CH 179

Goddess of Harvest

“We would wait only for three years if we stayed in Wolfanea, huh…”

Dirk seemed to have considered moving to Wolfanea quite seriously, but I decided not to ask. I still have a lot of work to do to survive, so... three years would be tough. I'd love to, though. Marrying Dirk, you know.

Anyhow, we used a teleportation stone to move to the castle town, from which we will go to the castle. Judas-sama received us.

“Rosarin, what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Thank you very much for making time for me. Is Wolfanea’s food shortage perhaps not resolved yet?”

“............ Yeah. We somehow managed to resolve the problem with meat thanks to you, but not the vegetable problem. Most of the vegetables we were going to harvest this year got spoiled. The huge vegetables were able to grow only in the vicinity of the capital.”

“Ah~ so it was like that, after all. I investigated during our stay at Dirk’s grandfather’s residence, but is it possible Yggdrasil managed to enrich only the southern side of the country?”

“... Indeed. But, we cannot---”That being the case, let’s make a deal!”

“... Again?”

Judas-sama smiled wryly. I smiled with a business smile.

“Again it is!”

“What do you want in return for Yggdrasil’s revitalization?”

“A student exchange at Christia’s noble school!”

“... I don’t mind, but.”

“I will send you the relevant information after I return to Christia. Well then, the negotiations are concluded! I’d like to start the revitalization immediately, but there is a farm owned by Ojiisama in the north from Yggdrasil, so let’s do it there. Please specify the locations for the west and east revitalization or refer me to a person in charge.”

“I will arrange it. When you are done in the north, return to the castle.”


That being the case, we returned to Ojiisama’s residence. I told Ojiisama about the transaction we made and he allowed me to work my magic on the farm.

The farm barely had crops and most of them were withering. However, even this seemed to be considered a good harvest.

I poured magical power into my ring. I could use a wand, but it seemed easier to adjust the output and range of this wide area through Valkyrie. That being the case, it’s your turn!


“I told you to stop that!”

The grandpa who was working in the fields was unable to stand up due to the surprise appearance of Valkyrie. Grandma, your dentures fell off! Sorry for startling you! Ojiisama seemed to be explaining something to them. And stop calling my name over and over again, Valkyrie!


“So cool nyaa!”


“Eh? You were the Muscle Saintess!?”

“I’m nooooot!! I’m not a Saintess! Stop bundling me up together with muscleeees!”

The pipsqueaks stared in wonder. I retorted with all my might to Lagras-kun.

“Valkyrie, magician mode!”


Stop it already! Stop propagating my name! I gulped down a magic potion to restore my magical power while scolding Valkyrie in my mind.

“Sui, Arisa, Gora-chan, Haru! Let’s go! Lend me your powers!”


Huh? Wasn’t there one voice too many? Was it just my imagination? While tilting my head in puzzlement, I activated the magic I had my Elder brother come up with. I wish I called him over too… well, there probably won’t be any problems if I do it all by myself.

“Greenery Harvest!”

My magical powers got greatly amplified by Valkyrie. In response to my magic, Yggdrasil’s mana rapidly filled the soil. And then, the farm revived at once, and the withered greens changed into lush crops.



“They shoot up onye aftel anothew nyaa!”


The children seemed amazed by the crops that grew so rapidly. The farmworkers gathered and stared in blank amazement.

“Ohh… it’s a miracle.”

“Thank goodness…”

“Saintess-sama… no, Goddess-sama!”

N? I’m getting worshipped… I am no Goddess! I have no divine powers!!

“Everyone! Let’s all thank the Saintess… the Goddess!”

“Thank you very much!”

“Goddess-sama hurraaay!!”

“Goddess of Harvest! Thank you! We can manage to survive now!”

While the adults were in high spirits, the pipsqueaks who stared in blank amazement approached me timidly.

“”Onee~chan, awe you a Goddessh nyaa?””

