Chapter 803

The next day.

From the beginning of the morning, Coser was in a bad mood.

The whole sky is gray, drizzle of the next endless, so that the street outside into a pool.

This means that he has to walk on the dirty and muddy road to the station, get on the tram full of damp and rotten mixed with rain and sweat, and then dribble all the way to the office.

"This damned weather!" Most of the weather in New York is very good, but occasionally I will play small, just like a girl who is arrogant in adolescence.

He put on his wife's suit, which he had ironed and hung up, tied his tie, picked up his bag and came to the door. He lifted the coat on the hook of the wall and put it in his arm. Coser quietly opened the door.

He didn't want to wake his sleeping wife and daughter, who should have a good weekend.

If it wasn't for a big case waiting for him recently, Coser would be happy to stay at home and spend a wonderful holiday with them.

It's a great pleasure to mention that Coser's face is full of pride. She was admitted to Columbia Law School with her excellent results.

In the future, she will become an excellent prosecutor, even surpass him, enter the Department of justice, and enter the White House...

Coser's eyes present beautiful visions. Although these are difficult to achieve, they do not prevent him from thinking so.

The only thing that's hard to do is that tuition fees are not easy for their families.

As a federal prosecutor, Coser's salary is not as impressive as it seems to the outside world, and they don't even earn as much as some good salesmen do.

This is what Mrs. Coser complained most about. She worked hard and dangerous work and dealt with various criminals and cases every day, but she got the lowest salary.

But everyone always insists on something. Someone has to do something for the world to make it better, isn't it?

Yes, Coser thinks he's that kind of person, and he does the same.

No matter who he is or what big man is standing behind him, he does not want to make him compromise. In a case half a year ago, the other party even asked the judicial assistant to intercede.

Coser just gave him two words: "no way!"

And the teacher whom he once respected and went all the way to the supreme law was very happy to see him again.

But I didn't expect that even he had become a capital...

as Coser thought, there were splashing mud flowers all over the road, and his clean and flat trouser legs washed by his wife turned into a local dog after rolling in the mud.

"Sir Coser, here's your mail!" As soon as he walked into the office, Coser stamped his feet vigorously, shook off some mud spots, and took the mail from the typist's hand.

"Thank you." After saying something casually, Coser went back to the office with her bag and mail.

With his coat on the back of the chair, Coser sat in his long armchair, and his bag was close to the table next to his leg, so he opened the mail in no hurry.

The sign on the outside of the letter paper made Coser look stunned. It was the logo of Columbia University. That's right. "Is there any news about that?"

At the thought of this, Coser opened the letter at a faster speed, and the head of the letter read: "Dear Mr. Arthur Coser, this is the University Office of Columbia University:

we are sorry to inform you that your daughter may lose the opportunity to study in our university due to the enrollment quota and the principle of selective admission..."

Coser put his hand on the corner of his mouth, his eyes twinkled and looked at the message on the letter paper. They even wanted to kick their daughter out of the admission list.

Quota? The best?

Coser seemed to think of something. Someone was playing tricks. Who was it?

A smiling face, the iconic smile and his wife, as well as the story of a minority, who rose to be a new generation of crocodiles in just a few years, made him hard to be forgotten.

Keng Keng!

The knock on the door interrupted Coser's thinking, folded the letter again, nodded to the assistant outside the glass door, motioning for the other party to come in.

"Prosecutor Coser, the restaurant called just now to say that your appointment has been cancelled." The assistant's face was puzzled.

As a district attorney, especially in the cosmopolitan city of New York, Coser's identity is not a small fish.

Even the famous shiltsr restaurant shouldn't do this... Unless for some special reason.

"OK, I see." With earlier news, he could not be surprised that restaurant appointments were made fun of.

But prosecutor Coser obviously underestimated someone's influence.

Soon, a series of troubles came in succession, and his family life was completely in trouble.

First, the family's housing loan was told to repay ahead of time, and then there was a phone call from the student fund. For some reasons, the money may not be withdrawn in time.

He's going to lose his fortune.

But the answer was, "we are willing to bear the loss caused by our company and compensate your family, but it will take time.""How long?" Coser's face was as rusty as iron.

"About six to eight months, we'll treat you again..."

"I'll go to your fuck, ah, ah..." Coser slammed the microphone on the table, and the noise made it quiet outside the office.

It's less than four months before his daughter starts school, and before that, he needs to complete some procedures and pay for accommodation and other expenses in advance.

The difficulties of Columbia Law School have not been solved. In order to insist on it, Coser even decided to change her daughter to another school.

But if she can't get the grant in time, her daughter will lose all her options and go to the garbage school that only stupid pigs go to.

There are also housing loans that need to be returned in advance. The other party would rather bear the default for the reason of internal business adjustment.

Coser's wife called. She was dismissed on the spot because she had a cup of instant coffee she had brought with her during office hours and was accused of disrespect for the company's culture.

Worse still, their credit cards have been frozen, not only from the koshers, but also from their relatives, friends and even familiar people.

Soon, the payment bills of the kosher family were filled with stools in front of the door. The legal pioneers of the past could no longer straighten their back and sit on the sofa for a long time without saying a word.


At the same time, Li Zitao was in the Jinjiang Hotel in Chinatown to meet with a representative from Abe's cabinet, Matsushita Zhuo.

"Mr. Li, I've heard about you for a long time in the Far East. It's a great honor to meet you today. Please allow me to express my sincere greetings on behalf of your excellency Abe!"

Matsushita's Chinese is very good. There's no one who can't understand it.


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