Chapter 83

"I believe that this day is great and memorable. We are creating a new era in the film industry." Douglas turned impassioned and pointed to the back of the stage: "and here, we want to thank a special guest, Charlie Lee."

In the long intonation, Li Zitao took the microphone to the stage, and the loud applause sounded again, accompanied by the sharp whistle.

"Thank you. Thank you very much for Douglas's introduction. Although he forgot to say my greatest advantage, I still thank him." Li Zitao humorously took over the topic, and then made a disgusting expression.

With scattered applause, Li Zitao put his ear under the stage and said, "what? You want to know my strengths? "

"Yes." The sound of laughter came and went.

"Well..." With a grin, Li said, "it's a secret!"

"Ha ha ha..." The audience roared with laughter.

They suddenly know more about this rich Chinese, and people with a sense of humor are always favored by people.

"All of you are excellent directors, producers, editors, actors and so on. I'm honored to be with you tonight. It's a great moment."

After a pause, Li Zitao turned his head and looked at Louis Meyer's direction. His eyes were playful: "I also want to thank Louis. It is he who inspired my inner love for the film. It is my pride to be able to contribute to the film industry. Thank you, Louis."

Mayer's face turned blue, but he still wanted to hold up a smile. Around him, reporters held up their cameras and pressed the shutter button.

Who doesn't know the origin of the Oscar, because Louis Mayer's insatiable greed, this news has long been spread in Hollywood.

Now this scene is the best news material for every reporter, "the challenge of Chinese rich businessmen to the king of Hollywood?"

There were scattered applause, but it was not quiet at all, especially Douglas on the stage, as well as representatives of other companies, who were still reluctant to put down their hands.

But other people are not very enthusiastic, especially the director and the actor. There is no applause. This is enough to prove Lewis's status in Hollywood.

"From silence to sound, we are in the forefront of the development of the film industry. This fantasy magic world is given to the whole world..."

After a passionate speech, all the filmmakers paid homage to the silent film era, the future prospect of the film industry, and clapped their hands in awe.

"It's been a long time, Douglas. How long are you going to make a curtain next to it? Now, give the time to our Mr. Robin Hood. "

Li Zitao, who finished the performance, went back backstage and listened to Douglas's thanks on the stage: "thank you for Charlie's wonderful speech. Oh, I'm about to cry..."

Back in the audience, Douglas has begun his first prize, the best make-up.

Before that, no one thought that makeup, costume design, setting, photography, art design, etc. could also have independent awards for these behind the scenes work. This alone made Li Zitao gain the favor of countless behind the scenes workers.

The existence behind the scenes is always ignored, even they have no hope, and the Academy Awards give them a glorious time.

"The winner of the best make-up award this time is..." Douglas opened the golden envelope in his hand on the stage, but Li Zitao did not pay attention to it.

For him, it doesn't matter who wins the prize, but whether the award can be recognized.

After each selection, the chamber of Commerce will send people to the major theaters to conduct opinion surveys to determine the impression of the selection results in the minds of the audience.

In the past, the Oscars were very tall, but they were too divorced from the masses. Later, they gradually turned to commercialization. Although this kind of transformation is very slow, it is indeed changing.

Li does not want to wait for its mode to be fixed and then change it. From the beginning, Oscar has to follow the double standards of high-end and close to life.

However, these are not the reasons why he was distracted. Looking at the calm side face beside him, Li Zitao felt the feeling of heart for the first time since he was born again.

GreTai was able to feel the burning eyes, which made her a little restless. In the past, she was always alone. She was not used to the hot and close to her.

From the first "torrent," Greta Garbo has had numerous suitors.

Two years ago, the film "body and the devil" made her a popular actress in Hollywood, bringing her glory and halo, but also bringing a lot of trouble.

Such as those from the hot eyes of men, the pursuit of letters, some strange messages, from everyone's praise, let her at a loss.

People seem to be paying attention to her appearance. Some people describe her as "a face once in a thousand years", "Mona Lisa on the screen" and "marvelous creation".

But it wasn't enough to make her happy. Instead, it made her resist social intercourse. She began to miss Stiller again.

