Chapter 172

"Pooh ~"

a mouthful of water splashed on Lawrence's face, and the guy was still a little surprised.

"What the hell did we go through?" Lawrence wiped the water on his face, his eyes finally calmed down, and said with fear.

"Isn't it still alive? Ha ha... " Li Zitao is a little heartless smile.

Lu Xun once said: if you survive a disaster, you will have good luck.

What does it mean to come to Hawaii and let him have an air crash?

It shows that Hawaii is his geomancy treasure land, is his blessing land, he wants to be here

I can't make it up.

"What should I do now?" Looking at the distant island, Lawrence said with a bitter smile.

They don't have to worry about this. At least they can see the island.

However, the sense of distance at sea is also the most fascinating. It seems that a short journey is full of deep deception and full of malice from the world.

"Swim over, or you can consider staying here." Li Zitao has no time to rescue people here. What if they don't see it?

There is not only one main island in the Hawaiian Islands. If you run into an uninhabited island, you don't want to get fat in the water.

"All right." With these words, Lawrence's face was even more bitter.

Swim, swim

It seems that the island is so close that it is deceptive. After a group of people swimming for about two hours, the island is a little bigger than before.

Specific description of words, probably from pea to melon size, pit dead Dad!

The only thing to be thankful for is that they haven't met a shark so far, otherwise Li Zitao will be able to perform a unique skill of killing shark groups with empty hands.

"No, my leg is cramped." Lawrence rowed with a pale face.

"Boss, I see the boat." Li Zitao was preparing to make complaints about the song, interrupted by the monk's voice.

He followed his fingers and looked to the left. It was a cargo ship.

"Wait here." Found that others are a little tired, Li Zitao a sudden plunge into the water, quietly disappeared in the sea.

By the time he appeared again, the distance between him and the freighter had been reduced by nearly half.

"God, he's a monster." Laurence bestie with cold and cramps. He has not forgotten to make complaints about good friends.

"Hey, hey, here, here..." This is a huge ship, passing by like an island. People on the deck can't see the ants in the water.

Looking around, Li Zitao suddenly remembered the pistol on his waist.

Reach out a touch, the left is missing, and then wipe the right, "OK."

He grasped the handle of the pistol, and when the freighter was about to leave, Li Zitao rounded his right arm and threw the pistol onto the deck.

He didn't know whether it hit or not. Only a few seconds after he threw out his pistol, there was a loud voice on the deck, and then a sailor was lying on the side of the deck and looking down.

"Kayak, I need a kayak. There's my companion over there." Seeing the rope ladder thrown down on the deck, Li Zi Tao pointed to the distance and called out.

After a while, a kayak was thrown down and two sailors climbed down the rope ladder.

"Hey, man, get up there, we'll save your friend." Said the black man who came down, patting him on the shoulder.

"Thank you." The monks are about four or five hundred meters away. They can still see their waving movements. Li Zitao doesn't insist on going together.

Climbing up the rope ladder, he left his beard, and the red nosed mate handed him a blanket. He also took out a wine pot from his pocket and put it into his hand: "a drink will make you feel better."

"Thank you." Li Zitao was a little surprised.

To be honest, this is the first time someone has shown such kindness to him without knowing his identity.

Of course, the first mate would not tell him that anyone who can afford a high-end custom-made suit and has a colt silver Python revolver gun doesn't need to ask.

However, this is not the reason why he chose to be close to Li Zitao. The real factor is that he also has Chinese workers on board. Their diligence has been recognized by the captain and the first mate.

The Chinese spirit of hard-working is much better than those niggers and lazy men from Italy.

"How far is it from Hawaii?" After two mouthfuls of wine, Li Zitao asked, wrapped in a blanket.

"25 nautical miles." The first mate took the pot with a smile.

Hearing this affirmative answer, Li Zitao's face broke down in an instant. Fortunately, they met the ship. Otherwise, no one would have arrived at the shore alive except him.

After a long time's work, everyone climbed up the rope ladder.

Lawrence was as cold as a quail, dressed in two blankets and shivering in his room.

"There are workers' clothes on board. Do you want to change them?" Seeing that he was shaking pitifully, his face was so pale that he didn't have any blood color. Li Zitao could not help asking."Calculate, calculate..." Lawrence's white lips were freezing.

"OK, I see." Li Zitao wiped his hair and left the blanket beside him, letting his clothes dry naturally.

It's time to dock right away. When I get off the boat, I'll find a place to take a hot bath. At most, I'll have a cold and I won't die.

But in early September, the sea is really cold enough. Isn't Hawaii like spring all the year round?

"Boss, the boat is on shore." When the monk came over, Li Zitao was sitting at the table wiping his watch.

Obviously, there is water in the watch core. When you shake your hand, you can see the water droplets whirling in it. It seems that we need to find a place to repair it.

"Thank you again for your help. These are just some thoughts." Li Zitao took out a bundle of ten dollar bills from his pocket.

Although there is water, it can be used after air drying. This small bundle is worth 1000 dollars, enough for each of them.

The first mate was not polite. He picked it up with a smile and carefully handed it over to the sailor next to him. He saw the other party running to the entrance of the lower deck with the money.

It seems that you want to take the money to bake by the boiler?

Two of his men supported Lawrence, who was still trembling. They got out of the boat and hired a carriage. They went straight to the best hotel.

"Seven rooms, hot water, as soon as possible." The cashier didn't ask how the money was wet.

The definition of the best hotel here is to have independent bathroom and bathtub, which is relatively sanitary and clean.

If you want luxury, you have to go to the yolani palace.

It was the palace of the last king of the kingdom of Hawaii, but now it's just a modest manor with the name of royal family.

"Hiss..." Laurence was thrown into a tub full of hot water. After a few minutes, the whiteness on his face gradually subsided and his shivering body stopped.

"Take care of him." After giving a tip of $10 to two local hot girls, they nodded to Li Zitao with enthusiasm.

Back in the room, the bathtub is ready.

After shaking off the clothes that stuck to him, Li Zitao happily immersed himself in it, saying, "this trip is really exciting."

Although he knew that airplanes in this era were not safe enough, he had not seen an accident for such a long time, and he was unavoidably a little discontented.

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