Chapter 525

Qin Ge couldn't think of a better way, so he could only command: "give me a fast horse, I will go to Beijing first!"


When Qin Ge flies to the capital, Xia Qianqian meets the first batch of enemies.

"Xia Qian, you are here!" Three knights in black, stop Xia Qian's carriage.

Xia Qianqian was lying in her heart. She was finally found before she went to Beijing!

Qin Xuan's face, pale as paper, the body because of fear and gently shaking.

Xia Qianqian said to him in a low voice: "go in and comfort my mother and sister-in-law. Don't let them come out."

"But..." Qin Xuan looks at Xia Qian anxiously.

These three people look very strong. Xia Qian is a little girl. How can she fight?

"I have a lot of strength." Xia Qianqian is full of confidence.

Three people, she can give them a shot.

"No matter how strong you are, one can defeat three..."

"So you're going to fight with me?" Xia Qianqian asked,

Qin Xuan instantly counseled: "I, I'd better help you pacify your family!"

Xia Qianqian stood up on the board and said, "if you don't change your name, if you don't change your surname, I'm Xia Qianqian. What's the matter?"

"Give it up! Or we'll kill you! "

"What is it?" Liang Ximing asked.


"All my porcelains are on the carriage of Qin song. If you want porcelain, go to him

"Don't lie to us any more! What's in the carriage of Qin song are all batch produced cracked porcelain. The real strange porcelain is still in your hands! "

Xia Qianqian surprised asked: "how do you know, is mass production?"

"Hum, all the porcelains in the palace are the same. It must be your trick!"

"Lying trough!" Xia Qianqian couldn't help being rude.

Is it too urgent for these princes and nobles to curry favor with the emperors and concubines?

It seems that the rest of the journey will not be peaceful.

These three are just the first wave.

Xia Qian's melancholy look at the sky.

"Give it up quickly, and spare your life!"

Xia Qianqian silently takes out the pistol, estimates the distance in the heart, strives for a shot to collapse.

The three people who blocked the way had never seen a pistol. They thought it was the black wood Xia Qianqian had picked up.

Taking advantage of their unprepared, Xia Qianqian fiercely raised his gun and fired three shots in a row.

The three people in the way were killed before they could react.

The people in the carriage heard only three loud noises. When they got out of the carriage to see, all the people in the way fell to the ground and died.

Everyone's injury is in the heart. One shot.


Everyone was shocked.

"Qianqian, did you kill someone?" Qin Xue was frightened and turned pale.

Xia Qianqian said: "if you meet in a narrow way, the brave will win. When it's time to do it, do it."

"Elder sister, you are so powerful!" Xia Yu said admiringly.

"Well, hurry. We can't go this way. Let's go to the official road and join the Qin song. " Xia Qian said.

Qin Xuan also has this intention, can't avoid, can only face. After meeting with Qin song, there are officers and soldiers to protect them.

The three swordsmen who have been following Xia Qian come out of the woods silently and watch the carriage run away.

Then one of them asked, "what's this secret weapon?"

"I don't know. It's very powerful. I have been wandering in the world for many years and have never seen such a concealed weapon. I'm really curious. What school did Miss Xia follow... "

"Miss Xia is really powerful. No wonder young master Gu can rest assured that she will go to Beijing."

"All right. We hurry to keep up, the first set is over, and the next is our main battlefield. We must protect Miss Xia , the fastest update of the webnovel!