Chapter 775


Times Square, New York.

Several civil liberties organizations are carrying out a large-scale propaganda in the street.

Representatives of the Congyuan Association, the Chinese Association, trade unions in Chinatowns, and the newly established committee on the abolition of the Anti China act

Tens of thousands of its members, based on Times Square, roam in the streets and give out leaflets to the people who come and go.

"To resist racial discrimination and oppression, to protest against the differential treatment of minorities, to be free and just..."

The propagandists in uniform red T-shirts, shouting slogans, holding huge signs, shouting slogans across the road to attract the attention of all around them.

"Get out of North America, you yellow pigs."

"Get out of here. This is not the place for you Smashers."

"It's time to send them back to their backward countries and let the Japanese beat their ass hard."

The vicious curses made the team a little turbulent. Some young people with high blood looked at those ugly faces with angry and hostile eyes.

"Don't be impulsive. Keep calm. Don't worry about what they say. We should strive for our own rights and freedom.

the first thing to do is to respect the law and believe in the law. They can only represent a small number of people, not the United States. We should firmly believe that our actions are meaningful..."

The leader held up the oval horn and let out a shout to pacify the feelings of the compatriots.

Why the minority nationality will be more and more excluded, even no one to sympathize with them, self abandonment is the most critical factor.

Italian and Irish gangs are potential threats to the security risks of the United States.

Chinese people have mental problems. They only work every day and are satisfied with some money, making it more and more difficult to find jobs.

Bullying them will only complain, never know how to use the law or resist.

The German people are serious and always like to "be more serious" and simplify the original complicated things. If they have nothing to do, they are also rubbish.

Black people are lazy and unwilling to be enterprising. Instead, they learn from the Mafia and set up gangs. They should be beaten back to slavery

These inherent images have been applied to a small number of people over the years.

What's more, 90% of the minority nationalities agree with the "inherent image" imposed on them by others

If the imperceptible influence continues, it will only make the minority more and more unpopular, and eventually completely "isolate" in their own world.

Other people treat you as shit, but you can't really do it.

That will only make those who look up to you completely disappointed and stay away from you.

By that time, even if you're not shit, you can't change it.

While others can't control it, the Chinese themselves want to start to change, starting with the Anti China act, which has the most extensive and profound impact.

From the "comfortable and familiar" environment, the Chinatown came out to the street to express their ideas and appeal to the government to treat them fairly and fairly.

Such changes can not be achieved in one cluster. The demonstration and publicity campaign took eight months from preparation to implementation.

Many people have made great efforts to this end. The two largest Chinese organizations in North America, the China society and the cognate Association, are the organizers of the "China Exclusion Act repeal Committee.".

The man standing behind the Committee on the abolition of the Anti China act speaks for itself.

The abolition of the "Anti China act" was not a whim of Li Zitao. He had such an idea a long time ago.

However, it has always been felt that the time has not come.

Now, with the emergence of the symptoms of World War II and Japan's expansion in East Asia, he has also waited for the right opportunity to publicize the evil of the United States with the "Anti China act".

At this time, the United States, a little bit of "chicken dog Contention" flavor.

Black movement, feminist movement, anti war isolationism movement and Chinese movement.

All kinds of humanitarians have disclosed the cruel fact that Japan and Italy used unconventional weapons in the battlefield and flagrantly violated international regulations.

In this case, people ushered in 38 years of Christmas.

The more tense the situation is, the more difficult life is, the more people cherish the short happy time of the festival.

The dream castle, which has been vacant for more than half a year, has also ushered in a day of lights and decorations.

The servants hung up the colored lights with joy on their faces and cleaned up the room, waiting for the arrival of the castle master's family.

This year's Christmas is also very busy.

Since 36 years ago, the Li family's Christmas has become more and more like the "core" private party of club 22.

It is said that the invitation card of the castle Christmas day has been fried to $2000 a piece on the black market, which makes people who have heard of it secretly speechless.

"How many invitations have we sent out this year?" From the tree lined driveway to the castle, Li Zitao looked out of the window at the gardener.

The castle without master always gives people the illusion of desolation. Everyone who works here is very happy to see the master come back."96, boss. The list is set by the lady herself." Amy did not want to say, these important things are about to be engraved into his head.

"Where are the old Huang and his wife?" Li Zitao plans to expand the party this year.

Things in New York are getting busier and busier. Before long, his time will be more tense. Many people will meet him while there is still a chance.

Being able to receive Li Zitao's personal invitation is to respect and convey an attitude or signal to the outside world.

As an "old minister" fighting with Li Zitao, he will never forget Lao Huang's contribution.

"Yes, there are several military generals, chief of staff, Secretary of the Treasury, FBI Los Angeles director, Mr. Purvis, CEO of each group."

Amy takes out the notebook with elegant actions, which is full of bookmarks of various colors, and opens the red marked page and puts it in front of him.

After scanning the list, Li Zitao nodded and the car stopped in front of the castle gate.

Two little guys in the front of the car have been running to the castle like the wind. They have many good memories in this castle.

The important thing is that the castle is big enough, full of surprises and gifts.

Before returning, the couple had asked the housekeeper to decorate all kinds of small gifts in the castle, just to give the children a surprise night.

"Sir, Madame." Hogg, the housekeeper, looked a little more changed.

Well dressed, all over the body exudes a breath of "precision", as if yesterday reappeared.

"Hogg, are you thinking about retirement? I'll have a beach villa for you, where you can fish, go out to sea and enjoy the beautiful sunset. "

Over the years, his family has been in good order. No matter what Li Zitao or Mary told us, there has never been a mistake. Old Hogg has made great contributions.

"I am considering a new housekeeper. If the master and his wife don't mind, I will leave after he is qualified." Hogg smiles and bows his head.

"Of course, we want you to be here all the time, but it's not fair to you. Trust me, Hogg, you'll have a happy old age." , the fastest update of the webnovel!