Chapter 20

"Thank you. It's all due to you." William Dover did not seem to recognize the irony in his words and accepted his praise without shame.

"Congratulations, I heard that your support rate has returned to 65%, and it is inevitable that you will be re elected." Li Zitao said it sincerely this time.

The re-election of William Defoe has not wasted all his previous efforts, while the upcoming banquet will make Li Zitao's pace faster and more stable.

"Nuki is a generous, honest friend, and he is never mean to his friends." Speaking of the party that had been invited, William Dover was filled with emotion.

Nuki has indicated that he needs more help, and judging from the performance of the Chinese teenager in front of him, the power in his hands can not be underestimated.

The armed forces of nearly a thousand people are absolutely a dynamite barrel in the United States.

Fortunately, the explosive barrel is still in a stable state, and judging from the actions of the other party in the past two days, he wants to take a business path on the right track, which is a very smart choice.

When you are poor, what you need is opportunity and strength.

When you are no longer poor, all you need is money. In a country where capital controls everything, Franklin is the key to reverse and maintain everything.

"Tell nuki that the aegis is ready to provide him with the best service if he needs help." Li took the opportunity to promote his business.

The shendun Bureau and the blue and white chamber of Commerce have been officially established. The address of the blue and white chamber of commerce is chosen to be in the Royal nightclub. Remove the fancy costumes and signboards, and arrange it as a high-end club in the past according to Li Zitao's instructions.

As for aegis special guard, the security company of aegis Bureau for short, can only stay obediently in the dust field in zone 22.

Among the assets left by Carpenter, there is not enough room to accommodate so many people, but Li Zitao has reserved an office for it in the blue and white chamber of Commerce.

Always can't someone door-to-door to seek service, take the other party to the dust field in area 22, facing the sun and dust one by one to choose it!

When, for example, if the other party has such a need, he will not refuse. The customer is God, and God will pay him a generous reward.

"I hope Chicago will be peaceful forever." Before he left, William Dover said meaningfully to the smiling Li Zitao.

"What does it matter to me if Chicago is peaceful or not?" Putting down his cold coffee, Li Zitao decided not to come to such a place again.

Coffee is really too hard to drink. It reminds him of the Chinese medicine he drank when he was a child in his previous life. The two tastes very similar.

Before they separated, neither of them mentioned the $2000 loan, as if it had not happened.

For the next week, Li Zitao stayed at the training ground in zone 22, training his rookies in person every day, making people cry.

During this period, he had brought the latest news of the stock market to him, "Mr. Li, the shares of Freeport sulphur company we hold have increased by 13% in recent years, and the prices of other companies have increased by 3-8%"

"Tell me directly, how much profit." Li Zitao's straightforward questions made Ben feel powerless and lost.

These are the results of his efforts. He can accurately select these high-quality industries in the stock market with his rich experience and keen capital.

Why, why can't you give me a chance to show my talent?

"At the current stock price, 15000 dollars, after deducting the team's expenses." Ben didn't want to talk anymore.

But when Li Zitao handed him a check for $1 million, Ben immediately regained his flattering smile and due professionalism.

This money is Joe's private deposit, which is kept in the safe at home. Although the source of the money is certainly not a legitimate channel, no one should be able to find out.

"It's my pleasure to be able to serve you." Carrying a check of $1 million, Ben left in the escort of two bodyguards sent by the monk.

As for whether he feels honored or not, Li is not interested in knowing. He just needs to know who can make money for himself.

After four days of trading in the stock market for $150000, we can get a return of $15000. In this age when the average family's annual income is between $500 and $700, the rate of return is really faster than the money snatched.

He's got 2000 other knives in his pocket.

As for the trained special guards, there are still a lot of 50000 US knives left for Huang's side. Although there are big fish and meat every day, they can't hold up. Things are cheap these days.

However, Li also knows that the days when ordinary people can't worry about food and clothing will soon pass. When the disaster comes, the United States will be shrouded in cruel darkness.

Li Zitao only saw the general situation of the great depression in his previous life and said it was very miserable. But now he has no idea what the tragedy will look like.

What I remember most is that the capitalist would rather pour out the milk than give it to the poor. The title is arranged in a row, so it's difficult to pay attention to it. Besides, he doesn't have to worry about it!If he has time to worry about this, he might as well think more about how he can use the money from the stock market to develop his business well after the market collapses.

"The west is a good choice, California, Los Angeles..." Li Zitao murmured to himself.

"Boss, Paul is here." The chief housekeeper Huang Fang came over and interrupted his meditation.

Today, they will go to West y county. They will arrive in Washington by plane from Chicago, and then drive to Atlantic City in the southeast.

