Chapter 624

New York, wall street.

As a member of Wells Fargo, everyday life is full and busy.

Getting up in the morning to catch the subway to work and then leaving after nightfall is the most common normal in work.

Don't talk about foreigners who don't work overtime. Those are just losers who live a nine to five, mediocre life year after year with a meager salary.

Real elites never work overtime. For them, work is a part of life.

People only see them flying airplanes, taking yachts and living in luxury houses when they are on holiday, but they never think what they have paid for it.

It's just like rich country has a new business recently, so all employees' vacations have been cancelled, but no one will complain.

Since Wall Street flourished, there has been a crazy culture of overtime work. Normal working hours every day can't exchange for high paid jobs and high incomes.

New entrants have to maintain a daily workload of more than 15 hours in order to prevent themselves from being eliminated by this job or more hardworking colleagues.

What's more, there are plenty of elites out there who lost their jobs in the great depression, waving their resumes and trying to get another job on Wall Street.

No overtime? Getout。

"Ma'am, this is the new FCA bond issue." The secretary put the new plan on Julie's desk.

"What is the current debt ratio of FCA?" Julie said without looking up.

For Chrysler to issue bonds again, seeking to expand production, occupy market share plan, Julie is very optimistic.

As one of the three largest auto companies in the U.S., Chrysler never had to worry about sales when it issued new shares and bonds.

It's just that different from the past, it's no longer the roaring 1920s. People's blind follow-up to the financial market will not appear in the short term.

Chrysler issued new debt this time, put forward the underwriting requirement to rich countries, which increased the risk and pressure of rich countries.

It's normal for Chrysler to worry about this. Their recent financial statements are very ugly. They have been losing money for five quarters in a row. How to keep investors confident.

Now is not the Internet age, everyone is in debt, look at the future.

In this era, five consecutive quarters of losses can make a large enterprise abandoned by all investors.

This is to put it on Chrysler. If other companies are involved, they will say that they will all be bankrupt and they will also say that they are underwriting bonds.

Although it seems that Fuguo has nothing to do with underwriting, in fact, in people's eyes, Fuguo has become the representative of the issuer in disguise from an independent third party.

If the bonds recommended by them cause losses to creditors' investments, the reputation of rich countries will also be affected.

Underwriting also has its advantages. In terms of costs, they can get 2 points.

The higher the total value of the bonds issued, the lower the proportion of expenses.

For example, large enterprises, government bonds and city bonds generally have large-scale bidding meetings, and those whose prices are low will be handed over to whoever underwrites them.

The advantages of doing so are more choices, but also can get practical benefits, less costs, and the disadvantages are the extension of the cycle and instability.

"At present, the debt ratio of FCA is 57%, and the evaluation given by risk control department is B." The Secretary said respectfully.

B. There are a small number of risk factors, comprehensive good assets, in addition to market factors or customer subjective information fraud, the security is higher than 65%.

70 percent. In terms of financial markets, it's only one level below percent.

"Get everyone moving and finish the materials and reports as soon as possible. This is the first game... We're going to play better." Julie takes this issue seriously.

Whether rich countries can be recognized and gain a firm foothold in the investment field depends on whether they can successfully complete the FCA bond underwriting business.

In Julie's view, the best result is to sell all the bonds during the issuance period, and it is best to not let rich countries take any risks.

But if it doesn't, Wells Fargo can only buy the remaining unsold bonds at the end of the offering period, and then find suitable opportunities to sell them to new buyers or hold them themselves.

At the same time, Julie also wants to satisfy Chrysler. It is right for Chase Manhattan to give customers to them.

But whether it can be maintained and how long it can last depends on the ability of rich countries.

Don't think you just have to do a good job!

In order to satisfy his father, Fuguo sent six people to walk, shop and buy with his shareholders.

This time, Chrysler will issue $200 million bonds with a maturity of two years. The interest payment method is one-time payment at maturity, and the repayment method is also one-time settlement.

Rich country's handling fee is 24 million, a very objective income.

But in fact, the benefits they get are far more than that. We should know that the issuance will take a certain period of time, and the payment funds will be frozen before the amount reaches the expected total amount.These funds are frozen at Chase Manhattan, which typically lasts 12-14 weeks, about three and a half months.

That is to say, during this period, "Manhattan chase" will have a total of $200 million more capital.

Maybe there are only tens of millions in the early stage, or the issue period is about to end.

But even if it is tens of millions, it can create great benefits for chase in three months.

Of course, the money also has to pay interest.

The cost of issuing corporate bonds is paid by the interest generated by freezing funds during the issuance period.

Under a series of measures, such as banning gold export, issuing national debt to provide loans for enterprises, devaluing currency and enhancing export competitiveness, the economy is growing rapidly.

The Fed's interest rate fell back to 2% from 3.6%.

For the savings bank, which is still in the division of business direction and grabs the market, Chase Manhattan has set an annual demand interest rate of 2.8%.

If the issue cost of financial bonds is less than the interest income generated by freezing funds during the issuance period, the difference is regarded as the premium income of issuing bonds.

If the interest generated from the freezing of funds during the issuance period is insufficient to cover the issuance expenses, and the difference is small, it shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.

That is to say, if the interest is high, even if it is the premium income from issuance, if the company needs to pay less, it will be directly included in the company's payment, and the profit and loss will be calculated after the year-end summary.

4 million for 200 million, whether the interest is enough or not is very cost-effective for enterprises.

In short, bonds are a very troublesome thing. They are far more complex than the stock market, let alone the so-called "portfolio bonds."

The combination of financial products can be so complex that even the insiders can't understand it. "What's this particular thing about?"

This is just issuing. If you want to play a good bond market, you need not only a good brain, but also an excellent, large and professional team.

Otherwise, even if you are a fairy, you will have to sell underpants in the bond market. , the fastest update of the webnovel!