Chapter 768:


Su Shengyang snapped his fingers, and Sera, which had been firmly adhered to the wall, fell off instantly. Angela reacted and stretched out her hand to support Sera, looking up at Su Sheng.

"I caught her just to have a quiet chat with you, and she'll wake up after a while. I guess...she should be your girlfriend? If you want to be with her, you'd better put her in the A safe place, otherwise it will be very troublesome, trust me!" Su Sheng reminded.


Angela snorted and hugged the unconscious Sera. "When I figure it out, I'll find you!"

The voice fell, and a long stick suddenly appeared in Angela's hand? Then a thud was heard.

The smoke spreads out in an instant?

smoke bomb? No, it turned out to be teleportation magic.

Although the smoke quickly filled, Su Sheng could feel that Angela and Sera's breath disappeared. This should be Haven's unique magic item. It should be used for teleportation similar to Asgard's Rainbow Bridge. Remember before Serra said that it was almost impossible for outsiders to come here? But they must still have a way to get in and out, but it may not be as convenient as the Rainbow Bridge, and they can send people away on a large scale or in batches. How does Angela end in the comics? Su Sheng is not very clear. Even if he didn't return to Asgard, he should have turned his enemy into a friend, right? After her identity was exposed, what happened to Su Sheng was worth it, and Haiwen began to hunt down Angela. So if Angela went to ask, nine times out of ten, the result would be the same.

Su Sheng had some admiration for Queen Haven.

Raise the enemy's children to deal with the enemy? This Nima has a feeling of looking at the peerless double pride, Angela is all flowers and trees?

Angela shouldn't go with her for a while, so she'll just wander around the tenth world when she's here. Su Shengnian immediately disappeared and came out of Angela's house to stroll around nearby.

Haiwen's architectural style is relatively ancient, and there should be no technology tree. The way of developing martial arts and magic is basically the same whether it is buildings or pedestrians. Although the earth is relatively weak among the nine major countries, a hundred flowers are blooming and developing rapidly, especially in terms of technology.

"Remember that Queen Haven is also called Queen of Angels, and it is said that she has wings. The tenth realm of Haven is even more difficult for women. For men, this place is indeed a paradise."

Walking on the street, Su Sheng felt like he was in Diana's hometown of Paradise Island. Every woman was wearing revealing armor that was close to the fighting style. They were basically tall and long-legged. It was difficult to find a fat man. While strolling around, Su Sheng also entered a few places like magic shops, which sold a lot of magic props and some more precious books, etc. Among them were the rectangular teleportation magic props that Angela took out before. Although the currency unit is different, it should be worth a lot.

Looking at the conditions of Angela's family, she should not be rich, but who made her have a magician girlfriend, that Sera is beautiful, and has good magic skills. She made the magic props sent. If I remember correctly, it seems that Sera died later, and her soul went to the underworld. Angela went to the underworld to save her girlfriend. Hela became the queen of the underworld and became the queen of the underworld. Will the two fight?

Equally proud people together either admire each other or they are hostile to each other.

Look east, look west.

Unconsciously, time passed quietly for a long time, and suddenly a harsh whistle sounded. People on the street reacted violently after hearing this sound, as if they were surprised? It didn't take long to see a team like a **** quickly running towards the tall building in front.

That should be where Queen Haven lives.

So Angela should have asked Queen Haven's own identity, Queen Haven turned her face?

Su Sheng was about to go there. Suddenly, he saw a figure flying out from the palace in the distance, facing the sun. This person was wearing golden armor with a pair of open white wings behind him. No... isn't it? Yes, there is also a pair of much smaller wings near the waist.

This look really looks like an angel.

This should be Queen Haven.

Su Sheng thought for a while and came to the front of the building. He could clearly see the fierce fighting below in the suspension and mid-air. Countless soldiers dressed as soldiers were besieging Angela, and Angela was slashing from left to right in the crowd. In the blink of an eye, it has already stood out from the encirclement. However, there were too many enemies, and they just rushed out and were quickly overwhelmed by the crowd and fell into a melee fight.

