Chapter 1387

Promise to smile and shake his head, although they have contradictions, but after all, there are still peers who share the same topic. Some things are in the past. After the past, there will be no resentment.

"I'll make it tonight and send it to Brent tomorrow."

Jiao Zixuan nodded and touched the luxurious material. Suddenly, she was full of expectation for the wedding. Which woman had no expectation of marriage?

She promised to help her with the arrangement of her skirt, carefully checked the details of the processing, and made sure that there was no omission. She was finally relieved. She had absolute confidence in her own works.

Jiao Zixuan turns around in the same place and admires her wedding dress. At this moment, she suddenly feels that she can be dignified.

Jiao Zixuan's shoulders were high and low, and she was shaking rhythmically, as if she was going to jump at any time. Her favorite mood could be seen clearly.

Looking at the hidden color line emitting a strange light under the light, promise suddenly had a bold idea, "Jiao Zixuan, you say, if you wear a national style long skirt to dance, the picture will be very strange?"

Jiao Zixuan was stunned. She didn't know what she meant. "What disco?"

He promised to hook his lips and smile strangely, "who said that the national style show must be high-end and dignified to show off its style. I will not. This time, I will make a show about young people in the new era! National style can also become a trend


Jiao Zixuan didn't know what the promise was talking about. She only felt that her eyes were shining. It seemed that there was something missing about the promise.

I promise to do what I say. When I have a new idea, I can't control it at all.

She decided to prepare for the meeting tomorrow morning. She told everyone about her idea and started to prepare for it.

As she turned on her computer, she sent a message to Jessica, asking her to inform her supervisor that tomorrow's meeting would be held and she would be ready to work overtime.

This is a promise that after taking office, we will be informed to work overtime, so for a while, those who receive the news are doomed to have no sleep.

Jiao Zixuan shook her head helplessly and laughed. She felt that she was a workaholic now, and her whole body was full of charming capitalist breath.

However, such a promise, people trust, but also people want to trust her future.

The next day.

He promised to give a detailed explanation of his plans at the meeting, and then arrange them one by one.

Perry can't bear to clap her promise, but now she has no courage to act.

Sure enough, no matter when, promise is a promise, never because of anyone to give up their dreams.

"President, in this case, will it be diss, After all, the Han clothing circle is divided into Zhenghe and Shanshan. If we are caught by these crazy fans, we will be a bit miserable. Moreover, if we really want to do it, we should use the power of the Internet to publicize. There are keyboard heroes with rhythm and marketing numbers to find trouble. In fact, there are a lot of follow-up problems. "

Jessica frowns. After the blackout of Pei's charity, he is now afraid of death keyboard man.

Promise to shake his head, "No

"First of all, we do clothing. There are original stores to make Hanfu, and there are also improved versions. This is a business model that our customers have been familiar with for a long time. Our original customer base should adapt quickly. And the diss of netizens is not advertising us? "

Xiaoxiami told her that if a new work is on the air, ordinary artists will create some topics in advance. This is an unwritten regulation in the industry. Therefore, they should learn how to make such a hot topic. In addition to some promotional activities, the new model will be put on the market. Even if no one is looking for trouble, she will also find some water army Lala degree of heat.

Language is originally a double-edged sword. If you use it well, it will help you. If you don't use it well, it will be a sharp weapon to hurt yourself.

"Second, most of the people who accept the culture of national style are young people. Therefore, the combination of dance and national style clothing can break the stereotype and bring the characteristics of the new era."

For example, in ancient times, people wore Hanfu and bound their feet, but it's normal for women to wear Hanfu, or improved clothing, to play with straight wheels, to play with tablets, and to take photos in various scenic spots.

Therefore, there is no problem with the clothes themselves. The problem is, what era are the people wearing them.

He promised to hold the conference table with both hands and look at the people sitting on both sides. "In the third year, carjon is a clothing brand. Now that it has a certain position in the world, then we must carry forward the things of our ancestors. We must promote the national culture, and in its place, plan its politics. What we lead is the fashion trend of the whole country's clothing brands We have innovated, and we have promoted it. Only after all kinds of clothing companies, large and small, can follow suit and push our traditional culture to the international platform. What we want is global diversity, not wearing suits and Bowtie forever. "The promise made people can't find any reason to refute it. Jessica thought for a moment and nodded silently. Yes, the reason why he chose to follow the promise was that he was willing to fight and fight. What did he want to do?

"Good president, I'm going to get ready."

After a good plan is determined, there are endless small details to run in, to prepare, layer by layer arrangement. Everyone starts work at the same time and works hard in one direction, and finally comes out with the result.

As an assistant to the president, Jessica has become more and more comfortable in this regard and can quickly straighten out all the things.

Promise nodded and continued: "this is one aspect. On the other hand, I am going to set up an embroidery school in the name of carjon to cultivate children who are interested in this field. When they are successful, they will set up a Embroidery Department in the company. At that time, the school and the company will establish a chain of interest. Please be prepared."

Promised to see no one against her, she was a little relieved. She thought that she said she wanted to wear a Chinese costume for dancing. She thought that the school affairs would be refuted and prepared a large set of words. Unexpectedly, it was just the opposite.

In fact, on the contrary, no one said much about school affairs. On the contrary, they were put forward opinions on trampoline wearing Chinese clothes.

However, no matter what opinions are put forward, it is a good thing for the promise. After all, no one can be right all the time. Not everything can end on its own. A good company is definitely not a one-man talk, but a shared effort. , the fastest update of the webnovel!