powerful, liked using the fire phoenix, and had a good relationship with Shi Nian. Fuck! How could one have guessed! ”

“No wonder Starnet was such a mess at one point, but the two remained as close as ever. Nonsense. Who would have a problem with themselves, unless you have a dual personality.””

“What a guide! I always thought that guy was a sentinel. ”

“Shi Nian: I told you the truth, but I can’t help it if you don’t believe me (helplessly)”

“I’d like to know how those who have been hailing that fan account and stepping on Shi Nian are feeling right now.”

“Most likely stupid, haha!”

“How does it feel to have black fans as also fans?”

“Have you all forgotten that Shi Nian claimed to be a fan of that account, and wrote a long essay about it.. What do you call that, praising yourself?”

“I’m more concerned about the Quantum Beast than this. I thought the Quantum Beast was abnormally strong, but it turned out to be the Phoenix! ”

Anyway, there was so much information that people didn’t know which one to talk about first.

For a while, even the black fans disappeared.

Someone suddenly mentioned, “I wonder if that Miss Yan of the Federation could see the news on Starnet. How would she feel if she knew that the plan she devised with Bai Zihan to drop Shi Nian was doomed from the start? Not only did he have a quantum beast that could fly, but Shi Nian also had a mech on him that he could fly with. ”

“And that senator Yan, sending five people, hahaha! What a joke!  Sending five people to fight with such a powerful mecha.”

At this point, Shi Nian himself had just returned to the main star along with the warship.

This time, they had rescued all the hostages twice, exterminated the infamous Tsunami Star Pirates, and returned with a big victory against the Zerg on the way.So

Although the matter of the Demon Lord was not known to the public, these known ones alone were enough to give them an extremely warm welcome.

After the welcome ceremony, Shi Nian slipped away, leaving Lu Bo Ting to be interviewed, and after a few brief responses, he went into the palace.

The emperor was quite happy to see him and looked behind him: “Why didn’t you bring Shi Nian along with you? You’ve got quite a treasure….”

“He was a bit tired this time, and was sleepy, so he went back first.” Lu Bo Ting said.

The emperor nodded approvingly, “Indeed, you’ve done quite a lot during this time, so it’s good to let him rest more.”

“But Jian Xi is quite fond of him. Let him come and hang out at the palace sometimes, or I can let Jian Xi go to him as well.”

“All right.” Lu Bo Ting said, “I’ll go back and ask him.”

Lu Bo Ting took out a leaf picked from the Ice and Fire planet, “It’s for strengthening the body. Jian Xi probably won’t need it now, but he can use it when he’s older.”

He had previously asked Shi Nian how this blood relationship was calculated.

After thinking about it for a while, he said that it was probably the same as the human algorithm of close relatives not being able to marry each other.  The leaf would not be of much use to those who are related by marriage anyway.

Therefore, this leaf can be used by Jian Xi, but the emperor cannot. After all, he and Lu Bo Ting are relatives, but they are not related by blood.

Having said that, Lu Bo Ting then brought up the main matter this time.

Of course, it was the matter of the demon lord.

It was too threatening, but now it had been resolved, so there was no need to make it known to the public. But some people had to be given the information, especially the royal family, because no one could guarantee that it would not happen again.

When their discussion was over, he set up his flying machine and headed home.

At home, Madam Lu had already pulled Shi Nian inside and out and was relieved to confirm that he was unharmed.

Now they are talking about the engagement.

“It’s good that you didn’t miss the engagement date, otherwise we would have had to reschedule it, and no other date was as good as this one.”

Shi Nian couldn’t help but ask, “Is it really impossible to get married directly? Do we really have to do this twice? ”

Lu Bo Ting happened to come back and heard the words: “It’s fine, it won’t keep you too busy. Getting engaged isn’t as much trouble as getting married. It’s easy.”

“And everyone else has had one, so it’s best if we do it too.”

Shi Nian looked at him with an expressionless face.

Unlike with Mrs. Lu, whom he was good and obedient to, with Lu Bo Ting, he had to do something from time to time.

So after supper and it was bedtime, he shut Lu Bo Ting out of the room on the spot and said, “Boss, I think it’s best for us to keep our relationship purely male-male until we get married.”

“But it’s already licensed.”

“I’m talking about after the wedding.” Shi Nian immediately changed his words.

Lu Bo Ting: “…… I don’t want to do anything, I just want to spend more time with you.”

“I don’t believe it.”

Shi Nian then shouted: “The dragon’s nature is lustful,… boss, you have to restrain yourself and hold back!”

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

The old marshal and Mrs. Lu had decided to go up to the first floor by this path, and just happened to hear this, word for word.

The moment he saw this scene, Shi Nian quickly closed the door and slipped away, leaving Lu Bo Ting to face it alone.

Mrs. Lu: “……”

Old Marshal Lu: “……”

Lu Bo Ting sighed helplessly, “Can’t we really just get married directly?”

Mrs. Lu: “……”

Mrs. Lu then laughed so hard. Old Marshal Lu also walked over with a smile on his face and patted him on the shoulder.

“Okay, son, to be honest, your mother used to worry about whether it was okay for you to be indifferent to body desires all the time, but it now appears that we were worried for nothing.

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

Suddenly, he felt the “malice” from his parents.