Chapter 473

"Those are your people." Juliana said in a firm voice.

"What?" Li Zitao turned back at a loss and said, "who is it?"

"Don't pretend. I just want to thank you for everything. You are a reliable friend." Said Juliana, coming forward, standing in front of him, smelling.

"... I'm reliable on all of them." Li Zitao neither admits nor refutes it. It's no good to spread such a thing.

It will only increase his threat in the eyes of some people, and it is not worth the loss.

However, he was surprised by the performance of the alpha mobile forces.

I didn't expect that they also had arrangements in Britain and France. Wang Dagou's development plan for aegis was faster than he thought.

"Are you free tonight? I want to invite you to dinner. " Juliana knew she had guessed right when she saw the feeling that he was right.

After thinking about it, except for the aegis Bureau under Li Zitao, she couldn't think of anyone who could command an army more elite than ordinary soldiers.

The reliability of this man, after countless arguments, suddenly became a little hot in Juliana's heart.

Is it safer to be his woman?

Just thinking of his marriage, Juliana could not help but complain about her own vision, why she did not see the potential of this man in the first place.

It's not that she didn't see it, but that she couldn't make up her mind at the beginning. The family tradition was holding her thoughts and impulses.

At that time, she was so intent on proving herself that the old man suddenly died.

Moreover, he also produced an illegitimate son and promoted him to be the head of the clan.

Juliana's faith and worship of her father collapsed in an instant.

It's not that he doesn't care about herself.

An illegitimate child of impure blood can get his approval. Why can't his daughter.

It was only then that Juliana understood that all her efforts were a joke.

She thought that as long as she was good enough to create benefits for her family, she could get his approval.

Now it seems that she was wrong from beginning to end.

Now that she doesn't care about her family, she's got what she wants, a 15.3 percent stake in Lee's group, which is enough to make her one of the wealthiest people in America.

Now she wants to live for herself and make herself happy.

"Well, you'll decide the place." In the face of her burning eyes, Li Zitao said indifferent.

Out of the Rothschild family, Juliana was just a rich woman, and he didn't worry at all.

In fact, he has been thinking about this woman for many years. When he first saw her in Morgan house, she looked cool and noble in all clothes, which left a deep impression on him.

It's just that Li Zi Tao has been suppressing this impulse, and now, it seems that there is no need for it.

"Now together! We can talk about something else first. " Said Juliana, taking his arm and walking out like this.

The staff at the door were stunned, and Li Zitao was smiling bitterly. Is this woman now completely free or is she trying to pull him into the water.

If they go out like this, he'll be flooded with all the lace news tomorrow.

"Well, my car will follow you." When he got to the gate, Li Zitao pulled out his hand quietly.

With a reproachful look at him, Juliana's expression flashed a little sneer, as if to say, "dare not have a little courage."

Li Zitao should not have seen it. It has nothing to do with courage.

There were two pregnant women in his family, and Mary had indulged him enough. If she didn't have this attitude, even he would feel that he had gone too far.

First step out of the door, Li Zitao stepped up the pace on the car, until Juliana came out, let the driver follow him.

Shen Dong is still left by him by Mary. He can drive with him. The new driver performs well. Li Zitao asks casually, "what's your name?"

"Denny, boss." The driver looked at the front without expression.

"Stay with me, what do you need to pay attention to? You can communicate with Shen Dong a lot. Your mouth should be sealed. You can't even talk about things you shouldn't say. Do you understand?"

"Yes, boss." Denny nodded to make it clear.

Concise and clear, serious, but also a cold face, Li Zitao is still satisfied with the current performance, decided to stay with him to observe for a period of time.

Most of the time, the driver is closer to the bodyguard and his family because he has access to too many secrets and things.

Therefore, Li Zitao will be abnormal deliberate account, it is also a kind of attention!

The car arrives directly at the Waldorf hotel. Denny slows down until Juliana's car leaves and her people enter the hotel, which slowly stops at the door.

Seeing his performance of being self-taught, Li Zitao patted him on the shoulder and got off to enter the hotel after the waiter opened the door."The previous lady is waiting for you in the room, sir." As soon as he entered the hall, Li's personal housekeeper told him about Juliana's whereabouts.

Go straight to the room. Is that a hint?

Nodding his head, Li said, "does she need anything?"

"A bottle of ice wine, cream, petals and essential oil." Said the housekeeper.

Hearing these Li Zitao's expression becomes very wonderful, essential oil, petals, and cream, will it be a little too playful.

It seems that Juliana didn't want to hide such a straightforward performance.

It's not a hint, it's a naked statement. When he took the elevator to the room, Li Zitao saw that the ground was covered with petals, and so was his bed.

There was soft music in the room, and Juliana was gone. Then he heard the water in the bathroom.

Sitting on the sofa, he picked up the wine in the ice bucket and looked at it. Li Zitao put it back again.

Whether it can be used today depends on Juliana's answer.

The more you have, the more you worry. Li Zitao doesn't deny that he wants to get Juliana.

It is not only because she is beautiful enough, but also because of the desire to conquer and the sense of achievement added by the halo of identity, and the vanity of men.

But the premise of all this is that his family will not be affected.

Who made him really fall in love with Mary, and she was pregnant with her own child.

No matter what others think, in Li Zitao's opinion, there will be no one in the world as good as his wife.

But his heart is a little too big to bear.

The only chance to see the goddess is to lick the screen.

Now it is hard to develop. If you have the opportunity to press these goddesses under your body and trample them casually, how can you make him give up so much.

He was thinking wildly. His body was in his arms, and his silky arms caught his neck.

"How do I look?" Juliana sat on his lap in a thin purple shawl.

Li Zi Tao looked down, the waves were rough and clear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!