Chapter 353

In February, the cold wind in London was biting, but the port was full of flowers and balloons.

On the fence of the port, there are still ribbons with the flag of country y flying on it.

People gathered around the harbor in the cold, looking in the direction of the dock, waiting for the launch of a luxury cruise named after her royal highness.

"Charlie, it's too grand." When Queen Mary got down from the carriage, she saw the red carpet decorated with fireworks, and her face was a little surprised.

As a result of the great depression, the royal family has slashed its spending in the past two years for fear of losing the impression of extravagance and waste in the eyes of the public.

There was the independence of the United States before, and then the revolution of July overthrew the Bourbon Dynasty. No royal family dared to ignore the revolutionary forces.

The Windsor royal family does not want to be "revolutionized," which requires them to constantly compromise, balance the interests of all parties and maintain their rule.

Queen Mary's appearance now is as low-key as the common people, and the laying that can be reduced will be cancelled.

The jewels on her body are only with the simplest collocation. If not for a gold-plated royal carriage supporting the scene, the Queen's Royal Highness is about to cry.

"How can it be? This is a day worthy of commemoration and a common honor of the great y empire."

In recent years, he has also learned from various aspects the competition among European countries on luxury cruise ships.

One by one, they competed in all aspects, from speed, displacement, length, luxury of interior, to service.

What we want to do is to be as lively as possible. Boring European people are also happy to take these as interesting things.

Whenever there is a luxury cruise ship launched in any country, the people will come to watch the ceremony, to celebrate, everywhere to publicize how strong their industrial base is.

Li Zitao is more happy to see this kind of scene. The more honors and titles the Queen Mary has won, the more curious people will be about its information.

It doesn't matter if you remember him. It's important that they remember the company it belongs to, CGT.

It will also let its parent company, Lee C. Astor industrial group, appear in the eyes of many enterprises and rich people.

In addition, her royal highness attended the launching ceremony in person, and the cruise ship was named after her name. How could he miss such a good publicity opportunity.

At the moment, on the wharf of the people of Y, there are reporters from the United States. The Los Angeles Times is the first to send out the best shooting team.

At 11 a.m., all the preparations are ready.

At the moment of fireworks, there are thousands of tons of grease covered log slide, the huge steel cruise like a moving Island, happy to fall into the sea.

"Oh --" the roar of cheering continued for a long time. Queen Mary came to the shore in person and boarded the ship, which was towed to the shore.

Reporters scrambled to follow, and the magnesium lights kept flashing, recording every moment.

At the moment, the interior of the cruise ship is still a little open, only the outline skeleton is completed, and then the interior decoration will last for three months to half a year.

This is the real play. Li Zitao has seen its interior decoration drawings.

Compared with the T6 under construction, which he named "Princess Adelaide", the cruise ship was one grade worse.

In this regard, Li Zitao only did not see that there are good things to be used to please his fiancee. The Queen's highness can live a good life here.

It's not his wife. If she wants luxury, she has to find her husband to pay for it.

Even if it's just a rough skeleton, tall hall pillars and so on, reporters do not miss any details.

Li Zitao and his fiancee, with three little guys, are also interested in watching.

I don't know if it's because the ship belongs to itself. I feel magnificent and luxurious everywhere.

After seeing her royal highness off, Queen Mary will be open to the public for three days to board.

After finishing, it will be re closed for final decoration.

"She was so beautiful that she wanted to see the day when the princess went into the water." Adelaide returned to the hotel, feeling a little excited.

"The shipyard is working 24 hours a day, and it is expected to be launched in May, when I will make the sky full of fireworks."

Li Zitao holds his fiancee and says with a smile that the kiss will be delivered immediately.

"Eh --" the little guys made faces and gave out strange smiles. The air seemed to be filled with a smell of lemon.

"I have decided to invite Royal teachers to study for you when I go home. I can't indulge in this way any more." Princess

looked at the little boys, smiling and telling her decision in a calm tone.

"No ~ ~" Eric cried with a headache. Norma and FIA's small faces drooped.

Good life, as if growing wings, incited to fly away.

"So if you don't die, you won't die!" Li Zitao smiles and looks at the scene full of love and harmony.


……"Boss, here is the file you want." Knocking on the door of the office, the secretary came in with the document.

"Well, put it on the table." Jonathan said without looking up.

“BOSS。” The Secretary in black silk stood at the table, with a bit of waxy softness in her voice and said, "you haven't had * for a long time."

"Yes?" Looking up at his secretary, whose eyes were misty, Jonathan put his pen in the ink screen, leaned back and said, "do you want to come?"

"Yes." The Secretary bit his lips and nodded, squatting under the table.

When he left again, the Secretary's mouth with a satisfied smile met Juliana who came to look for Jonathan.

Walking into the office, she frowned and whispered, "it's disgusting."

"Have you not done it? A beautiful woman like you can't be pursued by no one, isn't it? "

Jonathan opened his eyes and looked suspiciously in amazement, as if he were saying," is there some hidden disease in your body? "Juliana suddenly ran away.

"Asshole, don't guess with your dirty thoughts. You should put more attention on your wife. Don't forget that you are married."

"It's my private business. I don't need you to intervene. What's the matter?" Jonathan lifted his eyelids and shrugged back.

"Huhh -" her chest heaved and she took a few deep breaths to keep calm. Juliana said coldly, "the investment department is very dissatisfied with the large amount of overdraft of black card users.

I need the detailed information of your customers in your hands and have to re evaluate and grade their reputation. Your system is too loose."

"Centurion black card is the business of comprehensive service department. What qualification does the investment department have to intervene?" Jonathan raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice.

"But I have a share of the money they spend, which is also the fund of the investment department. We need to ensure the safety of the funds. Is there a problem?" Juliana responded coolly.

"No problem, but they are top customers of the comprehensive service department. We have the right to keep the customer's information confidential.

if you want to view the information and re grade the customer, please go to the board of directors and say it!"

Tit for tat answers, so that the office rose a strong smell of gunpowder.

Looking at the ink bottle on the table, Juliana really wanted to pick it up and smash it on Jonathan's face. "This bloody hungry wolf is as cunning as a fox, as greedy as a jackal." , the fastest update of the webnovel!