Chapter 531

"Hi, Joey, long time no see." Li Zitao found Joey in the center of the town. A fund-raising activity is being held here. The title is "save nature and care for animals."

"Do you want a donation, Mr. Regal." Joey looked at him with a cold face and hugged him fiercely.

"... of course." Money to avoid disaster, who let him disappear for too long, make the teacher angry!

Taking out the check book, Li Zitao thought about writing down $5000, which should be more than all the people present put together.

"Wow, that's generous. Thank you." Looking at the number he wrote down, Joey pushed the donation box forward. After Li Zitao put the check in, he turned around and left.

"Hey, you can't do this to me." Li Zitao also held a pen and a checkbook in his hand, and said with a wry smile.

"Why not? Someone can disappear for more than three months without a phone call, and I'd like to try that. " Joey looked back at him coldly.

"Are you jealous?" Looking at her appearance, Li Zitao suddenly smiles, and darts forward to embrace her, but she retreats a few steps to avoid.

"Are you crazy? Aren't you afraid to be found out?" Joey scowled, looked around, and found that they really caught people's attention.

"You care about me." Li Zitao didn't mean to answer positively at all. Instead, he pressed her to admit her real ideas.

"Yes, that's right. I care about you, asshole. Are you satisfied?" Joey threw the box on the table and walked away in the direction of the school.

Li Zitao followed her with a smile, probably two body positions short, and walked along the road.

When the houses on both sides of the road are gradually far away, Li Zitao strides forward, embraces her horizontally, and rushes straight to the dense woods on the roadside.


When he came out again, Joey was lying on Li Zitao's back. His face was moist and pink. He knew what had happened just now.

Thinking of what had just happened, Joey was angry and sweet. "How could this bad guy know so much that he let me hang on the tree trunk in the air... He almost broke it up."

"It's almost to school. Do you want to go in like this?" The front can see the school gate, Li Zitao asked playfully.

"Dare you?" Joey asked, grimacing.

"Why not?" Li Zitao raised his eyebrows and stepped forward.

"Stop, let me down." Joey is guilty. She is not ready. The United States is not understood by the secular world in many ways, and the relationship between teachers and students is also among them.

Although Joey is just a student advisor, she can't stand being pointed at everywhere if she's known.

"Dewey United College is going to set up a branch school in Los Angeles for 12 years. Are you interested in being a teacher there?" Let her come down from her back and walk side by side.

"No Joey stopped and looked at him. "Don't drag me into your complicated life. Now it's good."

"Well, if you change your mind, let me know." Li Zitao jokingly said, don't she understand from the beginning of two people, she has been pulled in?

"Have dinner together, will you?" Li Zitao invited her when she was separated at the school gate.

"Tonight is my mother's birthday. I'm going home." Joey's still a little upset. She's not ready for her mother's present.

"It seems that my plan is in vain. In this case, I'll leave this gift to you." Li Zitao seems to magically take out a box from his body.

After opening, there is a white gold necklace inside. The pendant is a bird's shape. The eyes on both sides of the pendant are inlaid with 1 carat powdered diamond. It looks very beautiful.

"Is that all right?" This is obviously a gift carefully prepared by Li Zitao. If it is given to his mother, it will make him sad.

And Joey felt a little reluctant.

"You seem to like it." Li Zitao pointed to her beautiful clavicle and said, "it must be very beautiful here."

"Thank you. I'll take care of my mother's gift." After hearing what he said, Joey decided to keep it, so she should go out and choose a suitable gift for her mother.

After saying goodbye to Joey and returning to the dormitory, he finds that rocky has gone out. Before he enters, he guesses that the car at the door is gone.

Picking up the phone to let EVA pick him up, she also found the note next to the phone.

It's Rocky's message that someone called to see him. The number is from aegis.

Dial Hans's number and learn the story from him. Li Zitao is speechless, so they don't know what to do.

But when she turned around, it was sanier's family affair after all, and it was really difficult for others to make a decision for her before she made a statement.

"I'll let someone else do it, and let me know as soon as possible." Hang up, Li Zi Tao dials Stephen's number directly.

In Los Angeles, the police chief, who frequently makes big moves, will not sit in the office waiting to answer the phone and leave his home number. Li Zitao asks EVA to send Denny to pick him up.Back home at dinner time, Stephen called back and told him the address and the identity of the other party. Li Zitao specially told him: "it's better to send him to prison completely. What happens later has nothing to do with us."

"It's too easy. It can be done tonight." Hang up the phone, Stephen's heart is a little funny, it seems that adults sometimes worry more than them.

"Come in, Joe." Stephen called out to the outside of the office.

About 1.8 meters tall, with broad shoulders and round waist, he looked plump. Joe, with a beard, came in and closed the door of the office.

This is his best man. He gave a brief account of the situation. Stephen didn't mention the name of the person, but gave him the address and the characteristics of the person he was looking for.

That night, a black Ford speeder flashed past sanier's house and woke bambo, who had just fallen asleep, "hurry to the crematorium, damn asshole."

Bambo scolded and yelled, living a tramp's life here every day, but that cheap woman is still hiding from him. Bambo's full of anger is about to explode.

He shrunk his neck and was about to continue to sleep when bambo suddenly found that there was a package in the middle of the road.

Hesitating to step forward, bambo found that it was really a package, about the size of two rugby balls, sealed in a cardboard box.

"What?" Bambo violently tore open the carton, found that it was still sealed with plastic, and reached for a tug.

Hua -

the powdered flour of baihuahua was spread all over the floor, and bambo's hands, arms and head were covered with powdered flour, which made him sneeze several times in a row.

But this time he was excited to jump up and say, "yes, yes, it's at least 5kg."

Before bambo is happy, the glare of the light hits him and makes him raise his hand in front of his eyes, followed by a roaring warning: "this is Los Angeles PD, put your hands on the ground, hands, let me see your hands..."


Bambo, who is still in a muddled state, only feels that his back brain is hit by something, and he faints in the dark. , the fastest update of the webnovel!