Chapter 705

The debate between Italy and Britain and France has been going on for two months. Both sides have restrained their impulse to let the "war" exist only on paper.

Iowa, Iowa.

Located in the Midwest of America, it is a beautiful and secluded state with agriculture as its main economy.

Iowa City, the capital, is located in a middle-class community west of the city center, with a dark Argus H1 parked by the side of the road.

Li Zitao sat in the car and watched Hans knock on the door. The woman with the baby in her arms cried bitterly. He comforted each other and handed the things to the woman. He watched the woman's sobbing anger knock on the door and roared: "get out of my yard."

"It's done." Hans returned to the car, moved to make himself more comfortable, and breathed out a long breath.

"Are there many such things?" Li Zitao motioned to Denny to drive. Li Zitao looked at the woman standing in the window of the room. Her face was still full of sadness and tears.

"I'm afraid no one can be calm when hearing such news." Said Hans indifferently.

There was no body and no explanation. There was only one sentence: "we are very sorry for your husband's death. He protected the employer during his mission and showed great courage... '

if he heard such an explanation, he might not only scold him for" get out of here, "but would put a gun in the other's head on the spot to let him explain the matter clearly.

"Try to take care of some." Li Zitao was silent for a moment, ending the heavy topic of the game.

No matter how many deaths he has seen, he will pay homage to life, which is an instinct engraved in the soul of every creature.

Fearless death is just a simple consciousness. When he is hit by a bullet in his head, the instinct in his soul is thrown back, which makes him feel fear and despair.

Except for Wang Kui, the son of pretty sister-in-law, the innate spirit is different from ordinary people. In his consciousness, life and death are imagination without intuitive feelings, so there is no so-called fear.

"I'll give orders." Hans nodded.

The pension fund has special return visit personnel, who will make regular telephone or door-to-door visits every two months to ensure the safety of the victims' families.

After all, aegis is a violent industry. It's not sure when it will offend anyone.

I'm afraid I dare not to come to the aegis Bureau, but bullying some old people, women and children who have no shelter is the most keen on these things.

"Boss, do you pay attention to the election?" Hans laughs like a weasel paying New Year's greetings to chickens.

"Is it necessary to pay attention to the 50% increase in national income?" Li Zitao also showed a smile, breaking the dull atmosphere in the car.

"Yes, it's just a passing scene. Some people have called him the giant President... The giant in the wheelchair, hum..." Hans snorted a few odd times.

After the economic recovery, Roosevelt's attitude towards capital began to change, which made many people dissatisfied with him.

Hans was not satisfied with the federal arms Commission's recent investigation into the number, role and legality of the guns it held.

It is said that Congress wants to enact a new federal gun law to regulate gun dealers and dealers and issue licenses.

Register the flow of guns and prohibit trafficking to criminals with felony records and fugitives.

A protest broke out in the National Rifle Association, which is as eye-catching as the NC movement that is raging in North America.

On the contrary, the former leading organization of the isolated movement, the first committee, became somewhat depressed when the leaders died and one was seriously injured.

Even more despairing, the parliament extended the validity of the "neutrality act" under the situation that the battle of Italy and Egypt in East Africa was deadlocked and Germany repeatedly provoked and tried.

Now Li Zitao is paying close attention to the war every moment to see who will become the next "blacklist" customer.

But for Italy's close attention, East Africa's remoteness, and the lack of proper transportation channels in the Far East and chaos everywhere, Li Zitao really wanted to send two more batches of weapons to Ethiopia.

The aboriginal lords and kingdoms were more generous than anyone else in the face of invaders whose rule was overthrown.

Boxes of diamond jewelry are stacked in the monk's office building and will return to North America with him in the near future. His wife has already given birth.

8 kg big fat boy, black hair, blue eyes, chubby is very cute.

The son's name was also given to the monk. His name was he Nianguo. He took a homonym for "monk". In the future, he was the family name.

As for the meaning of the name, I hope that when he grows up, the country will be stable and safe, so that he can have a chance to go back and have a look.

The monk is now in such a special status that if he goes back, he must be watched by countless pairs of eyes, and there are countless troubles waiting for him.

It is also the reason why Li Zitao is not ready to set foot in his hometown before the end of World War II.

In the past two months, sales teams have been around the world for aviation.

Both the European continent, the Far East, the South American continent, as well as Canada, which cultivates and eats melons in the north of the United States, are all on the sales list of aviation.It has to be said that as a strong brother of Britain and a long period of peace, the Canadian government is quite self willed.

In addition to 2500 border guards on the border, there are only 2000 logistics and administrative clerks in China.

The 4500 soldiers in active service are Canada's current military strength.

The economy as a whole is relatively prosperous, and the economy with agriculture and basic industrial processing as its main industries was little affected by the great depression.

It's just a fat sheep, wandering around without any cover up.

Had it not been for the autonomous province of Britain, the United States would have captured it in 15 days.

What makes people even more helpless is that Canada does not pay any attention to the current tense situation and has no plan to expand its armaments.

Even if aviation and aegis reduced the price by one fifth for the sake of "neighbors", the Canadian government did not even look at it.

"We don't need war." Hearing the other party's declaration, Li Zitao really wanted to smash the sole of his shoes on his face.

war, you has the final say. Do you have a beep in your heart?

Li Zitao has no impression of what Canada did in World War II. It seems that he is a drama player.

As for the attitude of the government and the public, it is more salty than salted fish. It may stink.

However, as a tough little brother of Britain, he should not be able to get up alone after Britain was involved in the war.

"Is it an old American who has become the rear area of an ally?" Li Zitao rubbed his chin and thought.

"Boss, here's the airport." Seeing the plane on the runway, Hans interrupted his meditation.

Before she got on the plane, Melinda came up with a smile: "Sir, I have good news to tell you..."

The pure swan like Gulfstream No.1 crossed the sky, and the rainstorm in Los Angeles did not dispel his inner joy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!