"Let the monk prepare." Looking over the fence, looking at Paul who takes off his hat and waves by the roadside, Li Zitao shows a slight smile.


When the plane stopped at Dulles Airport and got off the small biplane, Li Zitao's face turned green.

During the whole flight, he could hear the "clang" sound in the fuselage every second. The noise in the cabin was like a busy factory, as if it would fall apart in the next second.

However, the other people were very insipid. The monk looked around with his glass. Paul was holding a bottle of whisky and leaning against his seat with his eyes closed. He took two drinks from time to time.

Fortunately, there is no scene in the movie where the pilot controls the plane with a bottle of wine. Otherwise, he will consider pointing a gun at the pilot's head and let him turn around and land.

In addition to Paul and the monk, he was accompanied by nine baseball players who performed best in training, four Chinese, five black, and ten monks.

In terms of strength, he should have been two Chinese and seven black, but compared with his strength, Li Zitao believed in the loyalty of his compatriots, so he specially added two Chinese nationality.

It has to be said that in terms of explosive power and physique, black people are more powerful than Chinese, but Chinese also have their own advantages, that is, endurance and resilience.

"Paul, we'll go back by train." Although the journey was smooth, Li decided to change trains when he went back.

Before he set out, he and Huang discussed various routes and knew that the Ohio railway line in Baltimore could return to Chicago.

"All right, boss." Now Paul is more and more respectful to Li Zitao, because he is a puppet who is much more comfortable than expected.

Every day, there are strong Chinese protection. If you have any trouble, you will have to ask someone to solve it. Of course, you have to pay for the money and enjoy the internal price.

Li Zitao has the final say to him, and the backseat driver is still at his disposal.

With the crackdown on the small gangs selling opium, his territory and power have become more and more powerful, and the actual control of the territory and block has surpassed the period of Capone.

What's more, Li Zitao is not a greedy person.

It's like a million dollars in cash found from Qiao's family. After getting the money, Li Zitao left his 500000 dollar sword.

The army is strong, the money has the surface, what is not satisfied?

However, Paul has received many complaints recently. Even Johnny, who has returned to Sicily, is concerned about his boycott of opium into Chicago.

"Hey, an old retired guy, and he wants to give directions." If Johnny had the ability, he wouldn't have watched Capone being held in jail waiting for the court's verdict to die.

"Still stepping on the ground Li Zitao adjusted his clothes and walked to the car parked by the runway.

"Sir, Mr. nuki has already reserved a hotel in Washington. If you feel tired, you can have a night's rest in Washington." The driver said respectfully.

"Yes." He nodded his head and got on the bus. Li Zitao was still a little proud. "This is a VIP service. Now we are a privileged person?"

Washington is indeed the capital of the United States. Both public facilities and buildings are much better than Chicago. The road surface is not small, but it is much narrower than that of Chicago.

There are not many high-rise buildings in Washington. If you want to say the most eye-catching, of course, it is the Washington monument which is the same as the signal receiver.

"Boss, the family is more and more dissatisfied with our actions. I'm afraid they will find killers from Sicily, which is not good for you. Do you want to..."

Paul is worried that, as the birthplace of Mafia culture, Sicilian killers are definitely devils to be kept away from.

Every member of the Mafia, on the one hand, regards Sicily as the holy land of the Mafia, and on the other hand, they want to stay away from it.

It's like those guys in New York now call themselves "the New York Mafia."

Even so, would the "m" guys like them? This is ridiculous!

"This is America, not Sicily!" Li Zitao looked out of the window with clear eyes, but he was already alert.

As time went on, his body became stronger and stronger, but he also could not guarantee that if his heart and brain were fatally hit, he would still be able to recover.

"When you get to the hotel, call Lao Huang, ask him to advertise in the newspaper, continue to recruit people, and spread the news that Chicago is going to set up a new Chinatown."With the closing of Capone group and the attack on small gangs, the number of security personnel of aegis has reached thousands.

Among them, Chinese, black, Italian, Irish and Latin are all of them, which is simply a hodgepodge.

By the way, there are three French chefs in the kitchen, as well as six German instructors who are newly recruited.

Li Zitao needs these German instructors to teach street thugs what is military, what are professional norms and codes of conduct.

Of course, he wanted to find American veterans, but he couldn't find them at all.

The placement of veterans and veterans in the United States has been properly regulated since then. Most veterans do not need money, and they hate Italian and black people.

In this era, the only representatives of Italians are gangs, violence, trouble and murder. They are very unpopular in society.

Li Zitao can only come step by step. The current aegis Bureau has not opened up the situation. In the future, these views will be changed, including Chinese = little white rabbit , the fastest update of the webnovel!