Chapter 762

Seeing grace again, she is still so beautiful and young, and she exudes sunshine and self-confidence.

Simple white printed short sleeves, a pair of jeans, small white shoes, perfect set off her temperament and hip shape.

"How are you, baby?" Li Zitao patted the sofa beside him, indicating that she would sit here.

Sitting on the sofa with one leg folded, grace leaned back on his shoulder a little tired.

Recently, she is really exhausted. Her studies, family and performances occupy all her time, which makes her have no time to breathe.

"If you work hard, take a break." Li Zitao put his arm around her shoulder.

"No, I can hold on." Grace looked at him sideways and laughed as if she were happy.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Zitao handed her the hot tea.

"Mother and father were furious to know we were together." Grace sipped and couldn't stop laughing.

Grace can laugh all the time when she thinks of her parents' frenzy when she hears who her boyfriend is.

"Do you like to piss them off? Why? " Li Zitao doesn't quite understand. What's funny about this.

"Maybe it's because I'm too obedient." Grace raised her eyebrows and looked up haughtily.

"Rebellious bear child is to be treated, let Dr. Li come to show you and give you an injection." Taking the cup from her hand, grace runs to the room playfully.

"Idiot, that's the idea. The doctor is coming for an injection." Jumping over the sofa with his hands, Li Zitao rubbed his hands and walked into the room with a dirty expression.

And closed the door by the way.

The process of treatment is extremely fragrant and gorgeous, and 15 chapters are automatically omitted.


Hell kitchen.

Dewey, who looked much older, visited the land to be used for the school in the future, accompanied by engineer Burke.

"New York is a metropolis. We should consider the differences between different families and classes, and strictly check the admission of students. Dewey school is absolutely prohibited for anyone with a narrow sense of racial orientation. Here, add a science museum. We should learn from Los Angeles and give children more opportunities."

Dewey took the drawings and kept pointing around the building.

Every region has its own characteristics and differences, which can not be copied. Dewey should be a leader of education and a pathfinder, not an antique eliminated by history.

"Mr. Dewey, Mr. Li wants to subsidize for free the children who can't afford to study, including some of the residents who used to be here." EVA said in a voice.

Dewey frowned: "this is not good, their families are very chaotic, it will bring us management and security problems, affect the normal enrollment."

Who used to live in the hell kitchen? Criminals, drug dealers, women, thieves, murderers. This is the fertile land of crime.

Let these people's children come to school, do other families dare to send their children?

"So we're going to open two schools here, a Dewey Community College and a joint branch." EVA takes the document from the assistant and gives it to him.

Now she is also a secretary assistant. She is a new person transferred from the secretary room of the president to assist her work.

"Oh ~ ~ Li thought very thoughtful. We'll do this and cooperate with the Ministry of education. I hope there won't be too much trouble." Dewey frowned and said.

The Ministry of education is very troublesome. They are famous for being troublesome and picky, but they are not good at essential education.

Dewey was a little worried about whether those idiots would screw up.

America's truly top universities, all privately funded by the rich, are getting better and better with capital.

Rich people invest in education for the sake of fame and education for future generations. More importantly, they should attract more excellent talents to join the company and work for themselves.

Just like New York University and stern business school, it is the talent pool and cultivation center of Wall Street, 80% of which enter into Wall Street to work.

And its development is inseparable from the donation of Wall Street alumni, relying on financial funding, it can be closed for a long time.

Since its name was changed in 1924, Duke University has provided numerous talents for the Duke family, and has made great achievements in economics, chemistry, biomedicine, statistics and marketing.

Rockefeller donated to the University of Chicago and founded Rockefeller University.

Maybe many people don't know Rockefeller University, but it's very famous in the medical world. It was built to ensure the health of family members.

In this era of backward medical level, a small cough may lose his life, which is one of the reasons why Li Zitao will invest in Osborne.

For example, in Nantou, where Li Zitao studied before, the famous Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Chicago University, Columbia University, etc., are all private colleges and universities.

There are two main sources of income for them: high tuition fees and donations from alumni.Public schools, except UC and Berkeley, have failed.

Li Zitao founded the community school to facilitate management. The Ministry of education was not good at other aspects, but his ability to find fault was top-notch.

There must always be someone to be a villain in the school. This villain Li Zitao did not intend to do it, and he did not want to do it himself, so he had to aggrieve the people from the Ministry of education.

If there is any problem, please go to the person in charge of the Ministry of education to complain!

Give the trouble and entanglement to the Ministry of education, Dewey school people just need to focus on their own education, which is their greatest contribution.

"When the road is finished, it's the school. The rest is at the back." Li Zitao put the plan on the table and said, "are water, electricity and public transportation ready?"

"The line is being checked and replaced. Ace is communicating with the New York authorities." EVA handed him the relevant documents.

"Well, is Samuel in good health?" Looking through the documents, Li Zitao asked casually.

Samuel had a bad cold last month, and his physical function was reduced. Small problems can make him suffer a lot.

"Well, Mr. Samuel wants his son on the board." AVA had reported it before, and she was not sure if Li Zitao had read it.

"I have read the documents. Let him start from the middle level first." Although the other side graduated from Cambridge, but the first step to be a CEO, a bit big step.

"How is Mitsui bank developing?" After acquiring 10% of Mitsui bank's shares, Li Zitao sent sanier to Japan as a representative of the shares.

"Mitsui is expanding wildly. We have injected a total of 2 million yuan and increased our shareholding to 32 percent." Ava's hair was lifted at the temples, revealing a touch of mature charm.

As the second largest shareholder of Mitsui Group, Li has the preemptive right to issue bonds and additional shares.

Mitsui wants to stop Li's penetration, but he can't resist the strong capital operation.

Unless he gave up development and watched a large amount of wealth slip away from his eyes, he could only drink Li's poison one cup at a time, hoping that he could control the situation.

What's more, he has been put on the war carriage by the Madman of the military headquarters, and there is no place to run.

Tuan shanai's father, Tuan pondered over how he died. He was killed by the people of the military headquarters, and then swaggered away in the case of innocence in the court trial. , the fastest update of the webnovel!