The man who made her and left alone is very special and irreplaceable for her, and also allows her to live a rich life.At the age of 13, GreTai dropped out of school to take care of her father at home. After her father died, she had to do everything she could to make a living on her own.

At the age of 14, GreTai became a model because of her beautiful appearance. However, in this circle, she has never been less insidious and insidious.

The only 14-year-old GreTai doesn't understand the adult world at all, but she has an amazing face, so wherever she goes, she is the one who is excluded.

This kind of life experience, cast her lonely character.

By chance, Stiller found her in the crowd. At that time, everyone was praising her for her beauty. Only he said, "you have a good figure, wide shoulders, narrow hips and good legs. You have a very unusual face, beautiful eyes, long eyelashes and a good voice. But it's too fat to walk and laugh

Gretel was surprised and curious. This is the first time she has heard such a harsh comment. Isn't she beautiful?

With such a question, she began to accept Stiller's transformation. It was he who took Gretel into a high-end restaurant and taught her dining etiquette.

It was he who straightened Gretel's teeth, bought the most expensive dress and dressed her up as an angel.

It is he who often takes Gretel for a walk around, teaches her the rules of the film industry, and the people in Hollywood have interesting stories.

Under the pressure of MGM, he won the chance to play "torrent" for GreTai and let her go on the road to fame.

But when she was just gaining fame, Stiller, who was not developing well in Hollywood, chose to leave and return to his country, Sweden.

Before leaving, Stiller invited her to go with her, and GreTai refused him for the first time.

Only GreTai knew that she was not unwilling to go with him, but that she was afraid to start over and lose her present life, because she was afraid of poverty.

Shortly after Stiller's departure, Gretel was invited to take part in the filming of "the body and the devil," in which she fell in love with the passionate John Gilbert.

At that time, John was just like the man beside him. His eyes were hot, with a strong aggressiveness and hegemony, so that she could melt her apathy.

Unfortunately, in the end, they parted ways because Gretel resisted marriage.

She's not ready yet, and John's constant pursuit keeps them away.

No one knows what she thinks in her heart and why she doesn't want to accept a proposal from a loved one. Only Gretel knows the reason.

Because in her heart, there is a man who can't be forgotten, Stiller.

So when she noticed that Li Zitao was getting closer and closer and wanted to start a conversation, Gretel turned her head to the right and talked to the production manager of paramount, who was not familiar with her.

"Boss, she's hiding from you." Sitting behind him, Aimo leaned over and said that the tone of snickering made Li Zitao hate his teeth itch.

"I know very well that you don't need to be reminded." Li Zitao said with some annoyance, is this a bad start?

It's just that none of them noticed that there was another person at the scene who was watching Gretel, the livid Louis Mayer.

He was just paying attention to Li Zitao and plotting how to get him out of Hollywood.

The conversation with his manager, Grimm, became more and more somber.

GreTai is MGM's star, but now?

She was whispering and whispering with Paramount's people, and it seemed that the communication between them was very pleasant.

"Will she betray her Louis clenched his teeth and his anger rose.

This damned woman, not only ignored his hint, but also because of the director's care, always asked for higher pay, just like a greedy sow.

At the box office, he repeatedly suppressed his anger, but to see what she had done, she even talked to the enemy, "damn traitors, you should all go to hell."

Louis looked up to the top of the stage, and Douglas's smiling face made him bite his gums and bleed.

Perhaps from the woman's sixth sense, Gretel sensed another gaze on her. When she looked up a little distance, she just met Lewis's angry eyes.

"No way." Gretel instantly figured out the reason why he was angry.

Just now she was only thinking about how to avoid Li Zitao's entanglement, but she forgot that the person in front of her was paramount. The relationship between MGM and paramount was not very happy.

It's no wonder that during the conversation, the other side's eyes were always shining with excitement. Gretel had thought it was her charm, but now she has turned the corner.

However, after the initial panic, GreTai regained her calm again. She had confidence in herself. As long as she didn't make it clear that she wanted to leave, Louise should not embarrass herself.

You know, she's one of the biggest box office actresses in Hollywood. No one will fight against money, right?

"The best picture award is, seventh heaven, congratulations to Frank Bouchard." Douglas announced the final heavyweight award on stage.The first Academy Awards came to an end in cheers. , the fastest update of the webnovel!