"This level is stronger than Valkyrie, the Valkyrie. If you only talk about fighting skills, I am afraid that Hela may not necessarily win, tsk tsk... It seems that Haiwen's training method is more advanced than Asgard, no wonder the comics Zhong Angela can overturn Hela."

It seems that she shouldn't be able to rush out for a while, and the magic props don't seem to have a chance to use, but she can hold on for a while with her strength, so Su Sheng thought about it and simply meet this Queen Haven.

After all, it is the Lord of the World, and the pair of wings looks very interesting.


Su Sheng dodged again and came to the side of Queen Haven above the palace.

Queen Haven frowned and said solemnly, "Outsiders, come out."

Her eyes were calm and her tone was flat, giving people a sense of certainty.

If... it wasn't for the direction her eyes were not facing towards her, Su Sheng would almost believe that she found herself.

Su Sheng shook his head with a dumbfounded smile and revealed it.


The appearance of Su Sheng surprised Queen Haven, but she calmly turned her attention to Su Sheng. "You told Angela her identity? What's your purpose?"

"I want her to go back to inherit the throne of Asgard." Su Sheng said casually. "What do you think it would be if she agreed? Did you make Asgard a vassal of Haven by virtue of your upbringing? Or would Angela lead Asgard to turn against you? Oh, you ordered both. He did it to her, and it seemed that he turned against each other!"


Ps: Recommend my finished works: "Marvel: The King is Coming", "Marvel: The Immortal Throne", "Zero Covenant: The Strongest Death", "Marvel: The Fruit of the Door", there are many words and they are all finished, the volume is large To be killed!

Chapter 949: Queen Haven who was trampled underfoot

"There is no free lunch in the world, everything has a price."

Queen Haven's wings looked extremely holy in the sun, her expression was sacred, and she said in a calm tone: "This is what Angela said most often, and it is also Haven's creed, she does it better than anyone, but this time She broke her promise."

"I gave her the chance to choose, if she is willing to help me destroy Asgard, then she will be the best angel of Haven! But she refused, and she refused before repaying the debt she changed to repay, so She is Haven's enemy."

"Equivalent exchange?" Su Sheng asked with a smile.

"Balance!" Queen Haven said.

Su Sheng shrugged. "No matter how you explain it, you can't hide the fact that she turned against Asgard because she refused to deal with Asgard. You lied that you killed her and adopted her, trained her to be an excellent assassin and then went to deal with Asgard. , isn't that your purpose? Or what you mean by balance?"

Queen Haven paused for a while and said. "I allow you to leave Haven peacefully."

"Hey, what did you say? Allow me to leave peacefully? So are you planning to fight with me? Don't say I didn't remind you, start with me... You're sure to lose!" Su raised her eyebrows, her tone The exaggerated Queen Chao Haiwen 190 hooked her hand.

That defiant smug look made Queen Haven frown slightly. "Do you know who you're talking to?"

"According to your Haiwen's name for the people of Asgard, then the people of Asgard will probably become your cousins ​​to Haiwen?" Su Sheng said amazingly.

When the word "Biaozi" fell on Queen Haven's body, the aura instantly flourished, and the originally sacred temperament became violent and violent. "you wanna die!"

The voice fell, and the wings flapped behind him.

Queen Haven dodged and came directly to Su Sheng and punched her.

Ability to copy!

With the golden finger turned on, Su Sheng instantly copied Queen Haven's ability and reached out to grab her fist.


Queen Haven's fist was grabbed by Su Sheng softly, her expression was slightly stunned, as if she had not expected Su Sheng's reaction to be so fast, but the next moment she suddenly found that Su Sheng opened his mouth fiercely.

A dazzling light of energy shot out of his mouth and shot towards Queen Haven. Queen Haven hurriedly broke free and tried to dodge, but Su Sheng couldn't break free with her fist. She could only resist as much as she could.


The energy directly hit Queen Haven, and the already dazzling sky became even more dazzling in an instant. The sound of the explosion of energy seemed to be heard throughout the entire Haven, and everyone looked up at the sky.