Chapter 707

IBM, later known as the blue giant.

Although for some time, IBM was almost overwhelmed by its huge system and bloated body, it survived and became more and more powerful.

Maybe some people will sing down IBM and say that HP, Microsoft and Intel are the mainstream in the future.

Maybe even Association will be mentioned.

Li Zitao can only say that what they see is the surface. IBM, which is really hiding in the water, is still a formidable deep-sea giant.

In the cutting-edge fields of national defense, military, research and experiment, IBM firmly controls these markets.

Create PC concept, standard and server.

IBM is incomparable in technology research and development. Its huge R & D team can create 20000 + new patents for it every year.

Its patents are more than the total of the top 11 IT companies, including HP, Intel, sun, Microsoft, Dell, etc.

Perhaps many people do not have a clear concept, so let's talk about the grounding gas.

What would happen if IBM and the products he developed and mastered disappeared?

That is, you'll find that all the ATMs, supermarket radios, gas stations, hospital systems, etc., are gone.

The next day you'll find that the banking system is closed, businesses are on holiday, all research projects are suspended, networks are down, universities are listening

Because these are closely related to life, and the most basic components supporting these systems are all provided by IBM.

People in the IT industry know that as long as you come from IBM, there will be people rushing for it no matter where you go.

The so-called top ten of IT industry, they provide services for the people and enterprises, while IBM provides services for them. It is the existence at the top of the it food chain.

Of course, this is not to say that IBM can dictate to other companies.

It should be said that they reach a balance, IBM firmly controls the cutting-edge market, so its personnel transfer, news and so on rarely appear in the media.

Other IT industries sell mainly to the public, which naturally receives more attention.

It's just like in front of the stage and behind the scenes. People always pay attention to the dazzling stars on the stage, but it's hard to imagine what a huge team is supporting behind the scenes.

"Lawrence, I'm interested in a new company you've invested in." Heaven sent it to his mouth, and Li Zitao naturally wanted to bite him hard.

Knowing that he wanted to increase his investment in IBM, although Lawrence didn't understand the reason, he still readily agreed.

Looking back on Li Zitao's journey from becoming a rich man to now, many people seem to have made stupid and blind decisions at that time. In the end, they were slapped in the face.

At first, no one paid attention to it. Oscar, which only regarded it as an award platform, has begun to exert its influence in Hollywood and the film and television industry.

The public began to regard the Oscar standard as a "guide to film watching", and many actors and directors also regarded it as the recognition and grading standard of their own achievements.

A director or actor who can win an Oscar will be paid three to five times after winning the award, even for those nominated.

The most ironic thing is that Li Zitao bought a lot of "abandoned" land from jp. Morgan, and the black gold buried in the "waste land" is worth hundreds of billions.

In the international R & D center of skunk factory, which is eye-catching in the arms manufacturing industry, Osborne advanced medical laboratory of penicillin was invented.

The underground of the Los Angeles blockhouse division is officially named stark weapons research laboratory. These forward-looking layout makes him a favorite of the times.

What's more, the silver that shocked Wall Street, even the old-fashioned consortium family didn't receive any news, and how did he predict the dynamics of Roosevelt.

Li Zitao made more than $1 billion in the two month deal.

No organization, not even the country, can regard it as a small sum of money.

One billion dollars is enough to buy half of Africa in terms of value alone.

As for how he did it, Lawrence did not believe that Roosevelt would be so kind as to remind him that he was not so stupid as president.

Based on these information, Lawrence comes to a conclusion that any industry that Li Zitao pays attention to will surprise people.

Lawrence called it Charlie's law.

For example, Wells Fargo suddenly invested in a Los Angeles news group company, and arc news got his special attention.

However, at the present level of Lanc, the possibility that Lawrence can intervene is very low.

So he focused on basic manufacturing and invested in several small companies that could produce TV accessories and master advanced or breakthrough technologies.

The investment of TV industry is not enough, but because it is in the imperfection of development, there will be "innovative technology" every day.A small progress, the slight stability of frequency, the speed of transmission, the slight improvement of image quality or the change of appearance are all "innovative" breakthroughs.

After Lawrence's attention and support, and sending representatives to ensure that most of the funds will be used for research and development, the development of several companies shows a rocket like rise.

They have attracted arc's attention, but the two sides are still in initial contact. Whether they can attract arc's interest and acquisition depends on whether their technology is really useful or not.

Now, Li Zitao is turning to IBM again. What must be attracting it, or is he seeing the potential of this company that is different from ordinary people?

After the call, Lawrence sat in his Broadway office for a long time, and didn't call for his secretary until he was about to leave work.

"Help me contact Mr. Thomas J. Watson of IBM and say... I want to talk to him about the next step of cooperation." Lawrence grinned treacherously.

He couldn't wait to share the cake with lucky Charlie, but he didn't know how big it was to fill his stomach.

"Well? I'd like to think of a reason to impress Mr. Watson. IBM doesn't take much money now... " Lawrence frowned with a headache after the secretary left.

IBM's laboratory performance is amazing, and its card counting machines have accounted for 90% of the market share in North America.

Faster, better, and more reliable products than others gave them contracts for Roosevelt's new deal accounting programs in 34.

IBM has also been allocated a small portion of the cake of stimulating the market in Washington. It is difficult for IBM to achieve a controlling stake if it only uses money.

Unless Lawrence is willing to bid up the company's valuation, he may be able to impress his board members by buying IBM's shares at a price that seems "silly" to outsiders.

Lawrence hesitated to do so. He did not have Li Zitao's "memory" of knowing the future. Naturally, he would not know what the future giant blue would be.

No matter what kind of investment, in the end, it will be based on income. If the price it raises far exceeds the value of IBM.

He has really become a "silly fork." in the future, this label will always be on his forehead, making him a laughing stock in the investment industry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!