Chapter 1934

Qin Ming covers his head and howls bitterly. His eyes stare at Wang Puxin.

"No, it can't be affected by murderous spirit. A real warrior must be able to absolutely control his own heart and body."

"I can't even suppress the murderous spirit in my heart now. How can I become the most powerful one in martial arts?"

He remembered what Zilin had said.

I know that some people use their own furnace to refine their unique blood and achieve the legend of the sixth supreme world.

Although he was the enemy, Qin Ming admired him very much in terms of martial arts and Dan.

The enemy, one day they will fight to the death.

Taking himself as the furnace, he will be affected much more than his pure blood.

The collection of thousands of kinds of blood essence is so terrible that he can't even think about it.

In the process of evolution, it is absolutely impossible to suppress the ferocity of blood essence with the help of external forces.

After all, the ferocity of blood essence is the essence of blood essence. If it is suppressed, the evolution of blood will inevitably fail.

Now he is just suppressing the Holy Blood on himself. He can't suppress it. He is much worse than his enemy.

Qin Ming absolutely did not allow this kind of thing to happen. He wanted to overcome it by force with his own willpower.


The wave of murderous spirit was killing his willpower.

And he has to separate the spirit of Wang Puxin, is suffering.

Qin Ming's eyes were red, and there was blood flowing out. His hands covered his head, and his veins burst out. He had tried his best.

"Good chance."

Seeing that Qin Ming was not in a normal state and his eyes were stained with blood, Wang Pu was happy and immediately stopped hesitating. He took his sword and attacked him to the side.

This sword, which he concealed very well, did not begin to erect the long sword until it was close enough to stab Qin Ming.

Although the attack is careful, the attack of this move has reached his peak.

"Go to hell."

"No matter what happens to you, if you hit me, you will die."

His sword was aimed at the heart.

The heart is the place where blood is stored, and it is also the fatal place for martial arts.

As long as you pierce the heart and let the blood flow out, the warrior will lose strength instantly and become a disabled person.

Death is in a flash.

Wang Puxin prepared very well, but he did not understand.

His every move is in the vision of Qin Ming.

Qin Ming didn't look with his eyes.

When Wang Puxin is moving, his murderous spirit also moves with it.

Qin Ming doesn't need to watch at all. He just needs to feel the killing opportunity to judge his position and timing.

"You can't fight with blood any more. You can only take yuqingdan."

In his heart, Qin Ming sighed deeply.

In fact, more than once, he tried to persuade himself to take pills.

But again and again.

Fighting ferociously in the blood is like fighting yourself.

It's very dangerous, but it's also very rewarding.

Although the pain, but did not insist on a rest, he can better understand his blood.

The experience of a warrior is not necessarily to fight the enemy, but to fight oneself is better.

If he can completely defeat the ferocity in his blood, he will not only be able to adapt to his desire, but also can control his body after transformation to ensure that his mind is not lost.

In addition, he can also strengthen his own road of martial arts and pave the way for future breakthroughs in Jiaojing.

The benefits are enormous.

Unfortunately, he took it for granted.

The ferocity in his blood is not something he can overcome.

Or, it's not something he can beat now.