Chapter 271

At the end of the lunch, the port's ore is also handed over, which will be stored by the sports pioneer and the skunk lab.

After accompanying Lian Qinglin to the headquarters of the blue and white chamber of Commerce to settle accounts, Li Zitao arranged for him to stay in the Waldorf Hotel, and then returned home.

"Is it all here?" In the storeroom, Li Zitao saw the so-called "congratulatory gift."

It is 20 cm tall. It is made of Baizi Guanyin made of white jade, the mother tree Dahongpao in red glaze porcelain bottle, and two pairs of landscape paintings by Master Zhang Daqian.

There is also an inscription, a hundred years of love, signed, Chairman Hong.

All these did not attract the attention of Li Zitao. His thoughts were all on his handwritten letters. As expected, he was invited to return home to have a look.

Li Zitao stayed in his study until late at night, and then he wrote a reply letter to the effect that "it's hard to get away from my busy business, but I'm so concerned about my hometown that I'm willing to make a contribution -

along with the letter, I'd like to give it to Lian Qinglin and a check for $1 million.

In addition, in a conversation with Lian Qinglin, Li Zitao also explained that he was in the three provinces of the East and would be laid out in Hualian Department stores across the country in the future.

Although it is a pity to practice Qinglin, there is nothing more to say.

Li Zitao's status and status at present and in the capitalist empire can only be coaxed with good words.

Otherwise, people will not bird you, what can you do?

After solving the problem of congratulatory gifts, Li Zitao stayed at home.

Norma and Eric are taken over. Lao Huang is also a family member now. He always asks him to take care of the two little guys. Li Zitao is also embarrassed.

What's more, there are enough servants in the family now, and the two little ones can be well cared for, without any trouble from him.

In his spare time, Li Zitao takes them crazy everywhere, walks the dog, teases the birds, and takes Xiaojin to the park to pigeon to see how he catches food. The days are also comfortable.

By the time Roosevelt called, it was the end of April.

Old Joseph Kendy agreed to meet him at the ricardon hotel in New York.

Li Zitao set out the next day. The six bodyguards, together with him, just reached the upper limit of the plane's passenger carrying capacity.

Finally, the small compartment was used. The sound coming from inside made the bodyguards speak softly, but they kept quiet and closed their eyes.

When she went in, Lily was wearing black stockings. When she came out, the stockings were gone. She had a black fragment in her hand.

"This is a new gift for you." A gold card from Wells Fargo Bank. Li Zitao put it into the crack in her chest before getting off the plane.

Maybe it's because she looks too much like the goddess Collins Taoxi, and the pure smile that heals her, Li Zitao always cares about her.

"Boss, do you need to check for four weeks?" After the last incident, after arriving at the hotel, the bodyguards looked at the tall building opposite with a bit of vigilance.

"Yes." Li Zitao nodded, pushed the door into the room.

Leaving two bodyguards to guard the door, the other four left the hotel and headed for the building with the right angle.

The meeting time with Joseph Kendy was 3:00 p.m. Li Zitao had arrived at the hotel at 12:00 p.m., and he believed that old Joseph should be in a room of the hotel at the moment.

However, both of them were not in a hurry. Li Zitao stayed in his room until 2:55 before arriving at the coconut tree restaurant on the 9th floor under the escort of his bodyguard.

Old Joseph sat in the corner, far away from the window, as if he were on guard.

"What would you like?" Sitting down, old Joseph, like an old friend, looked at him with a coffee cup and a smile.

"Gin, with ice." He said a word to the waiter beside him, waved back the bodyguard, and they sat alone at the table, looking at each other in silence.

"I didn't do it." In the end, old Joseph took the lead.

Perhaps he was also afraid that the shooter Li Zitao was hiding somewhere WOULD accidentally shoot a bullet through his forehead.

"I have nothing to do with Kendy manor." Li Zitao leaned on the back of the chair, crossed his hands, and put his elbow on the table.

"My housekeeper is dead, young Joseph and my two other children were brought up by him. They were very sad, and the guards and maids."

Old Joseph showed a sad expression, like an ordinary old man, was feeling the cruelty of life.

"Four of my bodyguards died. On the train, a killer disguised as a robber almost killed me." Li Zitao leaned forward and looked at him with sharp eyes.

Cold and merciless eyes let old Joseph's heart sink, guess what he really means?

"Is he here to declare war? Or is he ready for something? " Old Joseph looked out of the window.

Before Li's bodyguards searched the rooftops of the surrounding high-rise buildings, his people had stayed on them, just in case of a repeat of the Los Angeles incident.

"There is a Chinese saying that amity makes wealth. I believe that you did not do those things." Li Zitao took back his eyes and leaned back again. He was no longer aggressive."Thank you for your trust. I think it must be a conspiracy. Some people want to start a war behind their backs. I will find them." Old Joseph was relieved.

"Let me know when I get there. I'll screw off his head and use it as a toilet." Li Zitao grinned ferociously, and old Joseph moved away his sight with a guilty heart.

"Let's drink to peace and friendship." Li Zitao raised his glass and said with a bright smile.

After a drink, Li Zitao asked him if he would leave together. There was nothing to say when they were together.

After receiving a refusal reply, Li Zitao left the restaurant with his bodyguard, leaving old Joseph sitting at the table, his face changing and thinking.

"Is it really over, as he said? How much do he know about this matter, whether there is any other handle in his hands,

and how to get rid of this scum that he hates to the bone! "

When old Joseph was thinking about these problems, he never thought that what he expected would come so quickly that he was unprepared.


The melodious sound of violin in the dining room can't suppress the crisp sound. Then there are shrieks and shouts from downstairs: "boss is shot, catch them --"

"how can it be?" Old Joseph rushed to the window, when he saw the figure downstairs that was carried to the hotel by the bodyguard, his pupil couldn't help shrinking into a needle.

"Who is it? Who did it and what did he want to do? " Old Joseph's instinct told him that there would be big trouble, but he could not think of the key to the problem for a while.

Until he looked up and saw on the opposite rooftop, a guard in overcoat was knocked over on the ground, and he still had a sniper rifle in his hand.

Old Joseph remembers that face very clearly. It was he who brought the other party to New York and ordered him to search the surrounding buildings for security.

His most loyal escort captain, Pajero fland. , the fastest update of the webnovel!