Chapter 277

Wang Dagou doesn't get news, only think tanks and aegis bureau know.

Li Zitao can't understand why he did this, but he can only put the matter in his heart.

People are sent out. As long as they get off the ship in China, they will surely meet them. At that time, they will know what is going on.

After staying at home for another two days, Li Zitao, absent-minded, and his fiancee boarded the plane for Los Angeles.

When the skunk's luxury airliner is finished, he takes Adelaide to receive it and to relax.

With Nikolay's participation, the skunk's team is also growing.

With the help of Zhao Yaozhong, skunk reached a cooperation agreement with Caltech and UC Berkeley.

Zhao Yaozhong's teacher, Robert Andrew Milligan, is one of the most famous physicists in the world.

Nobel laureate, head of the Department of physics, California Institute of technology and President of the board of directors.

With his support, a large number of experimental physicists joined the skunk research and development team.

He himself also assumed the post of director of an independent project, although he could not stay in the laboratory for a long time because of busy affairs.

However, with his personal supervision, the experiment could avoid many detours, and the reputation of the skunk was further improved.

In addition, Millikan introduced an aviation giant to the skunk.

Von Kamen, who moved to the United States for 30 years, became the director of the Guggenheim aerodynamic laboratory in California and an authoritative figure in aerodynamics.

The wind tunnel of California laboratory was built under his supervision and guidance.

Moreover, he will be the first person to load rocket booster on the plane, and more importantly, he will have three students.

Both Qian Daniu and Guo Daniu are students of this world-renowned scientist.

So, as soon as he saw each other at Caltech, Li Zitao enthusiastically grasped each other's hand and laughed like a Weasel, which made people panic.

"How can I abduct this cow?" Li Zi Tao thought.

For this world-renowned science bull, you can't simply take money, at least to meet the requirements of the other party to explore science.

Fortunately, scientific experiments are inseparable from money, and Li Zitao is very generous.

"Professor skunk and I can design any wind tunnel that you want to build."

Li Zitao plans to step by step and let von Kamen participate in the daily life of skunks. After he gradually adapts to the environment here, he will be his own.

"Oh? Do skunks also need wind tunnels? " Von Kamen said unexpectedly.

"Yes, it is said that you have been studying supersonic drag, and I would like to be able to help, such as building supersonic wind tunnels."

Li Zitao plans to build several wind tunnel laboratories, from low-speed wind tunnel to supersonic wind tunnel, but not all of them are in skunks.

In the future, the aerodynamic support and wind tunnel test are also needed for the air streamline in the automotive field, and the pioneer conditions should be upgraded.

When it comes to supersonic, von Kamen is very interested.

He has a lot of theories that need to be tested, and these cannot be separated from the help of the wind tunnel laboratory.

He agreed on the spot to build a supersonic wind tunnel laboratory.

In fact, at Caltech, he put forward this request, but the college refused him because of his immature theory and technology.

He also told Li that if they want to build a qualified supersonic wind tunnel, they need to adjust and test repeatedly, which will be very expensive.

But this is exactly what Li Zitao wants to hear, that is to say, krypton gold!

No, the more krypton gold, the more help von Kamen gets in the future and the higher his achievements, the more guilt and gratitude he has.

Maybe one day, the great scientist will take the initiative to change jobs without him!

After meeting von Kamen and Robert Andrew Milligan at Caltech, Li said many times that if they had any need, they could raise it.

He doesn't understand research, but as long as the financial support can be provided, he will not have any refusal.

The two professors who listened to this sincere speech were both moved and moved.

Finally, after lunch in the school canteen, two professors have regarded him as friends, saying that in the future, they will strengthen the cooperation between the college and skunk, and spare more time to preside over the research and development of skunk.

"You value them very much." On the way to Santa Barbara's car, Adelaide asked, feeling the attention of her fiance.

"I value all talents. In short, they can create benefits and value, and in noble terms, they can change the whole world." Li Zitao said with a smile.

When the motorcade arrived at Santa Barbara, Li was first crushed by the airport behind the experimental center.

"You built an airport?" The smooth asphalt pavement, the regular runway marked by white paint, and the terminal building under construction are not the airport."It's a small airport, right, for convenience and experimentation." Howard Hughes rarely stayed in the lab.

"Come and see your plane. It's beautiful." Hughes said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Hughes has been fascinated by the luxury business jet ever since he experienced it. It is definitely the most enjoyable journey in the world to travel in it.

In the white hangar near the runway, Li Zitao sees the Gulfstream that belongs to him.

Ugly, ugly.

The heavy nose, with propellers in front, wide and thick wings on both sides, is also equipped with two cylindrical engine propellers.

According to the standard of business jet that Li Zitao saw on the Internet in his previous life, this thing is simply ugly and can't bear to look directly at it.

But considering the present age, compared with previous planes, it suddenly becomes more attractive.

It has a length of 17.2 meters, a height of 5.6 meters, a wingspan of 16.7 meters and a speed of 700 per hour.

"We used the air pressure cabin door, which would open and turn into a suspended ladder with one click."

"The first is the flight attendant workshop. This is the cab. Would you like to see it?" Li Zitao turned his head and walked into the cabin.

What's good about the cab? He couldn't understand the messy buttons.

Li Zitao opened the curtain to cut off the sight, and the beautiful and elegant interior space of peach wood came into view.

There are three transparent glass windows on each side, and eight separate seats on both sides. They are also made of mahogany leather. I don't know what to make of it.

There is a small sofa, tea table, small desk in the back.

Then there is a door. Seeing Li Zitao feel guilty, he quickly turns back and looks around. Adelaide is looking around with her eyes shining.

"What is there?" Sure enough, still can't escape this question.

"Rest room, can let us maintain sufficient rest in the journey." Li Zitao opened the door calmly, and a large round bed came into view.

"Oh?" Adelaide looked at him in a playful tone and walked in without speaking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!