Chapter 432

After a week in the city of liberty, Mary's sea vacation is coming to an end. Li Zitao's original plan is to return to Los Angeles tomorrow.

With his full-time masseuse, Xiangzi.

The death phone threat received by the Secretary's office forced him to return early.

The other party can't find Li Zitao's telephone number, but the number of the Secretary's office can be found in the telephone book.

Gulfstream No.1 landed at Los Angeles Airport. Li Zitao took a bus to the blockhouse branch. He met Hans and Amy, the secretary who received the call in his office.

"Repeat what you heard." Li Zitao asked, sitting on the sofa.

"He said," we know who Paul's boss is, we know everything about you. If you don't want your family to be hurt, ask Paul to stop him and wait for their next instructions. " Amy said with some worry.

"Ah..." Li Zitao raised his head and said to Hans, "have you sent more people?"

Wait for instructions. Did they make a mistake and think this is Colombia?

"Manors, schools, clubs all increase the number of bodyguards." Hans nodded.

"Take George's call and let Harry know that I'm under threat, and I'll hire aegis to investigate." Li Zitao signals Amy to leave.

Sitting on the desk and picking up the phone, Li told George to find out the men and then called director grant of the Chicago police department and Melvin of the FBI.

After hanging up, Li sat in his office waiting for the news.

Chicago has become very lively, street gangs, patrols, aegis special guards, FBI agents are all moving.

They don't seem to see each other, and they get only one order to find out the Colombians.

Two hours later, an unexpected news reached the blockhouse branch.

The aegis Bureau found the hidden Colombian drug dealers in the villa of Paul's confidant, the second leader of the Chicago Mafia.

All their contacts in the city were arrested, and in less than four hours, all the crises were in contact.

"Find out where they came from." Pass on the boss's new order to Paul, and then he will handle it.

Maroon bar, empty office full of wooden chairs, above a drug dealer, the first is Pablo.

The curtains were pulled down all around, and only the yellow light bulbs in the room glowed.

Paul was reclining on his desk with a dagger in his hand, his head lowered, and from time to time he moved the tip of his thumb on the blade. No one knew what he was thinking.

"Paul, let me go. Please, I have two daughters. You've met them. Please, for their sake, kill me..."

Papo kept begging, because he knew what was waiting for him, and the cruelty he had imposed on others would fall on him.

"Papo." Paul got up from his desk, approached him, raised his head, looked at him and asked, "do you have any complaints?"

"No, not at all." Papo trembled.

"Why?" Paul's face was full of doubts. "I leave everything here, everything to you to take care of. You can earn 1500 dollars a month, isn't it enough?"

"No, I'm just, ah ~ ~" the sudden pain made Papo scream, and his hand tied to the back of his chair was stabbed by a dagger.

"Tell me, what are you dissatisfied with?" Paul motioned to his men to hold him down and asked calmly.

"I was forced, forced Paul, believe me..." Papo kept shouting, but unfortunately no one here would listen to him.

"It seems that we have to play a little game before you can be honest." Paul grinned, unspeakably grim.



"They come from Medellin, the second largest city in the world, whose head's name is terbule Scott mu, who controls the city's drug trafficking network,

its sales network is all over Central Asia. They hear that Chicago is a blank market, and they want to turn it into their transit station and processing factory."

At night in the manor, Li Zitao received a phone call from Paul to find out the purpose of the other party.

It is the idea of the Colombians to threaten Li Zitao and his family. For those drug dealers who dare to challenge the government forces, what ability can a rich man have?

So their idiotic behavior will bring them the most terrible blow.

"Let all the ghosts move. I want all of them to have red hearts on their eyebrows." Dare to threaten his family, line up and go to hell!

As long as it doesn't involve the big names in the United States and Britain, other people will take care of their backgrounds and kill them first.

Hand over the follow-up to Hans, who will get in touch with the monk, and the Chicago Police Department's press conference is also in the paper.

At the scene, director grant highly praised the aegis for its contribution to the stability of Chicago.

And repeatedly stressed that the city will not yield to the threat of anyone, any force, Chicago police have the ability to deal with any crisis.Anyway, these words are for the public to listen to. People like to hear these words, which will also give grant more support.

As for the internal situation, it is the internal police station and adults need to consider.

Of course, the public's discussion is more about the "death threat" received by the new super rich Chinese and the chain reaction.

Within four hours of the death threat, the ruthless and audacious drug dealers were found out.

This kind of performance makes people have a deeper understanding of Li Zitao's power, and also causes some people's worry.

"If he wants to do something in America, what can the police do?" People can't help asking such questions.

But there are also those who praise the presence of the aegis agency, which makes them feel safer, at least in Chicago.

Li Zitao has always been law-abiding and benevolent, which has won him a lot of praise.

No one knows more about the chaos of Chicago during Capone's time than the residents of Chicago.

If you look at Chicago now, the third of the top 10 security cities in North America, who can imagine such a day.

The professionalism, execution and efficiency of aegis in this incident, as well as the training programs provided by overseas branches for other countries, have attracted the attention of the Mexican government.

The decadent political system and the increasingly chaotic situation in China made them want to cooperate with aegis.

"The other side wants aegis to create a rapid response force for Juarez to deal with frequent crimes in the city."

The next week George received a phone call from Mr. Mo and passed the news to Li Zitao.

"How to ensure the safety of members' families? Those criminals don't know what honor is." If you want to do it, you have to be the best. He doesn't want anyone to smash the golden lettered signboard of aegis Bureau. , the fastest update of the webnovel!