Chapter 808

Sekus wants to change Li Zitao's idea of supporting the Far East and attach importance to the European war and market, which is also at war and continues to spread.

Li Zitao felt embarrassed and rubbed his chin with his hand and said, "sekus, it is the decision of Washington to support the Far East against Japan. Besides, it is my hometown.

it will not do any good to me or Mobil. So why do I have to do this?"

"You'll get the friendship between the Samuel family and the shell board... At the same time, we're ready to formally invite Mobil to the shell board."

Sekus deliberately pauses to accentuate the word "mobile" and looks at Li Zitao's eyes with a glimmer of vigilance.

The board of directors of shell unanimously agreed to let Mobil join the board of directors of shell instead of Li Zitao or his blue and white chamber of Commerce.

He is like a greedy leech. How many bank founders have been swept out when Li's holdings has developed to its present scale. I'm afraid he even forgot himself?

"Sekus, you've given me a problem!" Li Zitao's face was bitter and astringent.

"Charlie, you should think more about your friends. This is your home." Sekus stood up, pointed to the surrounding works of art and said: "look here, these are the most real and practical."

"I'll take it seriously, thank you." Li Zitao said with a long smile.


Two days later, at the Mobil shareholders' meeting, shell's supply contract was raised again, and the Samuel family did more than just him.

"Europe is closely related to the Americas. Our secondary supply contract with shell has just been concluded. If we suddenly go back on our word at this time, it will affect the reputation of Mobil."

"Reputation? What reputation does mobile need? We hold more than half of the world's oil supply, providing energy for many countries, thousands of factories and enterprises, millions of people's travel... Want a trophy? "

"Mobil is a huge multinational group, we need to consider all aspects of the impact... If we break the contract without reason, what will other companies and institutions think?

They will think that their "destiny" is in the hands of others, which is hard for anyone to accept. "

"We can take the opportunity to ask for... Seats on the board of directors, put our people in it, and have more voting rights."

There was a heated discussion, and the people who supported the contract and the development of the Far East market looked similar.

But when they argue, they actually focus on the first two.

Li Zitao's equity representative is rush and Rockefeller's equity representative is Elan stickenard.

"Cough, gentlemen." Out of respect for Elan, rush took the lead after smiling at him: "in fact, shell is willing to sell part of its shares and equity in exchange for the support of mobile.

however, the support for the Far East is jointly decided by Washington and Congress, which is related to the future development of the United States and its interests in the Far East, as well as our interests."

"Yes, fortunately ~ ~" Elan said with a smile: "just last night, we have reached a friendly agreement with Japan."

Glancing at the curious faces, Elan went on: "Osaka's oil reserve transfer center will be transferred to Mobil for operation from the near future.

the ports in Osaka Bay will be leased to us at the price of 51300 per year for ten years, on the condition that the share of oil supplied to Japan increases by 20000 barrels per month."

Seeing the crowd watching each other, they didn't mean to speak. Rush continued: "with Osaka's transit center, the reserve oil in the Persian Gulf will shift from here to Pearl and Vladivostok, which is more conducive to the development of the whole Far East."

"Supply oil to both belligerent and hostile countries at the same time... Will they agree?" Someone asked in disbelief.

"It's part of the deal, of course, so that Japan can get more energy for war, and the Germans have betrayed them anyway."

Rush jokingly said that if it wasn't for the dwarf who sold little Japan and made Japan give up the battle of expanding Nomenkan.

The hardline hawks in Japan's base camp are therefore frantically shouting "revenge, shame."

Others rushed to the door of the emperor's residence, tied with a white cloth on his head, grabbed a samurai knife and stabbed himself in the stomach, shouting, "long live the emperor, the great Japanese Empire will win!"

Nima, the emperor is scared to pee his pants!


Although there is a prerequisite for dwarfs to turn their backs first, the process of mobile acquiring the operation right of Osaka transit center is not as easy as imagined.

Representatives of the two sides held nine emergency talks within two days, and discussed and constrained the details of how to transfer the work and the operation direction after the transfer.

This was achieved by Li Zitao himself, coercion and inducement, positioning Mobil's main target market in the Soviet Union and the cooperation of Mitsui chaebols.

It's a purely commercial collaboration, although both sides know exactly what's going on.As for the oil supply to the Far East, Japan has set up strict audit terms and regulations.

Not only that, when oil entered the Pearl, but also accepted the inspection and unified scheduling of the puppet Wang government.

The famous "No.76 grotto" is in charge of receiving it.

Since the Pearl was captured by the Japanese, the puppet Wang government made preparations in accordance with the requirements and support of the Japanese, and all kinds of intelligence agencies and assassination organizations have become more and more unscrupulous.

At the present stage, the pearl can be said to be a mixture of good and bad people, and all kinds of ghosts and snakes have appeared, especially the No.76 intelligence agency of the puppet Wang government.

Killing Anti Japanese people, extorting businessmen and patriots, and making trouble to ordinary people, extortion and kidnapping are more common.

Mingzhu was originally the largest rice consumption and distribution center in China. With the Japanese occupation, rice grain began to be controlled.

At this time, the price of rice increased from 14 yuan per load to 45 yuan, and the soaring price made people miserable.

Moreover, half of the rice that Mingzhu people eat comes from Changshu and Taicang. This kind of rice is not easy to store for a long time. Only Siam rice from overseas can be stored for a long time.

Siam rice is also known as Thai fragrant rice. This kind of rice can survive for a long time after being baked by machines, and it has been robbed in the market.

The poor, who are starving and cold, have no choice but to take risks. They rob rice shops and grain trucks in groups, thus forming a unique "rice sweeping" landscape.

The rice grains scattered on the ground have become the target of many families who can't afford to buy food. They bend over with brooms and carefully look for the fallen rice grains on the road. The rice grains found are their dinner today.

The severe winter is a nightmare for the citizens of Mingzhu. When they wake up every morning, there will be people who turn into stiff bodies and leave forever.

In the streets and alleys, there are also people who rush to "collect" the corpses.

They searched for people who had been frozen to death, stripped everything they could use from bodies, patched clothes, broken shoes, broken straw mats or broken bowls.

No matter how broken and dirty, they will be taken away without hesitation, leaving only naked bodies and garbage. , the fastest update of the webnovel!