Chapter 523

On the day of the news, Ben rushed back to Los Angeles all night, and Joanna came with her. She came to see the house.

I don't know what Ben said. I asked her to agree to move to Los Angeles. This time, I was looking for a house.

"Beverly's new estate should still be there. I'll have someone to go with Joanna?" Li Zitao, who knows the news, said.

"That would be great. I'll tell her when I go back in the evening." Ben agreed to come down. Beverly's environment and supporting facilities are top-notch. Hollywood is also the busiest place in Los Angeles area, so you don't have to worry about boredom.

It's really a wilderness. I can't see a person for several kilometers. Ben is also worried about the safety of his wife and children.

Talking about the trivia of life, the car also arrived at the airport. This time, not only Li Zitao was on the way to New York, but also a team of 13 people including Ben.

The capacity of Gulfstream one is limited, so only he, EVA and Ben are on board, along with four bodyguards and his driver, Denny.

The others will take charter flights and gather at the Waldorf hotel in New York, and the way has been arranged.

After boarding the plane, Li and Ben sat on the sofa in the leisure area, discussing the possible means of various forces.

"Morgan will certainly take a large part. Li's holding company has four supports. There is no need to worry. I will try my best to win over the trust bank."

This time, we are not representing Li's holding company. We don't need him to intervene in this matter. We have Juliana and rich country's professionals in charge.

He is here on behalf of the American trust bank. Sanier has already heard about the shares of the trust bank.

The three shareholders were willing to sell their shares, and the price Li Zitao gave them could not be refused. Moreover, they all knew that they would not have their share in this cake.

Before Li Zitao left, he had authorized sanier to sign for him. After the acquisition, his share capital exceeded 52%, and other shareholders had to sell if they did not sell.

Otherwise, they will wait for Li Zitao to use funds to destroy their share proportion, just like the dog who lost his family to be driven out.

"Sunil's moving really fast." Speaking of this matter, Ben can't help but praise the woman's "ruthlessness."

Coercion and inducement in her hand is natural, making people a little bit desperate. If there is no means, how can the three shareholders yield so quickly.

"There's no doubt about sanier's ability, don't you think so?" Li Zitao drank whisky and said with a smile.

If she didn't agree with her ability, how could Ben leave the think tank to her and rush.

Although there is no clear explanation, sanier's position in the think tank is just below Ben's, on the same level as rush of the "President Group".

She is not in charge of all the important meetings in the think tank.

Four hours later, the plane landed at the New York airport, and the car had stopped by the runway, which is now a privilege of Centurion black card.

With the strengthening of air traffic control, not everyone can drive into the airport. The centurion black card also has this privilege through cooperation with aerospace.

At the airport, Li and Ben parted ways. He went to the hotel to wait for the team, while Li went straight to Wall Street.

He didn't want to miss the meeting at the Federal Reserve building. "I don't know if today's meeting will be very lively."

Eva was fidgeting around. She had seen a lot of big scenes with Li Zitao, but she seldom attended the party, which was full of financial bigwigs.

In particular, the meeting place is still in the Federal Reserve. Where is that?

For anyone who's been on Wall Street, it's a holy grail of existence, a mystery that holds the lifeblood of the country's economy.

"Don't be nervous. They just have more money, older people and bad old men who like to show off. There's nothing to be afraid of." Li Zitao slapped her on the back of her hand with a smile.

"Poof." EVA couldn't help laughing. She looked at Li Zitao and said, "you can't describe it like that."

"Isn't it?" Of course, Li Zitao is afraid of the Federal Reserve, but he is less awed by the old men who hide behind him.

Even if they live a little longer, by their age, they can certainly sit in it and watch the big crocodiles who are going to cause financial tsunami by stamping their feet outside, flinch in front of themselves and flatter respectfully.

Joking in his heart, Li Zitao was still a little nervous at the moment when he stopped in front of the Federal Reserve building and walked into the building.

He is now on his way to the top of the global financial pyramid. Although he is a little thin among these big alligators, he is at least in the same circle.

Thinking of this, Li Zi Tao is also unavoidably proud. In less than four years, he has gone from nothing to today. "It seems that... It's quite simple."

The elevator frame is carved with gold inlaid clocks and watches. The complicated Hebrew language is like beautiful artistic carvings, which are engraved on the columns on both sides of the door.

"There is no fault in being poor when you are born, but it is a pity to be poor when you die. It is unforgivable that you can't create wealth all your life." Li Zi Tao read the meaning of this sentence in a low voice, and the smile of his mouth became more and more prosperous."Boss, what are you talking about?" AVA asked curiously.

"Here." Li pointed to the words on the wall and said, "it's really like the Jewish style. There's nothing wrong with the supremacy of wealth. Just use the right way."

At this time, the elevator also arrived, told the elevator driver is to attend the meeting, the other side pressed the number 6, the elevator slowly up.

When the elevator stops, there is a long red carpet corridor, and at the end is a golden double door. There are two staff in tuxedos.

Entering the gate, the two people's Javelin like body posture tilts forward, arms straight out, open the door, arm bending arc just form a positive triangle.

"It was a ceremonial welcome." Li Zitao said to himself and walked into the gate. AVA followed him closely.

The layout of the meeting room is very simple. There are green plants all around, and an oval conference table is in the middle. There are several groups of sofas beside it for people to talk.

As soon as Li Zitao came in, he saw little John standing up and smiling at him. People who were forming a small circle around him also turned their eyes to him.

Young Chinese, everyone has a name in their hearts, Charlie Lee.

"Charlie, come here and I'll introduce you to the new chairman of the Federal Reserve, Marina IKOs." Said little John, pointing to a man with a high hairline and a hard complexion, with a big back and polished hair.

"It's a great honor to be able to attend this meeting, Mr. ICOS. Just call me Charlie." Li Zitao stepped forward and humbly held the other party's hand and said.

"Mr. Charlie, I've heard a lot about you. I wish we could get to know each other earlier. It must be a pleasure. Ha ha..." IKOs gave a hearty laugh.

"Yes Li Zitao agreed, but he was in the Tucao, "he is an old fox. He was afraid to send it to the door earlier. He would make complaints about him." , the fastest update of the webnovel!