Chapter 282: Half demon fox cub 1

The fluffy fox cub in his arms looked very thin, his coat color was a bit dull, and the voice of calling daddy was weak.

"Daddy, are you okay?"

Xie Hui just wanted to get up when he felt a sharp pain and suddenly fell down again.

The fox cub got out quickly, trying to help his father up with his paws.

It's a pity that his little strength can't do anything at all.

After working for a long time, he was forced to accept this, and tears were already brewing in his light blue eyes.


While enduring the pain, Xie Hui received the memory of the original owner by the way.

The point he traveled over happened to be when the original owner was kicked out by the sect, and the client always regarded this little fox as an accomplice of the master.

Although he didn't control it, this half-demon has been following behind him.

Last night, because of the relapse of the pain from the root bone being dug out, the client fainted from the pain.

It was very cold in this forest at night, what he saw when he just opened his eyes was that this fox cub was using his body to keep himself warm.

Xie Hui really didn't have the strength to get up, so he just lay there, stretched out his hand to comfort his head.

It was not because of this fox cub that the client was convicted.

This was originally a lie so clumsy that people could see through it at a glance, but all the people in the sect believed it.

Compared with them really thinking that this is the truth, Xie Hui thinks it is more likely that they don't pay attention to the truth of the matter at all, and just need an excuse to dig him out and drive him out.

After the fox cub noticed the comforting intention in his father's movements, he lay docilely under his father's palm, with some moisture still hidden in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Xie Hui struggled to say this, and after a long rest, he slowly stood up.

The little fox cub who was originally lying there got up suddenly after his father was about to stand up, and stared at him nervously.

"Let's go and find a place."

It is very cold in the forest at night, and there are all kinds of monsters and beasts haunting it.

Xie Hui is now seriously injured, his cultivation has been crippled, and that fox cub is just a half-demon.

The most important thing in front of him is to find a place where he can settle down and let Xie Hui recover from his injuries.

They didn't take a few steps in the forest before they saw an abandoned cave full of vines.

Xie Hui took out the fire folder from the original owner's Qiankun bag, and the fox cub came over with some dry firewood in his mouth, making sure that the dry firewood was barely enough for the time being, and got some dried leaves.

With his help, the fire was quickly lit.

After losing his roots and abolishing his cultivation, Xie Hui was particularly afraid of the cold.

After Xie Hui felt the temperature of the fire, he relaxed.

While he was resting with his eyes closed, the fox cub sneaked out again.

The physical injury was too serious, and Xie Hui's insight was not as good as before.

After opening his eyes again, he didn't find the cub in the cave, and when he was about to get up to look outside, he heard the soft sound of paws stepping on fallen leaves.

Immediately afterwards, the fox cub came in dragging a dead pheasant.

The whole body of this fox cub is snow white, which is not conducive to hunting, especially at night.

This fox cub was originally only a little dull in color, and it was still clean and white in general, but now it looks gray.

Not only was it stained with some pheasant blood, but there were also two fallen leaves on his forehead, and the red around the paws made Xie Hui's pupils constrict.

"come over."

This cub is full of tricks and calculations, but in fact he is only a month old, but because he is a half-demon, he needs to be smarter.

Without any cultivation base, the pheasant he was holding was even bigger than him.

The little fox cub took extra brisk steps with its four paws. After walking over, he raised his head and rubbed his head against his father.

Xie Hui held his paw, and when he touched it just now, he couldn't control himself and cried out because of the pain.


After confirming that he was really injured, Xie Hui had complicated eyes when he looked at him again.

Now he even feels pain when he walks, let alone bandaging him.


"Eh, Ang? Here we come."

When the host was performing tasks, the system was basically not called much, and when it heard the host calling itself, it hurriedly went online and replied.

"Open the mall and help me choose a good ointment suitable for this half-demon."

"Okay, host."

Xie Hui himself doesn't like to use the things in the system store very much. He doesn't want to see that one day in the future, after losing the system, he becomes a waste who can't do anything.

But today, seeing the fox cub lying there so painful that he was gasping for breath, he tried not to make too much noise, so he made an exception and bought ointment with the points he had saved.

Ozawa put the things in the host's Qiankun bag very thoughtfully, and reminded:

"Host, it's ready."


After confirming that the things arrived, Xie Hui stood up while supporting the wall, and picked up the fox cub.

