Chapter 170

"Harvey Firestone, the rubber king of the United States, is the main tire supplier of Ford Motor Company. He has a good personal relationship with the founder Henry Ford.

in the 1920s, with the help of the influence of the United States, he bought a lot of land in Liberia to build rubber plantations, which was called the country of the country in the country.

it is said that he controlled his own armed forces in Africa, and Keep a close personal friendship with the chief officials of the colonies. "

The little elk took the information from the think tank and read it to Li Zitao word by word.

Harvey Firestone is the owner of the number MacArthur gave him.

"Put me through." I believe that MacArthur and Firestone have already communicated with each other for almost an hour before and after. It's time to dial.

"Mr. Firestone, I hope I haven't disturbed your meeting with your family..." Li Zitao's tone is no longer anxious this time.

After the previous impulse, Li Zitao suddenly found that he thought some of the problems were too serious.

Yes, the West Africa where Samoa and others are currently located is occupied by the people of F.

But don't forget that Li sent a team of 2600 people before and after, all of them are in the mining area, and among them are 2002 American veterans.

Unless the people of F want to start a war, do they really dare to do something?

If the terrible events in his imagination really happen, without Li Zitao doing anything, the angry people will make the whole Washington and the military headquarters go down.

"The old soldier who spat in the face of the president may even hurl at his family members."

The forced and helpless government has a great possibility in the end. Forced by the pressure to wage war on the West African colonies, Li Zitao does not believe that the people of F dare to take this risk.

What's more, Washington may be glad to have such an opportunity to ease the pressure from home.

What's the best business in the world? The highest profit?

Make war money!

As long as you have the ability to avoid settling accounts after autumn, it is absolutely a million profits.

The government of F is not a fool. If it can't even see this kind of thing, it can really go home and sell sweet potatoes.

Therefore, after giving the order that Samo should not leave the mining area, Li Zitao calmly accepted the reality.

"Charlie, if you have time, why don't you come to my estate and talk about it?" After listening to what Li said, Firestone looked relaxed.

"It's a great honor to accept your invitation. I'll be there on time tomorrow morning." It was already 10 o'clock in the night, so Li Zitao could only fix the time until tomorrow morning.

After being confirmed by Firestone, Li Zitao hung up the phone and asked the elk to prepare a plane. He would fly to Akron, Ohio overnight.

"This tells us that only ourselves can be relied on when it is critical." Li Zitao sat on the plane and joked to the monk before taking off.

"Boss, let me go myself." The monk suggested again.

"Do you really want to go?" Li Zitao was surprised.

"Well, I want to see the real battlefield." Although no large-scale war can be seen, small-scale conflicts occur there every day.

"Wait till you see Harvey." Li Zitao leaned on his seat and the flight took off.

He arrived at Akron at 4 a.m. and had a 4-hour rest in the hotel. Li Zitao had breakfast and appeared in front of fairstone manor at 10:00 on time.

"Charlie, welcome to my estate." With his gray head and frameless lenses under his eyelids, Firestone, who looked energetic, met him personally.

"The air here is exhilarating." Li Zitao said politely.

"Do you want to say that this is suitable for the elderly? Ha ha... " Seeing his expression a little helpless, Firestone pointed to him with a hearty smile.

The spirit of an old man who is over 60 years old is comparable to that of a strong man. He is half a head taller than Li Zitao. He does not look old at all.

If it was not for his white hair, it would be hard to imagine that he was already a Huajia old man just by looking at his appearance and appearance.

"Mr. Firestone, I hear that you and the governors of the African colonies are good friends. I don't know what I'm talking about."

Walking on the comfortable lawn, Li Zitao talked about the main purpose of his visit.

"That matter has been settled. Don't worry, there will be no government troops to embarrass you." Said Firestone casually.

The relaxed tone is as simple as saying "have a cup of afternoon tea.".

Li Zitao had a little admiration for the other party's means and invited him to the manor, but he had solved his troubles ahead of time.

No matter whether the other party has a request or not, the favor is owed.

Moreover, he had to get the other party's favor. "If you just mentioned it, I'll help you deal with it properly." how can you refuse such a favor.

"Is there anything I need?" Accompanied by a table in the garden, Li Zitao looked at him and asked.

"You want to get involved in the auto industry?" Asked Firestone."Yes, I'm planning it."

"Do you know that PECA is one of my partners." The news was quite sudden.

To tell you the truth, among these acquisitions, what Li Zitao doesn't care about most is PECA. Who ever thought it was this chassis production company that brought him unexpected joy.

"If you remember correctly, Pekka mainly produces car chassis?" Li Zitao didn't mean to say, "he didn't pay attention to the unknown broken factory."

"Yes, the car chassis is its main business, but the chassis always has to be equipped with tires to run, isn't it?" Said Firestone directly.

Bundle sales, Li Zitao heard this first reaction is this idea.

It's said that the old man plays very smoothly. He knows the benefits of bundling sales these years.

"That's great. I think we'll have a very happy cooperation in the future." Li Zitao quickly expressed his attitude.

This is a big guy who "runs wild" in Africa. For a phone call, the top officials in the colonies of all countries have to give seven points of face.

Three points left. That's the inside.

"I'm very interested in your combined aegis car. I don't know the tires..."

"No, I'm worried about it." Li Zitao still has a lot of vision. He can do things well!

Besides, in the future, he said he couldn't pay back. With the help of the old man's contacts in Africa, Abu Dhabi and Dubai, he still remembered that there was a lot of oil waiting to be explored.

It's all black gold. It's a pity to miss it!

"I knew we'd have a good exchange." Firestone held up his tea cup and said with a smile, "Lee, you take good care of your friends, just as it is said."

"Because I don't have many friends in this country, I cherish every friendship." Li Zitao also raised the tea cup.

This cup is really a little pocket size, or a big bowl of tea is more comfortable to drink.

In his previous life, his favorite cup is a big teapot, which is also printed with XXX, saying: love not for the purpose of marriage is to play rogue!

Cool a cup of tea "Gudong Dong" drink, that is called a happy, is the toilet run frequently. , the fastest update of the webnovel!