Chapter 200

"Your honor." Taking Adelaide back to his room, Li Zitao came to the study where he met last time, and Dajing sat behind his desk to deal with his official business.

Shua -

the pen scratched on the paper from time to time, until the tip of the pen was inserted into the ink bottle again, then the Duke raised his head.

At this time, Li Zitao did not know when he had been sitting on the sofa, with his legs up, leisurely and contentedly tasting the coffee provided by the maid.

“…… Are you going to Holland tomorrow? " Asked the Duke.

"Yes, Sasha sent a telegram to her royal highness." Li Zitao smiles and nods.

"Take that crown away, I think the queen will like it." Hearing this, his heart is happy.

This is tantamount to a change of direction and a promise to him and Adelaide.

"Thank you for your generosity, sir." Li Zitao did not cross his legs any more. He put down his tea cup, got up and nodded.

"It's not my generosity, it's yours." "I hope you'll live up to Mary."

It's hard for the Duke to agree to their marriage.

But in recent days, Dagong also has a clear answer to how far they have developed.

All she wanted now was that Mary's eyes were right.

"She's my wife." Li Zitao does not want to say anything touching assurance, which is enough to illustrate his attitude.

"Have a good trip." That night, for the first time, the atmosphere of the dinner party was as harmonious as family.

Adelaide, who had been sulking with her mother before, was called to the study by his grandfather after dinner.

When he came back, he threw his eyes into his arms and whispered, "Charlie, you will love me all my life, won't you?"

"Yes, I will love you until I die." A deep kiss, the room a tumbling sound, let the door of the little Mary put away want to knock the powder punch.

"Asshole, can't you be more restrained?" Murmuring in silence, Little Mary stomped away.


The next day, in the morning, the Duke and his family personally took them to the station.

Adelaide was holding her mother and whispering, and finally got on the car with red eyes.

"Hey, honey, we can come back any time. It's not a life and death separation." Waving goodbye, until the figure turned into a small black spot, Li Zitao turned around and teased her with a smile.

"You don't understand that feeling!" With a glance across him, Adelaide reclined in her chair with her eyes closed.

They will take the train through Belgium to Amsterdam, the Dutch capital, where they will be summoned by the queen.


Li Zitao has not finished his journey yet. The incident about the shooting of Kendy family is implicating the heart of everyone concerned.

All the clues were broken a week ago, and no one knows who did it unless he can find his sister.

But in the heart of those who have a heart, the behind the scenes instruction of this matter is clear.

The rumor about Li Zitao's scheming spread unconsciously in the upper class circles of the United States.

"This speculation without any evidence is an insult to my boss, Mr. Charlie. Here I will seriously warn those who have ulterior motives,

no matter what your purpose is, once I know who you are, lawyer letters will fill your mailbox."

The serious protest of the Minister of justice, Mr. saliyev, has further confirmed this speculation.

If he didn't do it, why should he solemnly hold a press conference to defend after hearing the messages from these trails.

So in everyone's heart, they all put this matter on Li Zitao's head.

"Saliev, your performance is becoming more and more beautiful. Maybe I should suggest boss send you to Hollywood, and you will get the golden man."

Inside the think tank, Ben and saliev sat at a small round table, drinking beer easily.

"Ben, next time you should try it yourself. I hate that feeling." Saliyev said helplessly.

"Forget it! I have to go home to tease my two little angels whose mothers are going crazy

Thinking of the transformation of his wife after giving birth, he couldn't help scratching his head.

Since the birth of the two little princesses, Joanna has become sensitive, irritable, irritable and intolerable for small things.

That kind of feeling is like a person from inside to outside, which makes Ben feel strange.

"Hey, friend, you should understand a mother's mood, she just needs time to adapt to this change." Saliev patted him sympathetically on the shoulder.

"Ah With a sigh, Ben put the bottle on the table and drove home.

"Honey, I'm back." Opening the door, Ben heard her daughter cry.

"Oh, my God, Ben, come and help me. They're vomiting. Oh, God..." Joanna's voice of anxiety came.

Put the bag on the side, facing behind the bodyguard helpless frown, Ben closed the door, quickly walked upstairs."Let me see." Clumsily held her daughter, Ben carefully cleaned the milk stains on the corner of her mouth, "we should ask the nanny to help them."

"But they're always frivolous. Mrs. Taylor next door told me that her children had been abused by servants when they were children, and we couldn't guarantee safety at all..."

Joanna some manic wave hands, face with uneasiness and impatience, once elegant gentle completely disappeared.

"Hey, hey, honey, relax, relax, you're just too anxious." Put his daughter in the cot, Ben put his arms around his wife and whispered to comfort him.

"Oh, Wuwu..." Joanna knew that her state was wrong, but she just couldn't control herself. The invisible pressure was about to break her nerves.

She wanted to give them all the best, but she acted like a clumsy duck and shrew. "Damn it, I hate myself now."

"Honey, listen to me, I'll invite my colleagues to take care of the two kids for one night. There's Nai water stored in the refrigerator,

and now you go and change into the most beautiful dress. We're going to stay in the hotel tonight."

"No, I can't leave them here." Joanna wiped her tears from the corner of her eyes.

"I know, I know, you love them, and so do I, but you need to relax now, just one night, one night, OK?"

After repeatedly reassuring Joanna, Ben called sanier, and soon she showed up at Ben's home with two colleagues.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, but only one night." She was asked to take care of her children, and she was helpless.

But after learning about Joanna, she decided to help.

"Sanier, thank you, thank you. Nai water is in the refrigerator. It needs to be heated before feeding, and the water temperature should be kept at..."

"Honey, just give it to me. I have two successful mothers around me." Sunil points to two colleagues nearby and laughs.

"Thank you. Thank you." At Ben's urging, Joanna walked out of the door three times.

"Hoo..." Sitting in the car, opening the window and breathing the cool air, Joanna's nervous tension was finally released.

She thought she was ready to be a mother, but not until they really appeared in her life did Joanna find the gap between ideal and reality.

But it doesn't stop her from loving them, she just needs some time to learn to adapt.

"I'm a little worried." Joanna looked back at the far away house.

"Just one night, I promise." Ben took her hand and comforted.

"I should let you stay at home." Joanna gave him a cross look and said deliberately.

"God, that's terrible. Maybe I'll become a super daddy, ha ha..." With his wife's shoulder in his arms, Ben gave a passionate kiss. , the fastest update of the webnovel!