He walked to a nearby flowing river and carefully cleaned the wound on his paw.

This forest is in the memory of the original owner, and it is said that no one has ever been able to get out alive.

When the environment does not allow, Xie Hui can only use the simplest method to help him clean up.

The little fox cub was in so much pain that the whole fox was twitching, but even so, he didn't retract his paws.

After cleaning the wound, Xie Hui applied the ointment on his wound.

"You don't need to go again next time, I still have some pills here, so I won't starve to death."

"I see, Daddy..."

The half-demon can speak from birth, with a voice like that of a three-year-old child.

Back in the cave, Xie Hui cleaned up the pheasant and roasted it on the fire.

If one didn't pay attention, the little fox cub slipped out again and came back with a lot of dry firewood.

The pheasant was cooked, but the client didn't carry any salt with him. Although it smelled delicious, it didn't taste very good.

Xie Hui tore off the most delicious part of the pheasant, and handed it to the little fox cub. When he wanted to push it away with his claws, his face was slightly cold.

The raised paw of the fox cub froze after seeing his father's face, and leaned over to grab the pheasant's drumstick.

The feeling of satiety made Xie Hui feel that the pain has eased a lot, and with the warmth brought by the fire, it doesn't hurt to breathe like before.

Seeing his father leaning against the wall of the cave, he thought he was going to sleep, the little fox cub put down the clean chicken bones and ran over, nestled in his father's arms to make him warmer.

"What should I call you?"

"hold head high?"

"Let's play chess, thank you Guiqi."

The fox cub realized that his father was naming him, so he raised his head abruptly.

He was born a half-demon and knew a little more than a human cub.

He vaguely knew that for human beings, after Daddy named him, it was tantamount to admitting that he was his son.

He rubbed his furry head against his father vigorously, and there was a lot of joy in the screams he made.

Now the client's body is very fragile, just rubbing his head, which is so simple as to express intimacy, also made Xie Hui feel a pain.

Pressing the cough into his throat, he smiled and rubbed his head gently with his fingertips.

"Hey, I'm a little sleepy, rest with me and don't run around, okay?"

Xie Hui could guess that although this cub was still very young, he really wanted to help him.

So use the way you need him to keep him by your side temporarily.

"it is good."

The next day, Xie Hui was woken up by the warm sunlight shining on his face.

The little fox cub in his arms, which was originally less than half an arm long, turned into a human cub with fox ears for some reason.

"Oh, daddy..."

The little fox's perception was very keen, and when he realized that his father was looking at him, he quickly opened his eyes.

Then he got out of his father's arms, and turned back into that little fox in an instant.

Today, Xie Hui feels that his injury has improved a lot, so he is going to go out to have a look.

According to his guess, the reason why no one can get out alive in this forest is because there is a special formation in it.

It's not that I can't get out, but that I haven't seen through the formation and have been trapped in it all the time.

No matter what, Qiqi refused to be hugged by his father, and kept walking beside his father, stepping on the soft pad on the grass, without making a sound.

The forest that can only be entered but not exited is not a bad thing for Xie Huihui at this stage, on the contrary, it has given him an excellent shelter.

Herbs that are worth a thousand dollars outside can be seen everywhere in this forest.

Xie Hui saw a kind of herbal medicine that could help animals to heal their wounds. Just as he was about to squat down, the little fox next to him ran over first, biting the herbal medicine and trying to pull it out.

"No need to do this, I'm not so useless yet."


After walking for a while to observe, Xie Hui could feel that the locations of some big trees and caves were indeed related to the formation.

Confirming that his guess was correct, Xie Hui took the little fox back to the cave where they rested before.

Xie Hui needs enough time to rest now, Qiqi can't rest assured that his father is alone, so he has been staying obediently in this cave.

The cubs are very energetic and have a strong desire to explore. It is really boring chess and chess. They stare at their father who has already fallen asleep and start playing around the cave.

Use your paws to gently pull some wild flowers growing on the edge of the cave, or hanging vines.

Go to the puddle outside and dip your paws in some water, then jump back into the cave with three paws, and press a wet paw print on the cave wall.

This is a very simple little game, but Qiqi himself likes it very much, and pressed a series of neat little paw prints.

He took two steps back, and after confirming that it was really neat, he pushed the last one up.

After the paw touched it, it felt different from the previous ones. It was so frightened that it quickly retracted the paw, wanting to run back to Daddy's side.