Chapter 784

The sky is bright.

It's a fine day in New York today. God is very proud.

Elena, who was sleepless at night, had a good sleep after the sun rose, and did not open her eyes until noon.

"Good afternoon, honey. Our little guy is a little too active." Li Zitao sat by the bed, caressing her round stomach with his hand and laughing.

"As energetic as his father is!" Elena smiles with a pun.

Let people serve her to get up, eat the hotel carefully prepared pregnant women's meal, and then drink a glass of refreshing wine, two people this change clothes to go out.

The Argus H1 team headed for the upper east side and soon stopped in front of the third floor.

In front of the door is about 6 square meters of grass. The red brick "fence" is used to prevent outsiders from entering. The wine red double door is tightly closed.

"Open the door." Li Zitao, with a top hat, carries Elena into the room, accompanied by Amy and the bodyguard.

Just entered the door is a porch, put delicate cabinet and soft sofa, used to store shoes, put some sundries, let people have comfortable place to do when changing shoes.

Then go inside. On the right is the living room, which covers an area of about 100 square meters. There are custom-made furniture everywhere. The floor is covered with handmade carpets from Persia.

There are two rooms on the opposite side of the door. One is a washroom and the other is a clothes drying room.

On the left is the ascending stairs. Behind the corner of the stairs, which is the left side of the room, are the dining room and open kitchen.

Upstairs is the master room, flower room, study, conversation room, cloakroom and bathroom, the overall mahogany binding decoration style, Elena is very satisfied.

"If you like it, it will be your home in the future." Seeing Elena's joy, Li Zitao hugged her and kissed her.

"It's great. Look, you can see the park from here." Elena stood in front of the window and said excitedly, pointing to the park outside the window.

The view of this single family is very good, South is the back garden of the neighbor's house, the sun is beautiful, three faces the lawn flower sea, let a person relaxed and happy.

"That's it. I'll get you some experienced servants." Li Zitao is going to ask FIA's mother, phyllanthis, to come from Los Angeles to help.

Xiangzi is a good candidate, but Jiabao should be accompanied by others, and Li Zitao is not easy to win people's love.

"What do you think, McGill D. Charlie Sasson?" Elena asked, leaning in his arms.

"Very good. What if it's a girl?" Li Zitao asked with a smile.

"I had a hunch that he would be a boy!" Elena said confidently.

I don't know where she got so many premonitions. Last time Li Zitao left Gangjiang, she said she had a premonition, and then she was really pregnant.

Now there's a hunch. Where does she hide the crystal ball and Tarot?


Settle down Elena. Li Zitao has to leave first.

Mayor Ferrero Guardia's secretary and the Secretary's office for several days in a row, were pushed by the secretaries to Li Zitao very busy.

Who knows that the other party's idea of meeting is very persistent, or every day the phone call, said they want to meet Li Zitao.

For the sake of this, Li Zitao could not avoid seeing him again. He made an appointment with him in the cloud map Cafe downstairs of Rockefeller Center.

Here is a collection of books, light music and hand-made coffee, quite a style of coffee shop, its owner Li Zitao also know, Morina Moore.

With the help of West, Morina's father's slaughterhouse joined Lee's and Jonathan's "slaughtering alliance" to supply canned meat for the U.S. Army.

Don't think this is a single deal. As one of the strategic materials, there will be a reserve of food procurement every year, which is the problem of how much.

When the Moore family's crisis is over, Morina no longer needs to worry about her life, and because of this, she also gets an interest free business loan from her father.

Perhaps it is the common fault of literary and art girls. With a huge sum of $50000 that can do countless things, Morina opened a very high-quality coffee shop in Rockefeller Center.

From the interior pattern to the decoration, and then to the placement and layout of various furniture, style, all by her hand.

The whole Cafe gives people a feeling of quiet, open-minded, with a languid and relaxed light scholarly atmosphere, which is very high.

Li Zitao liked this place very much. After discovering it for the first time, he became a frequent visitor here.

"Morina." Let the bodyguard wait in the car, Li Zitao opened the door and walked in alone.

In the space cut by bamboo and rattan, there are three or five guests with a newspaper, magazine or book in their hands, and a cup of warm coffee in front of them.

As soon as he came in, he let people relax. It seemed that all the external disturbances had nothing to do with it. Li Zi Tao thought that "the land outside the world" was more suitable for its name.

"What to drink?" Morina is in the bar sorting coffee beans, she spends a lot of time every day in the selection of coffee beans, research how to make better coffee.

"The same as before." Li said softly.Sitting in front of the bar, smelling the mixed but pleasant smell of coffee in the house, Li Zitao suddenly wanted to find a place to sleep. "It must be very comfortable to sleep here."


When the wind rings, Ferrero Guardia, in a suit and a smile on his face, walks in. His secretary and bodyguard are stopped outside by Dani.

As a member of Li Zitao's side, he is very clear that the boss doesn't like to be disturbed at this time, and he can't go in. Why do these two goons get in?

"Charlie." Ferrero raised his hand and wanted to say hello to him in a warm and high tone. When he opened his mouth, he didn't consciously lower his voice.

The soft music, the rustling sound when opening a book, and the jingle of the cup and saucer when they collide are all so soft and beautiful.

"What to drink?" Morrina nodded to frello.

"Just like him." Ferrero pointed to Li Zitao beside her. Morina lowered her head and continued to grind the coffee beans.

"Frello, what makes you so anxious?" Li Zi Tao propped his chin with his hand and asked lazily that he would be drowsy.

"It's something." First she looks at Morina and finds her head bent over her coffee and says, "I need your help, friend."

"Talk about it." Li Zitao is a person who likes to help others.

"Nychurch + hospitals, we want to work with Osborne. HH is the earliest and largest public institution in the United States,

it focuses on medical academic and research and cultivates excellent medical talents for the United States. HH is responsible for treating 90% of the middle-class and poor people in New York.

but due to financial constraints, HH is going the wrong way and going in the wrong direction Interested in sponsorship? "

Nyc-hh, an organization Li Zitao knows, has a good reputation in New York.

As frello said, the poor in New York have basically received its help. In Li's opinion, its fees are really cheap and there are various kinds of government funding support.

But for the poor, a few hundred dollars in health care could ruin them.

HH charges more and more because of its own operating difficulties.

Compared with the beginning of its establishment, now its cost has increased by more than 200 times, which makes me feel terrible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!