Chapter 813

From mechanics to electronics, miracle boy's source of inspiration, and how it was born in the laboratory.

Some unimportant data were printed, enlarged, and hung on the blackboard behind Lawrence and others for reporters to take pictures.

The most photographed one is the one at the start of LDY.

The instruments and wires were scattered all over the room. Carlos stood in the middle of the room, smiling and pointing to the instrument ahead.

"It uses more than 20000 electronic tubes, covers an area of 180 square meters and weighs 33 tons According to the experimental results, the number of operations per second is 1000 +! "

When Lawrence and Carles announced the news at the same time, the scene sounded a boiling "crash.".


"Intel's IBM, buy it, buy it all, duck, he's going to be rich again." Inside the JP. Morgan building on Wall Street, stock operators are frantically calling.

That posture is much more crazy than calling "Aidou" by later generations. The fluctuation of a decimal point represents the entry and exit of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of knives.

Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley and other giants are fighting for this feast.

It's a cross era invention, like the advent of the industrial age, and any force that tries to compete with it will eventually fall.

People don't care how long it takes to actually put it into use, how it is born and operated, and how it can represent earth shaking changes for the world.

All they need to know is that Intel's IBM is now the most popular "go GoBoy" in the United States, and it will explode the world as soon as it appears.

When Intel's IBM stock price soared to $83.1 a share, aegis suddenly surrounded the entire skunk International Experimental Center at night.

Some people heard the explosion that night, as well as the appearance of thick smoke, the scene of gunfire continued until midnight.

Soon, fire, police and the FBI came one after another to watch Intel's IBM, which had been burned to rubble.

Intel's IBM experimental center caught fire, the specific reason is being found out.


Intel's - IBM's share price went down like a roller coaster, and Thomas J. Watson was sent to hospital with a heart attack of anger, and other shareholders commented on it.

"If it's a conspiracy... The killers will be the thugs who hinder the development of the world. They don't deserve to live in this world."

After the announcement of the birth of LDY, Li Zitao, who made public his status as the largest shareholder, was rather humble and did not express any views on it.

However, the whole American black and white are moving.

From the judiciary to the FBI, to the police, to the fire, to the surveillance stations and thugs, to the well-informed intelligence dealers on the black market, they are all searching for the escaped man.

That night, Intel's IBM was sneaked in by two people, deliberately connecting the wrong line and causing a short circuit, causing the fire.

Everything in the laboratory disappeared in flames and arcs. One man was killed on the spot and his identity was confirmed.

Clark ed, who lives in the suburb of Los Angeles, has a farm at home, but the benefits are not so good. It's been a hard two years.

The FBI and aegis searched the farm and found many reports about Li Zitao.

These newspapers are all from a few years ago. In recent years, Li Zitao rarely appeared in public, and even if there were, he refused to cooperate with the photographers.

"Kill you..." the newspaper used red paint to write such slogans, one of which is a front photo of Li Zitao with a dagger.

And in his room, we found the clothes of the 3K party and various slogans.

These undoubtedly prove that this is an attack by a racist, an attack against minorities and a narrow "revenge."

The destruction of LDY has taken a heavy toll on Intel's IBM shares, but it is Wall Street speculators who are even crazier.

They watched Intel's IBM's share price soar from $11 at the time of initial purchase to $83.1 and then plummet.

"Boss, there are a lot of sales orders in the market. Shall we eat them?" Li Zitao and Jonathan are standing in the trading room at Wells Fargo headquarters.

"No, keep throwing. Let me know when you get the purchase price." Li said without hesitation.

In order to get Morgan Stanley, he had previously fed a large piece of fat into its mouth.

From the end of Intel's IBM's initial launch, he sold many shares in the market.

Selling at a high price and buying at a low price are normal for enterprises. Li Zitao's move is seen as an exchange for sufficient cash reserves.

After all, his love of cash flow is well known.

No one will not like cash, but like Li Zitao, he likes to reserve cash and mobilize hundreds of millions of dollars at any time.Not to mention in the United States, even in the world is rare.

When the good news came, Li Zitao began to sell on a small scale. He did not budge every day, about 15% of which was sold off, and his income was more than 40 million.

However, the subsequent "LDY" was burned down, and news of the loss of experimental data spread all over the streets. Rich countries also accelerated the selling, which seemed to be trying to speed up the exit.

Intel's IBM is dead, and international bears are selling and spreading rumors on the stock market.

Some people frequently called Wells Fargo and wanted to talk to Jonathan, but they were blocked by the secretary because they were busy.

"Charlie, my Secretary can't stop it." As Intel's IBM shares tumbled to $3.8 in two days, Jonathan was already in silence for Wall Street.

"Eat in." With a wave of his hand, Li Zitao decided not to wait any longer.

At this time, the overseas air bill should have ended. Compared with the income there, the income of North America is only a drop in the bucket.

"Lawrence, are you well?" Dial Lawrence's number and Li Zitao asks him to prepare for the new press conference.

The LDY was burned down, yes, but its next generation, the ldy-1, is in the basement of the skunk lab.

However, in order to ensure security, Intel's IBM decided not to disclose it to the public "temporarily" until the murderer was caught.

If this result is announced at this time, how can Li Zitao and Fuguo make money, and how can they swallow up the long coveted Stanley.

"Boss, we've eaten 72% of the total, and no one else on the market except Watson and other board members." The stock trader looked back at him.

"How much did we make?" Li Zitao wants to hear a pleasant number. According to his estimation in mind, the profit this time is not a small amount.

As soon as you sell and buy, all the losses will be borne by the "good guys" on Wall Street. The profits in stocks alone will exceed 200 million.

Overseas shell investment companies will earn 8-16 times of Intel's IBM's empty orders.

At the end of winter and early spring, Li Zitao had extra enrichment.

I don't know if other Wall Street colleagues are doing well or not, and thank him for the fire he injected into this boring winter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!