Chapter 622

No one knows how many people there are. When casting, the director, deputy director, investor, lighting engineer and editor are present at the same time. There have been scuffles.

It's just that they haven't experienced this situation in person. Other people are protected by DreamWorks. Aimo regards them as candidates for concubines. How can they be touched by others.

Colby and Marlin were protected by paramount, whose excellent conditions made them famous. Therefore, they were taken care of by paramount as a cash cow.

Half an hour later, Betty walked by the crowd with a faint fishy smell. Her mouth was filled with a satisfied smile and her face was pink and bright.

"Good luck to you." She waved to the crowd and Betty left.

"Hallo." Aimo continued to follow the list.

After putting down the script in her hand, Hallu untied her hair, tied her fluffy hair in a bun behind her head with a rubber band, and walked in calmly.

When she saw that there was only Li Zitao in the room, she was not surprised.

It can be seen from the usual attitude and protection of AMO towards them that this man will not allow others to touch his "toys", and now it is no exception.

"Do you need a rest?" Harlow raised her legs and stepped across the sofa, one leg on the sofa, leaning forward slightly, and her skirt loomed in front of him.

"Rest? I haven't even finished warming up yet Li Zitao stepped forward with a smile, and her naked lower body let ha Lu cover her mouth and exclaim, "Oh... GA."

When HA Lu came out, he left the scene with the same taste, satisfied look and happy pace.

AVA, Gardner, Pauline gaudel, Carol Lombard

Every woman is on time for half an hour, without exception. When they come out, the smell and color of their faces are like "re engraved".

Only Vivien was different. She smelled more heavily. She came out with her mouth closed and her head lowered. She passed the crowd quickly.

Does it look like she's in special care, or is it just the right time?

To the end were Colby, marlin, and Catherine, only three of them were left.

"Boss said you can go in together." Emo looks at the three, and if the tone of reference makes them clear what's going to happen.

Marlin hesitated to look at the door. To be honest, she didn't want to step in, especially after seeing so many women come out.

Colbert's body trembled, but his heart was helpless. He didn't know what to do.

Because paramount, who used to be his patron, is now the black hand who pushed them here. Before he came, Zucker had talked to them personally.

"Paramount has protected you for so long, now is the time to repay. I don't care what he wants to do to satisfy him, otherwise you will know the consequences."

The threatening conversation made it clear that if they left now, they would have no place in Hollywood.

When they hesitated, Katherine had taken the lead to go to the gate and pushed open the Milky door with tension.

The floor is covered with soft carpet. In the middle of the room is a red sofa as big as a bed. Opposite is a table. Li Zitao sits in the back.

The layout of the room was so simple that Catherine was relieved to see them and no longer felt nervous.

"Catherine, see you again." Looking at Katherine who was sitting on the red sofa, Li Zitao said with a smile: "do you know what sitting down represents?"

"Of course, isn't this Hollywood?" Katherine asked provocatively.

"It seems that you know the rules very well. Let me see how far you can do it?" Li Zitao said to stand up, and Catherine, who was very proud of herself before, instantly widened her eyes.

"God... It's not true." With surprise, fear and joy, Catherine lay on the ground, swaying like a cat and swaying forward.

Outside the door, Colby and Marlin are still hesitating. They look at each other's eyes, and the bitterness in each other's eyes is like the reflection of their own heart.

"Hoo..." she took a deep breath. Marlin reached for her waist and held it up. She walked into the room without hesitation.

She was afraid that she would lose her courage as soon as she stopped. Zucker was right. It was time for paramount to protect them for so long.

"I, I think I'd better go back first." Until the last moment, Colby still did not have the courage to take that step, turned around and ran downstairs quickly.

"Yes?" Seeing the other party's reaction, Aimo frowned and wanted to call Zucker immediately to ask him how he did things.

Boss is not easy to have the interest to personally choose a role, let such a woman give bad mood, who does she think she is?

However, thinking of what was going on inside, Aimo kept his anger down and played an important role as a gatekeeper.

"Emo, bring in some food." A few hours later, Li Zitao's voice came from the room.“FK。” Aimo bowed his head and swore, and really wanted to rush in and slap him.

This son of a bitch is going too far. She has to be a pimp or a nanny.

"Hamburger and coke for five, ice cream with you, DreamWorks." I went to the next office and called for takeout, and it was delivered in less than three minutes.

The McDonald's in Hollywood is 200 meters away, and the delivery is never more than 3 minutes.

When checking out, give each other a 50 cent tip, the waiter left happily, Aimo carrying the food into the room, the mixed smell in the air is very uncomfortable.

With her eyes fixed on the table, Aimo turned and walked out without looking at the sofa.

When she got to the door, she suddenly said, "don't call me this next time."


The door closed, and Li Zitao, who was embracing her left and right, gave a bitter smile. Her heart said: this woman is not jealous, is she?

Marlin, who was on the other side, got down from the sofa, opened the food for him, squatted on the ground and put it to his mouth. He said softly, "Charlie, is the plan you said before true?"

The investment of $50 million and the adaptation of the true story of Titanic will make a big stir. The world is really crazy.

If she can get the heroine of the film, Marlin believes it will be enough to make her a permanent name in film history.

"Naturally... 50 million is only a preliminary estimate. If not, I will continue to invest more." Li Zitao bit a hamburger, turned his head and took a sip of coke, enjoying the service of the two Hollywood goddesses.

The two goddesses, who are used to seeing big scenes, can't help but take a breath. The investment of 50 million yuan will continue to be added. Didn't he plan to make money from the beginning?

What kind of movie can make 50 million dollars at the box office? Up to now, the most successful movie in Hollywood has only won nearly $9 million at the box office. Marlin and Katherine suddenly find that their imagination is not enough.

"When will the heroine be sure?" Catherine peeked at Marlin from the corner of her eye.

Thin lips, high eyebrows, blurred eyes, in the cool temperament against the sexy, want to get this role, she is the biggest threat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!