Chapter 316

When the last glimmer of light in the sky disappeared and the lights in the plane lit up, Li Zitao finally came out.

"We can go." Li Zitao, who was sitting in the front passenger's seat, said with a smile.

"Where's Hsien Chu?" Lin Shiyin asked.

"Well, she needs time off. The crew will take care of her. Besides, I'll have the sheets changed."

Li is generally satisfied with what happened with Miss 419. The pleasure of injection lies in the moment when the needle is pushed.

However, just now his needles were empty and all of them were spilled on the patient's face. It was a terrible mistake.

On the way back, Lin Shiyin always looked at his back with strange eyes.

Li Zitao, who entered the "sage moment", did not mind. The afternoon treatment was very interesting. He had no plans to meet another patient for the time being.

"Mr. Li, I'm going to leave tomorrow." Lin Shiyin said.

"Well, have a good trip." Li Zitao nodded his head quickly.

This made Lin Shiyin confused. Didn't he mean that? Why did he and Xianzhu...

"Mr. Li, are you married?" Meng Wanping asked suddenly.

"Yes, it's just an engagement ceremony, but we're no different from a normal couple." Li Zitao looked back at her.

"Well, what is a virtuous pearl?" Meng Wanping breaks the tacit understanding of pretending to be stupid.

"A moment of passion, or seeking to stimulate the feelings of catharsis, express, whatever you like." Li Zi Tao is very indifferent to say.

"But you could damage her family." Meng Wanping's face was a little angry.

"Look, first of all, it's not my problem. Second, I didn't force her to do anything, and if she really loved her family, she wouldn't stay."

It's a shame to say so. Fortunately, Li Zitao never thought he was a good man.

But compared with the real dregs of cheating on money, lust and gun, he thinks it's not bad, at least every time he will give the other party satisfactory returns.



"Boss, there seems to be an accident ahead." On the way back to the hotel, I passed a fruit market and the road ahead was blocked.

About 100 people from both sides stood in the middle of the road in two groups, making a lot of noise, with weapons in their hands.

There are sticks, benches, iron whips, whips, knives, guns, and sticks, which are almost all alive.

The most ruthless is the axe in the hand, which is not the kind of ordinary firewood cutting or ordinary people's use.

It's the kind of curved moon axe used in fire fighting or emergency rescue. It's called "glass axe."

An ordinary safe can be split with three axes. It is extremely sharp.

"Back up." Li Zitao motioned the security guard to back up.

Bang Bang -

the sound of percussion sounded, and a dozen or so large Mandarin coats with knives and sticks sprang up from both sides, shouting, "whose people are you? Get out of the car, get out of the car."

"Rush out." Get off at this time, who knows who the other party is.

At his command, the bodyguard stepped on the gas pedal in gear. After the car's "hum" muffled sound, he suddenly turned around and rushed to the same road.

The bodyguard in the back of the car looked at it and quickly turned around to keep up with it, ignoring the knives and sticks hitting the car.

"Grass, the little bastard also ran away and stopped them." The man in front of him who was holding it immediately caught up with him.

"Well, what's going on here?" Lin Shiyin is clinging to the safety armrest by the door. His feet are stretched up and he asks with fear.

"Don't be afraid. It's OK." Meng Wanping was calm, just holding the armrest with his hands.

Opera singers have to deal with military, political and gangs.

She and Du Yuesheng are also old acquaintances. They have seen more of the world, and they can keep a little calm under such circumstances.

The car had already rushed to the corner of the street, but not far away someone was pushing six or seven wheelbarrows, together with the goods on them, into the middle of the road and dumping.

“BOSS。” The bodyguard stepped on the brake.

The half meter high "goods" tied with hemp rope can't see what's inside. Even if it's a solid haystack, it's hard to see what's inside.

"Take them first and go to the British concession to find consul general PIM P Li Zitao said decisively.

The bodyguard drew out the pistol on his waist to pass it to him, but Li Zitao refused.

There are nearly 200 people rushing up in front of me. If someone really wants his life, what can a gun do.

Besides, he hasn't been active for some time.

"Good skills, even my people dare to bump." A gold silk blue long gown made of fine silk and satin was worn on the body, and the breath of not angry and self-confident was cold.

He had a plush cotton hat on his head, and his two small eyes were like mice, with greed and ferocity flashing inside.

Staring at Li Zitao in front of him, Zhang Xiaolin said with a smile: "do you know where this is?"

When I turned around just now, it seemed that several people had been scratched. In fact, everyone understood that it was an excuse.Fang Ming is looking for trouble, but he doesn't know whether to seek wealth or life.

"Where?" Li Zitao showed his curiosity and asked.

The bodyguard left by his side is inserted in his waist, with a bit of deterrence, and his eyes are vigilant at his back.

Bang, bang -

the sound of gunfire came from a distance. It was shot by the bodyguards with Meng Wanping and Lin Shiyin, killing the small minions who were chasing after them.

"The whole Pearl is the land of our Green Gang. Do you think you have a gun in your hand? "When Zhang Xiaolin lifted his hand on his back, he also held a gun in his hand.

The bodyguard's side step without any second words is in front of Li Zitao. The gun hidden under his clothes is also pulled out, aiming at Zhang Xiaolin's head.

This performance let Zhang Xiaolin some surprise, did not expect to follow his people so loyal.

Those who took their lives to block the hole of the gun were not seen, or they did not expect that these fake foreign devils also had this kind of arrogance. They thought that if they pretended to be grandsons abroad, their integrity would be gone!

"Well, a man." Zhang Xiaolin chuckled and threw the pistol to his men and said, "look, you still have some courage. Today, I will draw a line for this matter,

100000 yuan. In the future, no one dares to provoke you and your people in the Pearl."

Opening your mouth is 100000 yuan of ocean, 1 million yuan of silver notes, and 600000 dollars of US dollars.

Ha ha, good appetite.

"First of all, are you?" Li Zitao has never seen any of the three pearl tycoons.

"Zhang Xiaolin is me." Zhang Xiaolin eyebrows a pick, a pair of mice eyes jump fierce light.

Zhang Xiaolin, pearl Three tycoons, the most greedy, the most shameless one.

This guy dares to do anything for money. He has no money for him.

In the future, he did a dog traitor, but today he met him.

"Disrespect, disrespect." Li Zitao laughed and thought, "why haven't you come yet?"

It's about ten minutes from here to the British concession. What's wrong?

"Mr. Li and other informers?" Zhang Xiaolin shook his cuffs and looked at the narrow lanes of shops on both sides. "I'm afraid I can't wait." , the fastest update of the webnovel!