Chapter 279

Los Angeles West Station.

Wang Dagu got out of the car and was about to cross the road. He would hire a carriage in the city and drive home for half a day.

"Home?" Wang Dagu stood at the door of the garage. Then he grinned, scratched his head and muttered: "yes, it's not home."

"Down Wangpo, will you leave now? No, no, No The shopkeeper looked at the sky outside. It was getting dark. It would be late at night.

There are bandits in the mountains. In the middle of the night, if some people are killed, it is not enough for him to earn that little money.

Ding -

the two silver coins were thrown up and then dropped, hitting each other, making the boss's eyes bright, "go, go now."

He found a clever young man and took out the best carriage. He spread a cotton mat on it and put two futons on it. The carriage was on its way.

"Guest, you have to travel in the middle of the night. Are you afraid of meeting bandits in the mountains?" It's boring to drive. Seeing that Wang Dagou has a good face, the young man asked casually.

"It's OK. If you run into a bandit, you can run first." Wang Dagou lifted up the curtain and hung it on the shed. Looking east and West, he was happy to see everywhere.

At that time, he followed a group of old and young men who couldn't live on and had no hope for their families, and they took a donkey cart with them.

The young driver's face was red, and Wang Dagou revealed his worries.

However, compared with life, good meaning is secondary. To look at others, the young man still gave more instructions: "don't resist when you meet bandits. If you want to be beaten, you will be released. However, you are too strong."

If you are too strong, you may be attracted by the bandit leader and catch him as a dogleg on the mountain.

Then it was dark, and the young man was not annoyed. He felt the darkness and walked forward. He didn't get lost at all.

It sounds strange. In fact, it's not strange at all.

Running in a place year after year, running for more than ten years, anyone can remember.

Don't say it's the road, but there are more pits on the road, which are all printed in my mind.

On the way, I passed several hills where bandits might be hidden. I was very lucky, and there was no stubble.

In the middle of the night, I can finally see the lower Wangpo, the half dead old locust tree is still pestering there.

If you just look at it, it's like nothing has changed.

"There are few people in this village now, and it was also a big village in those days, with more than 200 mouths -" the young man pursed his lips and couldn't say any more.

Wang Dagou didn't hear what he said. He jumped out of the carriage and went to the old locust tree.

Standing under the tree, I felt the dry and wrinkled bark.

I don't want to cry, but I want to laugh. It comes from the sweet heart.

All the way around, uneasy heart, calm, steady.

After standing under the tree for a meeting, Wang Dagou went down the slope. The old locust tree was standing on the slope and the village was at the bottom of the slope. Most of them were surnamed Wang, so they were called xiawangpo.


Walking around the old locust tree, Wang Dagou stopped again.

Turn around and squat down.

Touch with the hand, palm size of the two pits, shallow in the front and deep in the back, with someone deliberately finishing out like, "strange."

Scratching his head, Wang Dagu continued to walk down the slope, and the carriage followed.

He didn't dare to go back alone in the middle of the night. Besides, he had to take people back!

In those days, there are more than 200 people in Dazhuangzi, but now there are more than a dozen left.

The young driver said that they were all old people who couldn't walk, didn't want to go, and were not afraid to die.

Son, daughter-in-law, some of them including grandson, are all gone.

Go, where are you going?

Calculate the day, from he left to now, 5 years!

The memory of home is a little fuzzy, but as long as he goes forward, he knows where to go, and finally stands at the door of his own house.

Half of the mud wall collapsed, and the straw shed on it fell into the house or was blown away by the wind. So he put a few pieces of rotten wood on it.

Half of the door was pounding against the threshold in the night wind, and the sound of "bang Dang" was straight. Coupled with the appearance of luxuriant grass around, it was a little frightened.

Push the door. Get in.

The Kang of the clay pan was made by two horses with broken legs. The hook was made by wooden wedges on the wall. The hearth of the earthen pan was pitted with stones before he left.

It was the same as when he left. It was just like a thick layer of ash. He sat cross legged on the Kang. Wang Dagou didn't speak, so he sat.

The young man outside was a little sleepy. Thinking that the ghost village had no oil and water at all, the bandits would not come, so he dozed off against the frame of the car.

By the time Wang Dagou came out again, the boy had already fallen into the car and was lying on his back.

With a smile, Wang Dagou went to the east of the village. There was a lonely house over there, which was the place he was looking for.Come to the door, the door is bolted, the top is not locked, can not afford to buy.

Wang Dagou listened, but there was no movement in the room. He raised his hand and finally knocked down.

Bang, bang.

Two times, the room did not agree. After thinking about it, Wang Dagou took down the bolt and pushed the door open.

There are two porcelain bowls on the board supported by a wooden stick. There is a stove with an earthen pan near the window. You can have a panoramic view.

It seems that there are still people living there, "that is to say," Wang Dagou is a little excited.

But this early morning there is no one, and, her family that silly brother?

The girl's name is Daniao, and her younger brother is Wang gouyu, and her name is Wang De.

At that time, his father was a teacher in the village. He was educated. He got a precious son, so he quickly got a big name.

Unfortunately, when I was older, I realized that my son was a fool.

When the father is also silly, but at that time the family was still rich, not short of a ration of food, also bite teeth to continue to raise, how is also their own son.

Later, there was a war.

The teacher is dead, the carpenter is dead, the bricklayer is dead, and so is the tiller.

There are more than 200 people and more than 1000 people in the whole village. In the end, less than 100 people survived.

Later, the traffickers came.

I want to find a quiet old man to live an honest life. I also want to leave this sad place forever.

At that time, Daniao didn't know whether she wanted to go or not. Wang Dagou couldn't figure it out at that time. Now she probably knows that she wants to go.

It's just for the sake of Wang gouzuo.

When his father died, he took big girl's hand and kept saying to her, "take your brother, take your brother, take him wherever you go."

Big girl wrote it down, so she didn't say a word after the peddler said, "go away, fool.".

Big girl is a person who knows death. If her father asks her to take her brother with her wherever she goes, she has to listen. Remember, if her brother can't leave, she won't go.

Wang Dagou doesn't want to leave at first. He has arranged a baby relationship with Daniao and says that he will stay with her to take care of Wang De.

Big girl didn't speak. She was smiling, and her eyebrows were as beautiful as the crescent moon.

The next day, she gave Wang Dagou a name, the trafficker put the copper money into his hand, and he knew about it.

"What do you think? I have said that hunger doesn't work, but it doesn't seem to work." He rushed to Daniao's house and patted the money on the Kang. Wang Dagou sat on the edge and sulked.

"Come on! Money, beat when like to leave HA and Russia, let Russia and dog have stuttering, you gram Big girl holding the money, still laughing, or those two curved moon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!