“I’m noooooot!! I am no Goddess, okaaay!? I am an extremely normal girl, okay!!”

(You absolutely aren’t.)

When I said so, Dirk, Ojiisama, Lagras-kun, Lara-chan, and everyone at the farm replied with a serious look. Why!!

How exactly did this happen!?

The unbelievable things.

Rosarin Rosenberg is currently experiencing a major mental health crisis.


“Here, take this.”

“I’m no goddess! You are wrong! Stop tying up your vegetables on it!!”

The farm's aunts and grandmothers deftly tied the vegetables revived by my magic to the Valkyrie. Valkyrie doesn’t move because she would injure the aunts and grandmothers by doing so. She cannot move. Why are you so full of the sharing spirit! Oh, zucchini-like veggies... that's a good stir-fry! Should I just give up?

“Ah~ eh~ you are troubling her so sto… fugyaaah!?”


Ojiisama who was trying to do something about the situation was swept away by the wave of aunties!

“O, Ojiisama!”

Dirk quickly rescued Ojiisama. Then, he climbed the Valkyrie with Ojiisama over his shoulder and came to me. Ojiisama doesn’t seem to be hurt anywhere. I’m glad…

“... You need to know when to give up in life.”

“Oh, yeah… it was inevitable this time.”

We looked into distance… by the way, the pipsqueaks evacuated safely.

“S, sorry…”

You are not at fault at all, Ojiisama. The aunties probably don’t have any ill feelings either.

“”This is not your fault, Ojiisama.””

We just kept waiting for the aunties to settle down. Aunties in Wolfanea, they're so active, it's kind of scary! The aunties finally left when Valkyrie was covered in vegetables. We will be having veggies for lunch today...

The vegetables were delivered to Ojiisama’s residence. Since North is OK now, we will be going either west or east next. I had Valkyrie enter the energy conservation mini size and went to the castle.

The pipsqueaks wanted to see it again, so they are accompanying us. Ojiisama, Disk-san, and Myudia-san went too as their guardians.

As soon as we arrived at the castle, we were ushered to the parlor where Judas-sama and Jess immediately arrived.

“You were fast. How did it go?”

“North has no problems. Yggdrasil’s mana is flowing with no issues.”

I reported to Judas-sama. Jess seemed to have made the documents immediately.

“These are the documents for the student exchange. Check it.”

I nodded, scanned over the documents and smiled.

“This is good. There are no problems, it’s perfect. As expected of you, Jess.”

“Umu. I’m glad I was able to be of help to you, Lord. Then, stamp the seal.”

“I’m telling you not to call me Lord… when are you going to give up?”

“I don’t think I ever will? How about you give up instead, Rosarin?”

“I refuse!”

While having such a barren exchange, Jess instructed his attendant to stamp the seal. I knew he was capable of running the work of the royal family almost single-handedly. Huh? Ojiisama… and the adults were stunned. Lagras-kun too.

“Miss Rosarin… no, Rosarin-sama.”

“... Yes?”

Why -sama? The faces of the adults and Lagras-kun turned pale, why?

“You are Jutiess-sama’s lord?”

“No, I’m not.”

“That’s right.”

The denial and affirmation came simultaneously. We are not giving in at all. Dirk, who couldn't let it go like that, answered instead.

“To be precise, after a number of events, Jutiess-sama began to regard Rosarin as his lord but Rosarin has refused to accept it. They are now in a temporary master-servant relationship.”

“Rosarin-sama, Jutiess-sama is a wonderful person, you know?”

“It will be Wolfanea that will be in trouble if Jess leaves now. I have no desire to let Wolfanea, which I just helped, crumble, and I don’t need anymore troublesome servants! Besides, if Jess leaves, it will most certainly cause both domestic and foreign turmoil!”

“”Thank you very much.””

Judas-sama and Ojiisama who understood my meaning bowed their heads. Disk-san and Myudia-san were still absentminded. Lagras-kun, who had recovered from his rigidness, asked me a question.