Chapter 794

This was true of the dwarfs at this time. Although the two sides reached a "friendly" agreement, both sides had the intention to move towards "peace", but the Soviet Union delayed signing the agreement for political reasons.

Moscow can afford to drag on, but Berlin, which is ready to mobilize for the war against Poland, can't wait.

After many attempts by the dwarfs, Britain and France refused to make concessions in Poland.

Once the war begins, and Germany and the Soviet Union do not reach an agreement, then Britain and France are likely to be forced to go to war with Germany under pressure and the initiative of the Soviet Union.

At that time, the trend of the war will be unfavorable to Germany, which is what the dwarfs have to worry about, and it is also one of the important factors for the emergence of the Soviet German non aggression agreement.

The Soviet side finally submitted a draft non aggression treaty to the German ambassador in Moscow.

However, when the ambassador proposed an attempt to visit Moscow as soon as possible by the German foreign minister, the other side politely refused his request.

Four days later, the time is getting more and more tense. At this moment, the dwarf decides to make some changes.

At this time, he put down his airs and decided to directly communicate with the supreme leader of the Soviet Union, and personally requested that he, the "dictator" of the Soviet Union, which he had always denounced and cursed for a long time, immediately allow his foreign minister, libentrop, to go to Moscow.

In the telegram, signed directly to Stalin by the dwarf, he said: "I sincerely welcome the signing of the new German Soviet agreement, which will be the first and important step in improving German Soviet relations.

The conclusion of a non aggression treaty with the Soviet Union means, for me, the establishment of Germany's long-term policy, from which Germany will resume the policy guidelines that were beneficial to both our countries... "

At the end of the telegram, the dwarf also pointed out that he accepted the draft non aggression treaty and hoped that a full-time responsible German politician would come to Moscow to negotiate in person.

Naturally, this refers to his foreign minister, Mr. libentrop, and also points out that in view of the current international situation, he can stay in Moscow for up to two days.

After the telegram was sent, the spirit of the dwarf has been in a state of tension, and even insomnia.

Later that night, he called his confidant Goering to talk about the content of the telegram and how the Soviet side would react to his telegram.

Until 9:28 p.m. on the 21st, he received the exact reply from the Soviet side that he agreed to visit Moscow on the 23rd, and the stone in the dwarf's heart suddenly fell.

Frequent exchanges between Moscow and Berlin have not been exposed to the eyes of western countries due to strict confidentiality.

The same was true of libentrop, who was taken to the Kremlin the first time he arrived in Moscow.

Both sides had a cold discussion and agreement on the text of the agreement. The atmosphere of the meeting was far from friendly, and even the air seemed to be about to condense.

The assistant who accompanied the German foreign minister to record the meeting wrote: "libentrop himself added an important speech on the friendly relations between Germany and the Soviet Union in his foreword, which was opposed by Stalin.

He said that the Soviet government could not suddenly bring a declaration of German Soviet friendship to the public after being unilaterally dumped with dirty water and feces by NC for six years... "

Both the participants and the dwarfs waiting for the news clearly understood that the Soviet German non aggression treaty was only an expedient measure.

Without friendly declaration and hypocritical attitude, the war between them will be inevitable.


When the Soviet German non aggression agreement was officially signed and announced, the whole world was in a state of uproar.

The "Munich front", which Chamberlain was trying to maintain, was smashed.

The attempt of Britain and France to tempt and entice Germany to wage war against the Soviet Union failed.

At the same time, this agreement also declared the complete breakdown of the tripartite talks between Britain, France and the Soviet Union.

Compared with the concerns of the government, the British and French people are full of funny sense of loss. Just yesterday, they thought that Britain, France and the Soviet Union were about to reach a cooperation to jointly fight against NC.

When you wake up, your perception of the world changes dramatically.

The two least likely to make peace with each other and reach a non aggression agreement against different countries that have been holding different forms for six years.

Whether there are other secret subsidiary agreements behind this agreement is unknown to the outside world.

But the signing of this agreement has made the Dwarfs' allies very angry.

Mussolini and Franco publicly expressed their negative attitude towards the agreement, and the treaty hit Tokyo even harder.

At this time, Tokyo had already begun to fight the Soviet side on the border of China and Mongolia. It is reported that before that, the Japanese side had sent a note to the dwarfs, who would "push forward" the war in August.

But it was at this time that the ally of dwarfs stabbed them in the back, and the cabinet of Hiranuma of Japan collapsed.

In fact, the Soviet German non aggression agreement not only affects the Soviet Union and Germany itself, but also has a profound impact on the axis countries and the world pattern.

The appearance of the treaty ensured the security of the Soviet Union's western border at least in writing, and enhanced the pressure on Japan from the eastern border.The failure of the ongoing battle of Nomenkan is also linked to changes in Europe.

The process of reaching a non aggression agreement between the Soviet Union and Germany must take a long time from the outside world, and in fact, it is also related.

The dwarfs, eager to reach an agreement with the Soviet Union, let the Soviet side see the opportunity.

No threat from the West and the impact on the unification of the FXS alliance after the improvement of the Soviet German relations are beneficial to the Soviet Union.

When the dwarfs exposed their inner thoughts, the Soviet Far East was ready for a major counter offensive.

The general staff of the Soviet Union set the counter offensive time in the early hours of the 20th. According to the Convention, half of the officers in the front line of the Japanese army had to take a vacation in rotation on that day.

In order to ensure that the information will not be leaked, the order of the General Staff Department was transmitted to the front line at 2:00 a.m.

In the early morning, the Soviet Army dispatched three infantry divisions, two cavalry divisions, five armored divisions, one machine gun brigade, one Airborne Brigade, and more than 500 aircraft and 200 artillery units to carry out a fierce attack.

Although the Japanese army did not have a tank at that time, it was heavily bombed by the Soviet army with thousands of tons of shells, but there was no fear.

The civil fortifications built on the wilderness of northern Mongolia were quickly razed to the ground by the Soviet army. Relying on individual soldiers, the Japanese army dug simple bunkers with engineering shovels to continue their operations.

The war lasted for four days. On the 24th, the Japanese army was able to organize troops to fight back. More than 3000 reinforcements without artillery cover were not blocked in front of barbed wire and field fortifications, and were severely attacked by the Soviet army.

With rifles and machine guns against cannons and tanks, the war situation turned upside down, but the Soviet army was shocked by the madness of the Japanese army.

When the Soviet and German sides announced that they had reached a "mutual non aggression agreement", the Japanese army was being encircled and annihilated by the Soviet army.

This news greatly encouraged the momentum of the Soviet Army on the front line, but also let the momentum of the Japanese army decline, but it became more crazy in the battle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!