Chapter 806

Dream kingdom, after losing Disney and its name, has a feeling of walking into a dead end.

Whether it is the cooperation with the real estate developers, or the promotion of new cartoon characters, the film will have inexplicable resistance when it is released.

It's like there's a big invisible hand, constantly looking for trouble.

Li Zitao attributed this to "fate". Although this thing is illusory, no one wants to prove its existence.

But since he can all come to this world from the earth, what is fate?

If we talk about fate, luck and so on, he should be tens or hundreds of times better than Disney.

"Without butcher Zhang, I have to eat pig with fur?" Murmuring in his heart, Li Zitao decided to leave the "dream kingdom" to Vita special effects.

What's more, Howard will get his support and push it forward.

It's not just his passion for animation that matters.

There is a saying called: Wang Po sells melons and boasts!

It sounds full of ridicule, but Li Zi Tao feels that if you want to succeed, everyone has to learn to be a "Wang Po."

The age when wine is not afraid of deep alleys is being eliminated, especially in the future!

Behind every success, there is a huge and rigorous team in silent pay for it, after countless possible calculations, standby, emergency plans and so on.

Accidental success exists, but it also has the characteristics of non continuity and non replication.

If you want to continue to succeed, you can only be forgotten by chance.

It's easy to make the name of Disney come back to mind. It's just a matter of putting his success back in front of everyone.

As a result, the Steamboat Willie, which had already been out of the film, was once again put on the screens everywhere, and the past of the disappeared Mr. Disney also appeared in the newspapers.

The talent and success of "Disney" were highly praised. Finally, it seemed that "Disney" had been owned by DreamWorks.

The effect of the publicity was remarkable, and soon the discussion of Disney animation reappeared in the streets of Hollywood.

People, especially children, are not bored with the love of animation.

A Steamboat Willie, they can read it dozens of times without getting bored, as long as economic conditions permit.

Animated and live action versions of snow white have also been brought back to the screen.

At the time of war, people were panicked and the atmosphere was oppressive every day.

The reappearance of animation makes people forget their troubles and immerse themselves in the funny, simple and straightforward animation world.

"Los Angeles Times", "Tribune", "briefing", "Hollywood daily" and so on, are tracking the resurgence of animation.

In just a few days, the entire United States seems to be completely conquered by animation.

It was at this time that DreamWorks Animation Studio launched a new animated character, Winnie the Pooh.

Simple, honest, considerate, greedy and cute, Winnie the Pooh is loved by the public as soon as it is launched when it is shrouded in wars and lies.

Both women and children fall in love with this stupid but kind bear.


December 25, 1939.

The Christmas party was held at dreamcastle, at the end of Highway 1, with more people than last year.

Moreover, there are also many guests from other countries on the other side of the ocean this year.

The situation in Europe is becoming more and more serious. In the non aggression treaty signed by Germany and the Soviet Union, there is a secret agreement, that is, the two countries divide their spheres of influence among the Eastern European countries, and Finland is divided into the Soviet Union.

Since October this year, the Soviet Union has urgently called the Finnish ambassador to Moscow for a meeting and put forward a series of demanding territorial partition requirements.

One of the most controversial is the Hanko peninsula. As a natural defense against the Soviet Union, Moscow wanted to divide it into its own territory, which made Finland suspicious.

They began to suspect that this was a Soviet plot to annex Finland. If the Hanko peninsula was handed over, they would lose the ability to block the Soviet army.

The Finnish government strongly rejected the demands of the Soviet Union, which also led to the recent "manilla incident" and developed into a "winter war" at the present stage

On November 30, the Soviet Union officially declared war on Finland, causing worldwide uproar.

The League of nations, in name only but in name, is making its final performance. On December 14, a general meeting was held and a resolution was passed to expel the Soviet Union.

However, such a move did not hurt the Soviet Union. The hostility and incompetence of western countries were undoubtedly exposed in several provocations by Germany.

In Britain, France and other countries, there were statements of declaring war on the Soviet Union, which made entrepreneurs in the two countries more and more uneasy.

At this time, the CEO of Royal Dutch Shell from the UK was eager to meet Li Zitao.The atmosphere of declaring war on the Soviet Union in Britain was getting higher and higher. People took to the streets and called for fighting for "freedom and democracy".

But at the same time, Britain and France have officially declared war on Germany, and large-scale war may break out at any time.

This also made the price of war supplies soar, but it was at this point that shell's biggest supplier had problems.

The crude oil orders of Mobil need to be reconsidered and adjusted due to the war factors, which may cause the Dutch Shell, which carries out strategic reserves, into a bad state.

When the three armies have not moved, grain and forage go ahead.

If Britain, France and other countries really start a war against the Soviet Union and Germany at the same time, the existing crude oil reserves of Dutch Shell are far from enough.

Whether it's cars on the ground, airplanes in the sky, or ships and submarines in the sea, they can't do without the supply of gasoline.

Moreover, shell received news that Mobil intends to reduce crude oil supply orders from Europe, carry out strategic reserves and increase support for the Far East.

On the other hand, Washington expressed strong dissatisfaction with Japan's behavior of harming the interests of the United States in the Far East. At the same time, it decided to reach an agreement with China to support Japan in launching an all-round war of resistance.

Since April this year, the Washington government has provided China with us $60 million in military supplies and $100 million in interest free loans. And President Roosevelt himself announced that the aid is only the beginning. If Japan does not stop its cruel aggression, it will increase its support to China in the future.

The tendency of Washington and the president's speech to the outside world worried Britain and shell.

Once Mobil increases its investment in the Far East and increases its domestic war reserves, the crude oil that can be left to them will be greatly reduced.

This is extremely unfavorable to Britain, France and other countries that are about to wage a large-scale war.

Mobil holds more than half of the world's crude oil market, and in some ways it is even more important than some small countries.

Because of this, the CEO of shell in Holland will try his best to entrust a friend to get him an invitation and travel across the ocean to participate in this lively dance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!