Chapter 330

Pumpkin and Halloween, I'm afraid everyone who has seen American TV series will be familiar with the phrase "make trouble without sugar.".

But in the 20th century, in 1931, it wasn't really popular.

Especially in the context of the great depression, some of the young people who were in short of money organized to commit vandalism and crime in communities.

According to last year's statistics, pumpkin festival in some big cities, the damage to a single community is as high as 100000 US dollars.

"We need to do some preparation." Li does not want to spoil the children's fun, but only if it is safe.

It's a terrible feeling to go with the child's grown-ups by using an exaggerated prepared Cape, hiding the submachine gun, and pretending to accompany the child's adult.

"It's like the soldiers who are sneaking into the enemy camp, and the festival atmosphere is destroyed by you." Adelaid complained with a bitter smile.

"At least they don't know." He still thinks that these precautions are necessary.

Because after learning about the Neil lawsuit, Li found that the mounted police had not appeared for a long time.

It may be that a large crowd gathered in the center of the city or elsewhere, and the mounted police were deployed to maintain law and order.

It also means that the safety factor here is reduced. After several shootings, the sense of crisis is always with him.

Although the most fatal one came from his self directing and acting.

But in the normal people's point of view, he should maintain enough vigilance, so as to appear normal enough.

With a mask and a cloak, follow the children to every house and ask for candy.

Thanks to the rich or upper middle class people living here, the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Except for some people, when they saw Eric, they showed a little surprise.

Fortunately, this is the north. In the south, where slavery was abolished, the Aboriginal Land Act, or apartheid, prevented blacks from entering the white community.

"Eric, you should say thank you." Adelaid stood outside the front lawn and called into the house.

The point is more than "thank you." she's trying to clarify the fact to people with different eyes, "they're my children. You should be careful what you do."



The anticipated trouble didn't come up and the children had a good time.

Perhaps it is because people are immersed in the joy of "defending freedom.".

Li Zitao is also very satisfied with this and makes a protection plan, which does not mean that he wants to see the danger happen.

It was precisely because he did not want to see danger that he made such an arrangement.

The carnival of Halloween is over, and the bmw309 series is officially launched for sale. He doesn't pay much attention to the specific sales situation.

He is more concerned about new oil fields that can quickly bring huge benefits than the current young car industry.

With a depth of 2400 meters, drilling has encountered unprecedented difficulties.

Before this, no one has been able to drill to such depth. At every step, they have to be careful and keep revising the plan, making new plans, and ensuring the safety of personnel.

In the event of casualties, there may be countless human rights organizations jumping out and shouting various flags to prevent the drilling operation from continuing.

Every second of delay is a serious loss to him.

Don't forget that he is still a debt laden man, waiting for the money to pay off the debt!



China, pearl, fangbang Road, a negotiation is going on.

"Boss Gu, I know you took money, but Zhang Xiaolin once saved my life." Mr. Du sat in front of the eight immortals table, picked up the tea cup, lowered his head and blew the tea on the surface.

"Mr. Du, I don't need to say anything about being entrusted with loyalty?" To this day, Gu rumao has some regrets.

As far as he can fight and kill, his power is no worse than anyone else.

But now Mr. Du, golden teeth and Zhang Xiaolin, three people twisted into a rope, constantly put pressure on him.

Don't say that he is a "Northern Jiangsu tycoon," even the Pearl tycoon can't carry it!

"Everyone has left. Who is entrusted with it?" Mr. Du covered his tea cup and looked at him with a smile.

Mr. Du is a man of ordinary stature. He is very thin. Few people want to do coolie outside.

But it is this thin as a bamboo pole, looks no threat to the man, to his pressure, such as mountains and seas overturned, unbearable.

"Mr. Du, this is to make me break my word. Although Gu rumao has never read a book, I still know how to write the word" faithfulness. "

Gu Ru Mao's success today depends not only on his courage and his fist, but also on his reputation of throwing the ground with sound.

Say out of the words, a mouthful of spit a pit, that is sound see ring son.

He doesn't have to pay a lot of money to buy it back."I will ask Zhang Xiaolin to apologize publicly in the newspaper and send another 10000 silver yuan to your house. That's all?" Although

is the tone of inquiry, Du's look is a "high handed thing I say has the final say".

Gu rumao is naturally not satisfied, but he also knows each other.

If he continues to insist on his own opinions, the final result will be a fight between the two sides, and no one can have a good life.

“…… Good. " Gu rumao considered again and again, or nodded to agree.

Even if his face was black and terrible, he could not bear it. Before he took up the matter, he did not expect that Mr. Du would maintain Zhang Xiaolin to such an extent.

Moreover, he had sent three waves of people to take advantage of the opportunity to kill Zhang Xiaolin when he was out.

Who knows that at the end of each time, none of his people came back.

Before that, there was a rumor that Zhang Xiaolin could fight. Now it seems that the rumor is not true. "It's only because the people under him are useless."

"Happy." Mr. Du clapped his hands and Zhang Xiaolin, who was hiding behind the screen, came out.

As he was walking through the window, there was a bang, and Zhang Xiaolin's temple was punctured by a bullet, and his indignant eyes were fixed.


The body fell heavily on the ground, which was like an invisible man's knife, which could block Mr. Du in front of him, and quickly closed the window under his hand.

"Well, this is not the man I arranged." Gu rumao is very surprised to say.

"I know - go first." Mr. Du laughed a little ugly, but still let people take Zhang Xiaolin's body and leave the teahouse quickly.

"Do you want to chase, sir?" The knife sat in the co pilot's seat, his eyes warily looking around.

"Forget it." Some tired knead the temple, previously thought how to save Zhang Xiaolin, this will have been thinking about how to swallow up his industry and territory.

He wanted to protect Zhang Xiaolin, not only because the other side had saved his life, but also because of the meaning of golden teeth and some people.

He had done everything he could. He personally arranged with Gu rumao to negotiate with Consul General y. he also spent a lot of money on the management of consul general y.

But the other side's bullet, let his efforts fall short, this Chinese Marquis, more ruthless than he imagined.

The next thing is to see if the police can find someone. If they can't find anyone in the end, he has to consider whether he needs to call. , the fastest update of the webnovel!