Chapter 583

"How could this happen?" When he got the news, Li Zitao was holding his two sons to play in the swimming pool.

The two sons will be full year old in another month. Mary gives him the task of familiarizing his son with the nature of water, half an hour a day for hard core indicators.

"It doesn't matter. What can I do?" Garbo said on the other end of the phone.

"I'll take care of it." After thinking about it, Li said, "in addition, I will propose to equip zhinao's house and family with all-weather bodyguards."

After hanging up, Li Zitao wiped his hair with a bath towel and said to Dan in front of the study door, "let Stephen Mogg come."

Half an hour later, Stephen morgue entered the manor under the silver bell of his bodyguard.

Full of natural warmth, simple and beautiful architectural style let him praise, until Li Zitao mentioned business.

"Manor 38, Lane hodka, you can find a reason to lock him up and keep him out of reach." With that, Li Zitao thought of his injuries again. "By the way, he has injuries. Let's find someone to show him. Don't hang up."

There must be a reason for what the boss ordered him to do.

Stephen didn't ask so carefully. He just nodded with a smile and casually praised the structure of the manor and drove away.

After arriving at the 38 manor, the servant knocked on the door and said that the master was not in. After inquiry, he said that the young master of the family was injured and should go to the hospital.

In recent years, medical conditions are limited. There are only a few good hospitals, either affiliated to the college or Los Angeles Central Hospital, which can meet the standards of the rich.

Stephen's judgment is right. After leaving the Central Hospital, he successfully found Ryan who was undergoing surgery in the Caltech affiliated hospital.

"You're under arrest for public safety, Mr. Lane hodka." Standing next to Ryan, who was in the process of surgery and wedding, Stephen said casually.

Turning out of the operating room, Stephen sits in the chair next to him waiting for the operation to be completed, and then he will take the person directly to the police station.

"What are you going to do to Ryan, and what do you know?" Old Mr. hodka rushed over and looked at him angrily.

My son went to school. Why did he come back suddenly with his heirloom in his hand and his crotch was bloody.

At this meeting, old hodka was still full of fog, and his mind was confused.

"Mr. hodka, your son has been formally arrested for murder!" Stephen leaned against the wall, pulled out a cigarette and put it in his mouth

"Asshole, you're talking about public safety in it. Who's your boss? I'm going to report you." Old hodka was pissed off.

This guy says he's a policeman, and he says he's a "special operations team." the charges vary. He suspects that someone is targeting them.

"Mr. hodka?" Just as old hodka was thinking about which senator to call, someone behind him stopped him.

"Who are you?" Black suit, tie, facial expression without any expression, two strong men of big stature, let old hodkarene quickly reach out to protect his wife to retreat.

"Boss wants to see you." Dan takes his ID from the inside pocket of his suit.

Aegis, special security, Dan.

There are also black and white photos of him. Judging from the documents, the documents of aegis bureau are more formal than those of the FBI and CIA.

"You are not from Washington. Why should I go with you?" Aegis, old hodka lives in Beverly, and of course knows what it stands for.

But he didn't feel the need to meet each other. There was no connection between them.

"You will, if you want him to live." Dan pointed to the operating room and said.

"Are you a threat?" Old hodka's face changed greatly.

"No, I'm just stating the facts." Looking at Dan's robot like expression, old hodka can only helplessly leave the housekeeper with his wife and follow him to leave.

Li Zitao did not arrange to meet old hodka at home, but put it in a remote coffee shop.

"Mr. hodka." Looking at the middle-aged man who came with the bodyguard, Li Zitao's expression did not have the slightest smile.

This is his most valued confidant. Now that this kind of thing happens to Joanna, how can Li Zitao still have a good face for him.

"I don't know what Mr. Li wants from me?" Old hodka had a stiff face and an expression of refusal from thousands of miles away.

"It's not you, it's your son, little hodka." Li Zitao told him what had happened before.

"Ryan won't do such a thing. You're slandering me!" Huodeka stood up excitedly, pointed to Li Zitao and exclaimed, "don't try to hurt my son."

"Hodka, your family has a small reputation in New York. What if it got out?" Li Zitao asked.

"It's slander. We have nothing to talk about." Hodka said he was about to leave, but he was thinking about the countermeasures."If you walk out of here, what will happen to little Mr. hodka, I'm not sure." Li Zitao leaned back with his hands crossed.

"What do you want?" Hodka suddenly turned back.

"I'm taking care of the face of the two families. I don't want to make the whole new york know about it, but if you refuse my offer..."

He shrugged his shoulders at will. Li Zitao shook his head, but he didn't say a word.

"... I can compensate him." Hodka stopped saying "stigma.".

In fact, after Li Zitao finished speaking, he knew that the matter might be true. Was it just to frame him up in person.

And he offered compensation, but also to let the other party let his son, Ryan.

As Li said, the holdka family is also well-known in New York, and the family is mainly engaged in the cotton business.

If such a scandal happens, Ryan's life will be ruined in the future.

"Do you think it's about money?" Li Zitao laughed angrily at his reply.

Money, is he not enough money, or not enough money, not to mention the initial dividend, and his current six figure annual salary.

The 1% shares of the blue and white chamber of Commerce alone can bring in more than one million yuan of annual income, together with various year-end awards and awards given by Li Zitao alone.

Ben is worth at least 30 million!

In front of you, hodka, the total assets add up to be a millionaire?

"You have only one way to go. Let him stay in prison for five years!" Li Zitao is a very democratic man, always willing to give others two choices.

But today, he only gave hodka a a choice. He should be glad that with the passage of time and his understanding of the rules and his different status in the depths, Li Zitao would not sink people into the sea at will. Otherwise, it would be the last time he saw his son.

"I won't agree." "Even if I want to bet on the honor of the hodka family, I will not agree with it," hodka said stiffly , the fastest update of the webnovel!