Chapter 753

Li Zitao has been devoting his energy to the war recently, making women complain a lot, even Aidan and Mason are also complaining.

The two kids are 4 years old and talk about a lot of problems every day, including the fact that their father is less and less home. It seems that Mary's preschool education is very successful.

"I'm going to Gangjiang to arrange the plane." After leaving the aegis Bureau, Li Zitao asked his new honey Amy to arrange the route.

It has been more than a year since we agreed to see Elena. We haven't heard from her recently, and Li Zitao's overseas call has not been answered.

If you don't go there again, maybe you will give up this stall in Gangjiang.

"Go to Beverly first." It will take some time to arrange the flight route and plane inspection. Li Zitao plans to visit Jiabao, Xu man and the children.

Garbo and her daughter, Lilith, had a quiet life, and no one came back to disturb them except for the occasional follow-up.

But it doesn't mean boring. Both Doris and Avril like to come to her and have afternoon tea. They often go out to sea together.

Every time west left the castle, he would stop here briefly to meet his precious granddaughters.

Xu man was very nervous when he first saw West, but he was soon regarded as a relative under the gentle and kind face of the old man.

People who lack love are always easy to be moved, which is hard to change. Fortunately, Li Zitao has the ability to protect their safety.

To say that these women, the most aggrieved is Bergman, alone in the United States, looking for a boyfriend can not see the light, and even meet him very little time.

What's even more depressing is that the media in the 1930s always liked to report endless stories about the super rich and their children.

Since the New York Times took a picture of Mary holding two children in front of her, the original two children were? This is the photo that replaced the number.

Oh, by the way, Doris is a frequent visitor.

The richest child of America, the third richest woman in the world, the successor of Duke family and the wife of Astor IV.

The combination of top wealth families, all of which are selling points.

So, as long as you open the newspaper recently, you can see Mary's gentle and elegant smile and two small figures on her shoulders.

This makes Bergman uncomfortable, why she doesn't have children.

But she can't blame anyone on this point. Every time Li Zitao comes, he will sow diligently. But what can he do if he doesn't sprout.

"I'll be back soon, baby. What do you want?" Holding Lilith to the door, the little guy is not very happy.

It was not easy to see my father, but only for a few minutes, even the interest in the gift was reduced a lot, and he looked depressed.

"Is the war in the Far East going on? You're not going there, are you? " Instead, Garbo was very concerned about his whereabouts, as if worried about something.

"No, I promise you." How cruel the war is, Li Zitao did not personally participate in, but he saw a lot of war movies.

It's not the kind of hand tearing devils and hiding thunder in the crotch. Most of them are classic American dramas and some documentaries, which have left a deep impression on him.

Although he is equivalent to having an immortal body, he is useless in the battlefield.

Shells falling from the sky, flying bullets, bouncing bullets in street battles, or patches and debris splashed by explosions, can all become lethal killers.

What survives in a large-scale war is not combat experience, but invisible luck.

Hearing his promise, Garbo relaxed her nervousness, stuck it on his face, kissed her, and took her daughter. She watched the car disappear around the corner.

Xu man now lives in Beverly, only a few hundred meters apart, and the car stops with one foot of the accelerator.

She looks good, and her daughter Jiaying is also very good. At 6 months old, she is full of curiosity about the world, lying in the crib and looking around.

"Will it be long?" Every woman is concerned about this, how long it will take.

"About 15 days, not too long." Li Zitao rubbed her hair and said with a smile.

"I want to go back to Vegas. It's so boring." Xu man put a leg to sit under the body, gently shaking the crib said.

"No problem, but children must be kept away from cigarettes and alcohol, not peppermint cigarettes." In other aspects, Li Zitao was not worried, but only tobacco and wine.

Alcohol is OK, menthol smoke to Xu man's attraction is amazing, is a smoker.

I haven't seen you for a long time. Naturally, the fertile soil is to be turned over. In addition, Baoman, a little resentful woman, has to postpone Li Zitao's travel plan for one day.

At the same time, Hans, who had arranged the "aid" supplies and equipment, returned to Fort Campbell again to continue his airborne division training.

Cross country with heavy load is the most basic training. After 12 miles of landing, the coordinates are determined. If you meet quickly and effectively, how can you break through the encirclement of the enemy and save your life.

Of course, these are all done in the imaginary scene, with exercises to deepen memory and enhance mutual cooperation.The advantage of this is that aegis special guards have new training and imaginary enemies.

Today, they will make their first parachute jump, and the destination is on the sea, because it is safer to parachute on the sea than on land.

There is no requirement for the first parachute jump. It is more to train soldiers' courage and let them have a more direct understanding of parachuting.

Looking at the soldier in front of him, Hans strode forward. "Soldier, do you want to break your head?"

He grabbed the rifle from his shoulder. Hans put it across the shoulder strap of the soldier. He said in a loud voice, "check all the equipment. Everything should be done according to the training requirements, unless you want to become a corpse when you land."

There are too many uncertainties in the process of airborne landing, especially in the battlefield. It is the elite among the elite who can land on both feet.

Generally speaking, it's either flat sand falling geese style, or being taken to turn a few somersaults on the ground, to a wonderful standard dog gnawing style.

Buzz -

the propeller came with the wind and saw the DC-4 landing and gliding. Hans said to the messenger next to him, "let's all board."

Hans had no time to waste. The army asked him to complete the training of two enhanced airborne divisions 40 years ago.

If all the soldiers trained are soft, his face and the signboard of the aegis Bureau will be smashed.

"Gogogo, grab your weapons, get your gear, Duman, where's your leg pack?" On the plane, there was another flurry.

"Sorry, sir." Duman quickly picked up the dropped leg bag.

Old Americans, who are naturally neurotic, tend to forget things and make mistakes, especially for a group of confused recruits.

For the United States, where even the air force belongs to the Navy, the concept of paratroopers seems a bit ahead of time.

As a result, the same question will be heard every time in the recruitment process: "paratroopers? What is that? "

To put it bluntly, so far, there are still many people who do not understand the situation and think that they are only coming to participate in the experimental training of a new branch of arms. , the fastest update of the webnovel!